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A message from a

Shamanic Healer
As a Shamanka, I bring this message to all animal
lovers and pet owners – “Listen to the rhythm…One
Pulse…the music in every being is deeply connected
to your rhythm, and we all are connected to both
Heaven and Earth. Animals across the planet along
with humans are responding to and experiencing the
global and “local” ecological and energy changes that
are sweeping the planet. The energy imbalances are
manifesting as anxiety, depression, dizziness, vertigo,
erratic behaviour, sudden palpitations etc. Our pets,
urban animals and wildlife are rarely able to
communicate these internal feelings to us. They may
feel off centred in their expression and may suddenly
be put off. Even when they don’t exhibit any
symptoms and appear to be healthy they are facing
challenges we may never be able to dream of. So
surely do the following to ensure the unsaid doesn’t
go unaddressed. To ensure that your animal regains
energy balance, kindly smear wet mud, clean, without
stones and pebbles on the belly area and entire
forehead of your animal for 15 minutes to half hour, on
a daily basis. The same may preferably be done in the
morning on a light stomach, or anytime they appear
“uncomfortable”. It is our responsibility to provide the
other species access to natural resources, especially
after our collective acts of devastation of Nature and
her ecosystems, where every species learns by itself.
The positive change will come across to you through
their improved appetite, behaviour and they may even
thank you quite expressively for reconnecting them
with Mother Earth. Please Share the Message widely! appreciation….
…listening to the symphony…...
June 2018

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