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Subject Teacher:

 Is
said to come from the
French word “entreprendre”
meaning to undertake and
reportedly was first used by
Richard Canitillion, a french
 Venture-to start something new or different that
usually involve risks
 Launching-to set or start
 Entrepreneurial-characterized by the taking of
financial risks in the hope of profit
 Innovations-a new method, idea
 Flexibility-the quality of bending easily without
 Initiative-ability to assess and initiate things
 Risk taking-the act of doing something that
involves danger
 Prepares students to identify and
address challenges and
opportunities. There are many who
believe that entrepreneurship is an
inborn trait that can’t be taught..As
with all skills, learning to be
entrepreneurial builds upon inborn
 The process of launching,
developing, and running a
business venture along with
its financial risks.
 In simple term, it is the
willingness to launch a new
business venture.
 Develop and strengthen
entrepreneurial quality
 Motivation or need for
 An enterprise is created by
an entrepreneur. The
process of creation is called
 Important characteristic of
successful entrepreneurs include
risk taking, creativity, initiative,
problem solving, organizational
skills, communication and
 Entrepreneurs can change the way
we live and work. If successful, their
innovations, may improve our
standard of living, and in addition to
creating wealth with their
entrepreneurial ventures, they also
create jobs and the conditions for a
prosperous society.
 The freedom to pursue your own vision
 The control and flexibility you have over
your time
 The opportunity to learn and gain
 The highs and lows of self-employment
 The sense of pride and fulfillment in
accomplishing things
 The capacity and willingness to
develop, organize and manage
business venture along with any
risks in order to make a profit. The
most obvious entrepreneurship is
the starting of new business
 Suppose you want to set up a
small scale industry. Which
industry would you like to set
up and where should it be
located? Explain with the help
of suitable example.
 Many people believe that practicing ethical
behavior will limit their opportunities and
profit. I being unethical means getting ahead,
then people are sometimes willing to act
unethically. Do you believe that unethical
behavior is ever justified?
 Divide into two groups, those who support
unethical behavior in some circumstances and
those who think that unethical behavior is
always wrong. After sharing information
within each group, debate the topic.
 1. What is market?
 2. Key concepts of market?

 3. Players in the market?

 4. Products and services

available in the market?

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