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Energy Management System

Hafiz Muhammad Azeem


 Understands and handles the tools for managing demand

in the context of system global and regional power in its
economic, social and environmental impact aspects and
the associated technologies.
 Knows the relevant national and international standards in
these fields.
 Knows the tools and processes to follow and develop
diagnostics and energy audits
 Apply knowledge of Energy Conservation Opportunities
 Develop innovative energy efficiency solutions and
demand management strategies

 The capacity for doing work.

 It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical,
chemical, nuclear, or other various forms.

 Energy in the process of transfer from one body to

Energy management

 Energy management can be broadly defined as the

proactive, organized and systematic management of
energy use in a building or organization to satisfy
both environmental, economic and Social

 Companies across all sectors are turning to energy

management as a means to reduce their operating
Objectives of Energy Management

1. Improving energy efficiency and reducing energy

use, thereby reducing costs
2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air
3. Cultivating good communications on energy matters
4. Developing and maintaining effective monitoring,
reporting, and management strategies for wise
energy usage
5-Finding new and better ways to increase returns from
energy investments through research and development

6- Developing interest in and dedication to the energy

management program from all employees

7-Reducing the impacts of curtailments, brownouts, or

any interruption in energy supplies

 Energy management has proven time and time again that
it is cost effective.
 An energy cost savings of 5-15 percent is usually obtained
quickly with little to no required capital expenditure when
an aggressive energy management program is launched
 New buildings designed to be energy efficient can operate
on 20 percent of the energy (with a corresponding 80
percent savings) normally required by existing buildings.
 energy management is one of the most promising profit
improvement-cost reduction programs available today
National Good:
 Growth in Pakistan energy use
 Comparison with other countries
 Pakistan energy production
 Cost of imported oil
 Reducing acid rain
 Limiting global climate change
 Reducing ozone depletion
 Improving competitiveness
Growth in Pakistan energy use

 There are four major power producers in country:

WAPDA (Water & Power Development Authority),
KESC (Karachi Electric Supply Company), IPPs
(Independent Power Producers) and PAEC (Pakistan
Atomic Energy Commission).
 WAPDA's total hydel and thermal capacity is 11,272
 Electricity – total installed capacity: 22,000 MW (2014)
 Electricity – Sources (2014)
 fossil fuel – 14,635 MW – 64.2% of total(oil-35.2% + gas-
 hydro – 6,611 MW – 29% of total
 nuclear – 1,322 MW – 5.8% of total
 average demand-17,000 MW
 shortfall-between 5,000 MW and 6,000 MW
Energy Use in Pakistan (June 2012)
Energy Use in Pakistan
Energy Use in Pakistan
Energy Generation Possibilities

 Coal burning produces sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide
which produce acid rain and potential global climate
 Research and development on "clean coal" technology is
currently underway.
 185 Billion Tons coal reserves in Pakistan
 Pakistan has potential to produce 100,000 MW of
electricity from Thar coal for 30 years, The coal-fired power
generation is expected to 11,500 MW in period 2017–2019

 Synfuels require strip mining, incur large costs.

 On-site coal gasification plants associated with gas-
fired, combined-cycle power plants are presently
being demonstrated by several electric utilities.
 These units can be built and operated in a cost-
effective and environmentally acceptable manner.

 Solar-generated electricity, whether generated

through photovoltaic or thermal processes, is still
more expensive than conventional sources and has
large land requirements.
 Technological improvements are occurring in both
these areas, and costs are decreasing. Sometime in
the near future, these approaches may become cost-
effective, with the current
Solar (Cont..)

 The solar potential is estimated to be over 100,000 MW.

 Productive use in agriculture: Solar Powered Efficient
Pumps could replace the 260,000 water pumps (tube -
wells) with a sanctioned load of over 2,500 MW operated
with electricity, and another 850,000 Diesel Water Pumps
that consume 72,000 TOE of Diesel annually.
 Street Lights: Pakistan has over 500,000 Street Lights with
a sanctioned load of over 400 MW. Most of these Street
Lights are based on 80W, 125W and 250W Sodium Lights.
They offer opportunities to be replaced with Efficient Solar
Biomass Energy

Biomass is an industry term for getting energy by

burning Organic material that comes from plants and
animals. Plants or plant-based materials that are not
used for food or feed, and are specifically called
lignocellulose biomass
Biomass energy is also expensive, and any sort of
monoculture would require large amounts of land.
Biomass Energy (Cont..)

 Biomass availability in Pakistan is also widespread.

Approximately 50,000 tonnes of solid waste, 225,000
tonnes of crop residue and over 1 million tonnes of
animal manure are produced daily.
 Large sugar industry in Pakistan also generates
electricity from biomass energy for utilization in sugar
mills. Annual electricity production from bagasse is
estimated at 5,700 GWh – about 6% of Pakistan’s
current power generation level.
Wind energy

 Wind energy is only feasible in limited geographical

areas where the wind velocity is consistently high,
and there are also some noise and aesthetic
 Pakistan has a potential for wind energy specially in
the southern coast and coastal Baluchistan. The wind
speed is on average 7-8 m/s at some sites along the
Kati Bandar- Gharo corridor.
Wind energy (Cont..)

 In the southern regions of Sindh and Balochistan, the

technical potential of wind power is high along the 1,000
km of coastline where wind speeds range between 5 and 7
 The potential capacity for wind energy is estimated at 122.6
GW per year, more than double of the country’s current
power generation level.

 A newly completed wind farm in Gharo, Sindh Province, is

one of a series under construction in Pakistan to reduce
the country's serious energy deficit.
Fuel Cells

 Fuel cells and their ability to cleanly produce electricity from

hydrogen and oxygen are what make them and hydrogen attractive.
 Hydrogen is not a primary source of energy. It is made from other
forms of energy; most hydrogen production today is by steam
reforming natural gas.

