Artificial Intelligence 7: Local Search

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Alvin Tjondrowiguno

Artificial Intelligence
7: Local Search
Previously: Goal-Based Agents
A goal-based agent:
● Has knowledge about the environment state AND the agent’s goal.
● Combines the goal and the environment model to choose actions.
Previously: Goal-Based Agents
A goal-based agent:

● Uses states as the model of the world

● Conceptually uses a search tree to perform searching among states
● Uses search algorithms to find solutions:
○ Depth-first search, breadth-first search, backtracking search (uninformed search)
○ Greedy best-first search, A* search (informed search)
Challenges of Goal-Based Agents
● Informed search:
○ There is only a handful of problems where a good heuristic is available

● Uninformed search:
○ Search trees are HUGE (high time complexity, high space complexity)
○ In the worst-case scenario, not much better than brute-force search

● Both requires the environments to be (at least):

○ Fully-observable
○ Deterministic

● Real-world environments are (most of the time) more complex

Utility-Based Agents
A utility-based agent:
● Has the information about how happy it is with the world at any time.
● The agent’s goal is implicitly embedded into the utility: To maximize it.
Local Search
Local Search
● The previously discussed search algorithms are basically systematic
searches in the search spaces
● When a goal is found, the path to the goal is also an important part of the
○ In many problems, the path is irrelevant! (Example: 8-Queen problem)
● Local search algorithms do not worry about paths
● Local search algorithms operate using one current state and generally
“move” to the neighbors of that state
Local Search
● Keep a single state instead of visited vs unvisited states and paths in
(very low space complexity)
● In a large (or even infinite / continuous) state spaces where systematic
algorithms are not feasible, local search can still find reasonable solutions

● Local search algorithms are generally incomplete
● Sometimes finds sub-optimal solutions
Local Search Problem Formulation
For goal-based agents:
● States: How the world
agents: is represented in the agent’s point of view
● Initial State: The state where the agent starts in
● Actions: A set of actions the agent can take (based on the state the agent is
● Transition Model: A description of how actions taken by the agent changes
the states
● Goal Test: Determines whether a state is a goal state
● Objective
Path Cost:Function
The cost (Utility
that theFunction): A function
agent suffers thatan
for doing calculates
action in the value
a given of a
○ Represents “how happy” the agent is with the particular state
○ The goal of the agent is to find the state that maximizes (or minimizes) the value of that objective
Example: 8-Queen Problem
● State: A vector of length 8 containing integers in the range 1-8
A number on the ith position represents the row number
the queen placed on the ith column
● Initial state: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
● Actions: Change one number in the vector

● Transition
Objective model: Obvious
function: The number of queen pairs that attack
other (to be minimized)
○ Example: f([1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]) = 28
○ Example: f([8 2 4 1 7 5 3 6]) = 0
Hill Climbing Search
Hill Climbing Search
● Hill Climbing Search is simply a loop that continually moves in the direction
of increasing value (“uphill”):
1. Start with a random state
2. Move to a successor state that has the best value based on the objective function
3. Repeat step 2 until there is no neighbor with a better objective function value
State-Space Landscape
Hill Climbing Search
● Hill climbing search is the most basic local search algorithm
● The idea is simply to iteratively find the locally best improvement, without
looking ahead beyond the immediate neighbors of the current state
○ It is also called the greedy local search
○ Analogical to trying to find the top of Mount Everest in a thick fog while suffering from amnesia
● No search tree!
○ The data structure involves only the current state, its neighbors, and their objective function
Example: 8-Queen Problem
● An example of a random state with an
objective function value h = 17
● Numbers in other squares represent
objective function values h of each
successor state
○ The best successor state has a value h = 12
Example: 8-Queen Problem
● After 5 iterations, this state is reached
○ h=1
● However, no further successors have better
objective function value
● Hill Climbing terminates!
● This state is called a local optimum (as
opposed to global optimum)
Local Optima
● A local optimum is a peak
state that is better than any of
its successor states, but is
worse than the global
● In general, local search
algorithms are prone to local
Hill Climbing Analysis
● Starting from randomly generated 8-queen states, hill climbing reaches a
local optimum of 8-queen problem 86% of the time
○ It finds the global optimum only 14% of the time
● However, it takes 4 steps on average to find the global optimum
○ 3 steps on average when it gets stuck in a local optimum
○ Recall that the 8-queen problem has 88 ≈ 17 million states
Hill Climbing Variants
● The basic hill climbing algorithm terminates when there is no better
● Sometimes, it is beneficial to also allow sideways moves instead of only
uphill moves
○ A sideways move is a hill climbing iteration where the chosen successor has exactly the
same objective function value as the current state
● However, beware of infinite loops among same-value states!
○ Can be solved by putting a limit on consecutive sideways moves
● Allowing 100 consecutive sideways moves on 8-queen problem:
○ Problem instances solved by hill climbing improves from 14% to 94%
○ Average steps become 21 steps for successes, 64 for failures
Hill Climbing Variants
● Stochastic Hill Climbing:
○ Chooses the next state randomly among all uphill moves instead of choosing the best one
○ Probabilities proportional to the objective values
○ Usually slower but finds better solutions

● First-Choice Hill Climbing:

○ Instead of generating all successors, randomly generate successors until a better state is
○ Good strategy when each state has many (e.g.: thousands) successors
● Random-Restart Hill Climbing:
○ Generate several initial states at random, and run hill climbing separately on each of them
○ Choose the best result among all hill climbing runs
Hill Climbing Variants
● Local Beam Search:
○ Hill climbing search with k current states instead of one
○ Initially, generate k random initial states
○ At each iteration, generate all successors of the k current states
○ Among all successors, keep k best successors as the next states

● Stochastic Beam Search:

○ Instead of choosing k best successors, choose k successors randomly
○ Probabilities of each successor being chosen increases proportionally to its value
Hill Climbing Variants
● Tabu Search:
○ Hill climbing search with a tabu list
○ The tabu list represents a short-term memory of recently-visited states
○ Any states (or other user-defined concepts) in the tabu list are not considered as successors
○ Sometimes, “downhill” moves are allowed if there are no uphill moves available
Simulated Annealing
Hill Climbing vs Random Walk
● A hill-climbing algorithm that never makes “downhill” moves toward states
with lower value is guaranteed to be incomplete
○ Because it gets stuck on local optima
● In contrast, a purely random walk (moving to a successor chosen uniformly
at random from the set of successors) is complete but extremely inefficient
● It is reasonable to combine them in some way that aims for both efficiency
and completeness
● Annealing (metallurgy) is the
process used to temper or
harden metals and glass by
heating them to a high
temperature and then gradually
cooling them, thus allowing the
material to reach a low-energy
crystalline state
Simulated Annealing
● Simulated annealing is a local search algorithm inspired by the annealing
○ At the beginning, start at high temperature where randomization is high
○ Gradually reduce the temperature, where randomization slows down and solutions gradually

● Adapted into a local search idea:

○ Instead of picking the best move like Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing picks a random
○ If the move improves the situation, it is always accepted
○ Otherwise, the algorithm accepts the move with some probability
■ The probability decreases with the “badness” of the move
■ The probability also decreases along with the decreasing temperature (or time)
● “Bad” moves are more likely to be allowed at the start when the temperature is
high, and they become more unlikely as T decreases
Simulated Annealing
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