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Chapter 1-1.

Population issues and


Jung Yeon Jung, Ph.D.

• Population: A group of individuals of the same
species occupying a given area
• Birth rate (Natality): the number of individuals
added to the population through reproduction
over a particular time period
• Death rate (Mortality): the number of deaths in
a population over a particular time period

• Population growth rate

= Birth rate – death rate
A typical population of growth curve
Bacterial growth curve
Limiting factors for population growth

1. The availability of raw materials

Ex: Minerals, Water, oxygen etc.
2. The availability of energy
Ex: Sunlight for plant (photosynthesis)
3. The accumulation of waste products
Ex: for bacteria
4. Interacts among organisms
Environmental factors that limit population
Environmental resistance

Population size

Limiting factors of human population

• Disease
• War
• Climate (Weather)
• Artificial regulation (control)
• etc
Historical human population curve
Historical human population curve
• Increase of food production (nutrition)
• Control of disease by improving medical
science (medicine)
• Technical development
• Improvement of life quality
• Improvement of sanitary facilities
Influence of rapid growing population of human

• High density of human in a small space

• Shortage of natural resource
• Shortage of house
• Increment of social stress
• Environmental pollution (water, air,
noise, waste etc)
Environmental technology

• Environmental technology involves the

application of engineering principles to the
planning, design, construction, and
operation of the following systems:
– Drinking water treatment and distribution
– Sewage disposal and water pollution control
– Storm water drainage and control
– Solid and hazardous waste management
– Air and noise pollution control
– General community sanitation
Goal of environmental technology
• Public health protection to help prevent the
transmission of disease among human
• Environmental health protection to preserve
the quality of our natural surroundings,
including water, land (soil), air, vegetation
and wildlife

technology protection
1. Birthrate and death rate are both important
in determining population growth rate
2. The lag, exponential growth, deceleration,
and stable equilibrium
3. Human limiting factors
4. Most countries of the world have a rapidly
growing population
5. Influence of rapid growing population of
6. Final goal of environmental technology:
- Public health protection
- Environmental health protection
Q1. As the human population continue
s to increase, What might happen to ot
her species?

Q2. If the population of Cambodia

continues to increase, what might hap
pen to this country in the future?

• Q1. Give an example of the interrelatedness of

environmental problem that can happen in
Cambodia in detail.
• Q2. Do you think which points in this chapter
have relevance to your major, Civil engineering?
Explain your team’s opinions in detail.
• Q3. If the population of Cambodia
continues to increase, what might happen to
this country in the future?

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