 Natural gas is a fossil fuel, so the carbon dioxide released in the

reformation process adds to the greenhouse effect.

 Only when hydrogen is made cost effectively from renewable

energy sources does it have any significant value as a fuel source for
a fuel cell.
 In 2010 prices for fuel cells were around $4500 per kW.
Alcohol Production

 Alcohol production from agricultural products raises

perplexing questions about using food products for
energy when large parts of the world are starving.
 Newer processes for producing alcohol from wood
waste are still being tested
 New ethanol plants are being started up to produce
this alternate energy fuel.
 Brazil has a very large and successful ethanol
production industry from sugar cane.

 Fission has the well-known problems of waste disposal, safety, and a short
time span with existing technology.
 Nuclear fuel reprocessing could provide many years of fuel by recycling
partially used fuel now being kept in storage.
 Newer reactor designs appear to be safer and potentially cheaper.
 Total electricity generated from PAEC is 1127 MW.

 Nuclear power accounts for around 1.9% of the total installed capacity in

 Fusion seems to be everyone’s hope for the future,

but many claim that we do not know the area well
enough yet to predict its problems.
 When available commercially, fusion may very well
have its own style of environmental-economical
Hydroelectric Energy

 The power of the water is used to turn generators to

produce the electricity.
 The problems faced with hydropower is aging of the dams.
 The total power generation capacity of Pakistan is 21,143
MW and the electricity demand (as of April 2010) is 14,500
MW and PEPCO is merely generating 10,000 MW.
 Electricity Production in Pakistan increased to 14647
Gigawatt-hour in June from 14475 Gigawatt-hour in May of
Station Community Capacity (MW)

Tarbela Dam Tarbela, KPK 4,888

Attock, Punjab 1,450
Hydropower Project

Mangla Dam Mirpur, Azad Kashmir 1,150

Neelum–Jhelum Muzaffarabad, Azad

Hydropower Plant Kashmir
Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil and Natural

 Natural gas, coal and oil

 Fossil fuels provide the power for most of the world, primarily
using coal and oil.
 Oil is converted into many products, the most used of which is
 Natural gas is starting to become more common, but is used
mostly for heating applications although there are more and
more natural gas powered vehicles appearing on the streets.
 To get to the fossil fuel and convert it to use there has to be a
heavy destruction and pollution of the environment.
 The fossil fuel reserves are also limited.
 The primary energy supply amounts to over 70 million
Tones of Oil Equivalent (TOE).
 Oil and gas are by far the dominating sources with a
share of 70-80%.
 Oil is imported from the Middle East mainly Saudi
Arabia, gas from Iran.
 In addition, Pakistan is consuming Liquefied National
Gas (LNG), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and coal.

One Btu is the amount of energy needed to raise the
temperature of one pound of water one degree

 Amount of energy converted if work is done at an average

rate of one thousand watts for one hour.
 One 100-watt light bulb burning for 10 hours consumes
1,000 watt-hours or 1 kWh.
 One kilowatt-hour (kWh) is equivalent to 3412 Btu
 Electrical energy is generated from steam turbines with
boilers fired by fossil fuels such as coal, oil or gas, the large
thermal losses in the process mean that it takes about
10,000 Btu of primary fuel to produce one kWh of electrical
Energy transformation

Energy transformation, also known as energy

conversion, is the process of changing energy from one
form into another.

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy

is transferable to a different location or object, but it
cannot be created or destroyed.
Energy transformation

Energy transformation, also known as energy

conversion, is the process of changing energy from one
form into another.

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy

is transferable to a different location or object, but it
cannot be created or destroyed.
Coal-fired power plant

 A coal-fired power plant involves these energy

1. Chemical energy in the coal converted to thermal energy in
the exhaust gases of combustion
2. Thermal energy of the exhaust gases converted into
thermal energy of steam through heat exchange
3. Thermal energy of steam converted to mechanical energy
in the turbine
4. Mechanical energy of the turbine converted to electrical
energy by the generator, which is the ultimate output
Energy conversions

 Thermoelectric (Heat → Electric energy)

 Geothermal power (Heat→ Electric energy)
 Heat engines (Heat → Mechanical energy)
 Ocean thermal power (Heat → Electric energy)
 Hydroelectric dams (Gravitational potential energy →
Electric energy)
 Electric generator (Kinetic energy or Mechanical work →
Electric energy)
 Fuel cells (Chemical energy → Electric energy)
 Battery (electricity) (Chemical energy → Electric energy)
 Fire (Chemical energy → Heat and Light)
 Electric lamp (Electric energy → Heat and Light)
 Wave power (Mechanical energy → Electric energy)
 Windmills (Wind energy → Electric energy or Mechanical
 Piezoelectric (Strain → Electric energy)
 Friction (Kinetic energy → Heat)
 Electric heater (Electric energy → Heat)
Electricity Consumption & Demand

 Consumption
 Electric consumption is measured in kWh (kilowatt
hours). This is a measurement of the amount of
energy you use during the billing period.
 Electricity Consumption:
 One 100-watt light bulb burning for 10 hours
consumes 1,000 watt-hours or 1 kWh.
 Electricity Demand:
 The entire time it is on, it requires or "demands" 100
watts or 0.1 kW from the utility. That means the utility
must have that 0.1 kW ready whenever the customer
turns the lamp on.
Ten 100-watt light bulbs burning for 1 hour consume
1,000 watt-hours or 1 kWh.
Note that in both examples, the consumption is 1 kWh,
however, look how differently the second situation
impacts the utility from a demand perspective.
The serving utility must now be prepared to provide ten
times as much capacity in response to the "demand" of
the 10 light bulbs operating all at once.

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