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 Newton hypothesized that each sensation of

colour was supposed to correspond to a
different wavelength perceived by the human
 Color is the visual
perceptual property c
in humans to the
called red, blue,yello
w, green and others.
 The science of color
is sometimes
called chromatics, ch
romatography, colori
metry, or
simply color science.
 Whole Dude-Whole
Colors: White light
is perceived as
colorless as only a
neutral color
sensation is
aroused by it.
 A sense of fitness
has been acquired
concerning the use
of color.
 Unit of measurement
◦ Angstrom
 equal to 1 ten billionth of a meter
◦ Nanometers (nm)
 equal to 1 billionth of a meter
 Can be represented by laying out all of the
possible color mixtures around in a circle
 move in a circle from one primary to the next
◦ add more of the primary approached and less of the
one moved away from
 Created colors by mixing light sources
 180 degrees
away from a
◦ none of it
mixed in
 Each of these complements has an equal
amount of the primaries on either side of it
and none of the primary opposite it

Primary Complement

Red Cyan

Green Magenta

Blue Yellow
 Complementary colors are also called
◦ secondary colors

◦print primary colors

 refers to the fact that
◦ complements to the
light primaries are
the colored inks used
to mix all possible
print ink pigments
 Process can
filling in
around the
and primary
 Additive Color Mixture
 Subtractive Color Mixture
 Averaging Color Mixture
 Additive synthesis can be defined as the
mixing mechanism of primary colours to
obtain all other colours because it is based on
the sum of light thus verging on white.
 This experiments on the blending or additive
synthesis of colours and by using three filters
that did not differ to much from Bright red,
Green and a Blue that verged on violet.
 A specific colour can be created with many
combinations of light bands.
 White, in particular, can be obtained by
blending three primary colours: Green, red
and blue, but with the right proportions, so
that they generate the same three-fold
stimulus as the sunlight.
 White can also be obtained by using a
different set of three colours, derived from
the dual combination of the three primary
 yellow = green+ red
 cyan blue = green+ blue
 magenta red = blue + red.
 Black cannot be created with additive
synthesis because it corresponds to the total
absence of light.
 Subtractive synthesis is very important,
because it intervenes in the common
experience of observing colours.
 superimposed three coloured filters, Yellow,
Cyan and Magenta (complementary colours of
the primary ones) and made them pass
through a single beam of white light.
 With such disposition, each filter subtracts
from the white light that particular area of the
wavelength that it is able to absorb.
 pigments and coloured objects, are such
because when they are struck by light they
only reflect the light corresponding to “their
colour” while they absorb all the remaining
 Demonstrated by passing a white light beam
successively through two filters
◦ One yellow and the other green
◦ Producing light of a yellow-green color
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