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Learning Style

Discover and Use

Learning Style:

• Learning style is a preferred way of learning.

• It is the way in which information is received, processed,
remembered and expressed by an individual.
• It can be defined as conditions under which one may find it
easiest and most pleasant to learn and work.
• There are different learning styles and everyone has his/her
own learning style.
Learning Style:
• No one particular style fits any person perfectly.
• Everyone has elements of one or more learning styles in one’s
makeup and can make use of other study methods through
time to take advantage of other learning styles.
• The first key to success in motivating oneself at university
level is to assess one’s strengths and weaknesses. The second
key to success is to explore one’s learning style.
Why Is It Important to Learn about
Learning Styles:

• Learning style is instinctive.

• When you are in a classroom environment that matches your
learning style, everything feels right.
• If the environment doesn’t match your learning style, you may
feel out of place, uncomfortable and unable to do your best.
• Understanding one’s learning style is important for combating
feelings of discomfort in a classroom environment.
Why Is It Important to Learn about
Learning Style:

• Recognizing your learning style will help you to:

• Find ways to adapt your learning style to fit the environment
• Find other ways of learning to improve your overall learning
• Identify your academic strengths and weaknesses
• Study more effectively
• Approach problem-solving more flexibly, especially when you are in a mob.
Components of Learning Style:

• Three of the most essential components of learning style are:

1. Five senses
2. Body’s reactions
3. Preferred learning environment
1. Five Senses:
• Five senses depict how natural learning styles (also known as
preference) affect the way you learn best, the instructional
methods you prefer and some adaptive strategies you can try.
For example:
• Visual learners prefer to learn by reading or watching.
• Auditory learners like to learn by listening.
• Tactile-kinesthetic learners learn best by hands-on or motor
Senses and Learning Styles Preferences:
1. Visual:
• Learners learn best by observing, looking at diagrams and graphics, watching
a demonstration, reading the text and so on.
• Preferred instructional modes are: power point presentation, lecture, discussion
supplemented with visual aids or handouts
• Learner can adapt to other styles of learning by reciting from notes to add an
auditory mode to review.
Senses and Learning Styles Preferences:

2. Auditory:
• Learners learn best by listening to lectures, explanations, instructions and
• Preferred instructional modes are: a live or recorded presentation/lecture or
class discussion
• Learner can adapt to the other styles of learning by taking notes to add both
visual and tactile modes to listening
Senses and Learning Styles Preferences:
3. Tactile-kinesthetic:
• Learners learn best by engaging in any physical activity
• Preferred instructional modes are: any activity that allows learners to move
around, e.g. computer aided instruction or group works
• Learners can adapt to other styles of learning by adding a visual mode to
learning, making diagrams or charts of information etc.
• The most successful learners are those who take control of the
learning situations by adapting to different modes of instruction
and combination of teaching methods through all senses.
• Every instructor’s teaching style differs; learners must be flexible
enough to adapt to whatever instructional mode is being used.
• To be successful in university classrooms, you need to develop
your auditory abilities, listening techniques, and notes taking
skills. Compare your notes with the visual aids used during the
2. Body’s Reactions:
• In classrooms, lighting, temperature, comfort of furniture
may or may not affect the learners abilities to pay attention.
• During studies, other influences like hunger, tiredness or mild
illness may lessen the concentration of learners.
• If you as a learner, may affected by any of the above
mentioned things then you should take care of these physical
or physiological needs before attempting to do something that
demands your concentration.
2. Body’s Reactions:

• Determine your physiological preferences and schedule

accordingly under the best suitable physical conditions to
make you alert.
• Try to learn to accept what you cannot change. In this way,
you can adapt to situations that don’t meet your preferences
and you try harder to pay attention and remain on task.
3. Preferred Learning Environment:
• Learners have limited control over their classroom
environment, however, they can set up their own learning
environment in order to reflect their preferences.
• A learning environment is much more than the place where
your class meets. The way the class is structured is also a
very important part of learning environment.
• There are three types of learners on the basis of learning
environment preferences: Carol, Andy and Grant.
3. Preferred Learning Environment:
• Carol likes traditional and teacher-centered classrooms
where the instructors are experts. Carol learns effectively
under the supervision of instructors.
• Andy never likes lecture or traditional methods of teaching.
Andy prefers a student-centered environment and learns
more from discussions and others’ different opinions.
• Grant likes to work alone and prefers individualized
instructions. Grant never likes to adjust the pace with the rest
of the class and enjoys to work independently at own pace.
3. Preferred Learning Environment:

• Most of the times, learners have to adapt to whatever learning

environment is available.
• However, understanding your preference will help you to
select the kinds of classes suitable for you.
• Or at least, it will enable you to find and manage the suitable
ways to study by yourself.

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