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 Physical consequences
of an act determines its
rightness or wrongness

 Example: “why is lying


 Child: “because mommy

will punish me…”
 Child learns about his
needs and the needs of

 The child learns to defer

his own needs
Stage 3: Good Boy/ Nice Girl
Level Two: Conventional Stage

 The child learns to live the

expectations of his own
family, groups, peers, etc

 Example: right action

means the role as a good
son, good student, good
friend, etc.
Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation
Level 3: Post-Conventional or the
Principles Stage

 The child (adult) learns

that there are varieties
of social, political, and
even religious opinions

 We come to agree only

through contract, or
social process justified
through reason
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles
Level 3: Post-Conventional or the
Principles Stage

 The child (adult) come

to accept universally
moral principles – like
love, justice,
compassion, mercy,
unity, dignity, etc.

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