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Graphical Rating Scales

Presented by : Avishek Bhattacharjee

Roll No : 09/MBA/01
What is Graphical Rating Scale
 A graphic rating scale, defined as any rating scale consisting of points on a
continuum, is a generic label given to a broad category of rating formats
(Cascio, 1991).

 One of the most commonly used method of performance evaluation is the

graphic rating scale.

 It is also one of the oldest methods of evaluation in use. Under this method,
a printed form,is used to evaluate the performance of an employee

 A variety of traits may be used in these types of rating devices, the most
common being the quantity and quality of work.

 The rating scales can also be adapted by including traits that the company
considers important for effectiveness on the job
Performance Dimensions Evaluated
by Graphical Rating Scale
It presents appraisers with a list of dimensions, which are aspects of
performance that determine an employee's effectiveness.

Some Performance Dimensions have been mentioned below:

 Cooperativeness

 Adaptability

 Maturity

 Motivation
Inputs obtained from GRS
Graphic Rating Scale provide excerpts about the performance standard of

For instance,
 If the employee has serious gaps in technical-professional knowledge
(knows only rudimentary phases of job).
 Lacks the knowledge to bring about an increase in productivity; is reluctant to
make decisions on his own (on even when he makes decisions they are
unreliable and substandard).
 Declines to accept responsibility.
 Fails to plan ahead effectively
 Wastes and misuses resources; etc.

Then it can safely be inferred that the standards of the performance of the
employee are dismal and disappointing
Model Graphic Rating Scale Format
Graphic Rating Scale Standards




Advantages of the system
 Easy to use

 Cost Little

 Single Form is applicable either to all or most of the jobs in the


 Less Time Consuming

 Allow Quantitative Comparisons

Disadvantage of the system
 It does not direct behavior.

 Does not provide a good mechanism for providing specific, non-threatening


 Negative feedback should focus on specific behaviors rather than on the

vaguely defined dimensions the GRSs describe.

 No or less rating accuracy. Accurate ratings are not likely to be achieved

because the points on the rating scale are not clearly defined.
The Future
 This technique may not yield the depth of an essay appriasal,but it is more
consistent and reliable

 Typically, a graphic scale assesses a person on the quality and quantity of

his work (is he outstanding, above average, average, or unsatisfactory?) and
on a variety of other factors that vary with the job but usually include personal
traits like reliability and cooperation.

 It may also include specific performance items like oral and written

 The graphic scale has come under frequent attack, but remains the most
widely used rating method.
Thank you

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