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Comparing Managed

Kubernetes Services
• Kubernetes (commonly referred to as K8s) is an
What is orchestration engine for container technologies such
as Docker or containers that is taking over the DevOps
Kubernetes scene in the last couple of years.

• Kubernetes can speed up the development process by

making easy, automated deployments, updates
(rolling-update) and by managing our apps and
services with almost zero downtime.

• It also provides self-healing.

• Kubernetes can detect and restart services when a

process crashes inside the container.

• Production Grade Orchestration

• Works on any cloud (GCP, AWS, Azure, IBM, Oracle,


• Large Ecosystem
The Enterprise-Wide Kubernetes Stack
Agenda Comparing GKE and AKS
Google Kubernetes Engine
GKE : Types of Cluster Creation
GKE : Cluster Creation

Required Settings

• Name
• Zone/Region
• Master Version
• Node Pools

Advanced Settings

• Network Security
• Security & Authentication
• Stack driver Monitoring
and Logging
• Vertical Pod Scaling
• Node auto- provisioning

Latest Version Supported : 1.12.6 GKE

Creation Time: < 4 mins for 3 node cluster

GKE Additional Features

• Kubernetes Dashboard
• Vertical Pod Auto Scaling
• Istio
• Stack Driver Logging Service
• Stack Driver Monitoring
• Client Certificate
• HTTP Load Balancing
GKE Features and Observations

• Cluster Autoscalling
• Stack Driver Logging Service
• Stack Driver Monitoring
• Max Nodes/Podes:110
• Max nodes/Cluster: 5000
• Automatic Upgrades with
maintenance window
• API Server endpoint is public
• Control Plane Cost is free
• HTTP Load Balancing
• GKE On Prem
Azure Kubernetes Service
AKS : Cluster Creation

Required Settings

• Name
• Region
• Master Version
• Node type and count
• DNS Prefix
Advanced Settings

• Authentication(RBAC)
• Networking
• Monitoring
• HTTP Application Routing

Latest Version Supported : 1.12.7 AKS

Creation Time: > 12 mins for 3 node cluster

AKS Additional Features

• Monitoring with Insight

• Nodes
• Controllers
• Pods or Containers
• HTTP Load Balancing
• Kubernetes Dashboard
AKS Features and Observations

• No Cluster Autoscalling
• Insight Logging Service
• Log Monitoring Service
• Metric Service
• Max Nodes/Podes:110
• Manual Upgrades
• API Server endpoint is public
• Control Plane Cost is free
• HTTP Load Balancing

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