Exploratory Data Analysis - Python June 16th, 2019

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Data Science Certification


Course : Machine Learning
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Lecture On : EDA
Instructor : BIKASH

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Why EDA is very important?

Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Preprocessing comprises

of 80-90% of time and resources in Machine Learning

If EDA and Data Pre-processing not properly not done, guess

what, ML results will be also no better.

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Data Science Certification
Today’s Agenda
1 Familiarity with the problem
2 What should we explore?
3 Data to Intuition
4 Data Distribution
5 Handling Categorical vs Numerical Features
6 Handling missing values, outliers and duplicates
7 Feature Engineering

Data Science Certification 4
Poll 1

1. Can we take the data and directly put in Machine Learning


Option 1 - Yes
Option 2 - No

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Poll 2

2. Can we just drop any records which has null values?

Option 1 - Yes
Option 2 - No

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Poll 3

3. Why do we need to convert Categorical features into Numerical?

Option 1 - Most ML algorithm only takes numerical values

Option 2 - There is no requirement to convert them
Option 3 - If we convert then processing time will be less
Option 4 - It’s an optional step

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Poll 4

4. Why feature engineering is important?

Option 1 - It’s again an optional step

Option 2 - Feature Engineering helps in getting zero error in both
train and test data
Option 3 - It helps in understanding better the underlying data
pattern and importance of the variables
Option 4 - Feature engineering is done when data volume is low

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Further explanation

ANOVA Method by hand -

Link 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNsGo_HM8bA

Facebook Group:

Search - Data Science with Python

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