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Required Returns

and the Cost of

15.1 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Overall Cost of
Capital of the Firm
Cost of Capital merupakan
required rate of return dari
berbagai jenis pembiayaan. Biaya
modal keseluruhan adalah rata-rata
tertimbang dari individual required
rates of return (costs).

15.2 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Market Value of
Long-Term Financing
Jenis modal Jumlah Bobot
Long-Term Debt $ 35M 35%
Preferred Stock $ 15M 15%
Common Stock Equity $ 50M 50%
$ 100M 100%

15.3 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Cost of Debt

Cost of Debt merupakan required

rate of return investasi kreditur
n Ij + Pj
P0 = S (1 + k ) j
j=1 d

ki = kd ( 1 – T )
15.4 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of
the Cost of Debt
Diasumsikan perusahaan Basket Wonders
(BW) mempunyai zero-coupon bonds nilai
nominal $1,000, dengan harga pasar
sekarang $385.54 dan jatuh tempo 10 th.
Pajak BW 40%. Biaya utang (kd)BW =

$0 + $1,000
$385.54 =
(1 + kd)10

15.5 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of
the Cost of Debt
(1 + kd)10 = $1,000 / $385.54
= 2.5938
(1 + kd) = (2.5938) (1/10)
= 1.1
kd = 0.1 or 10%

ki = 10% ( 1 – .40 )
ki = 6%
15.6 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Cost of Preferred Stock

Cost of Preferred Stock adalah

required rate of return investasi
dari preferred shareholders

kP = DP / P0

15.7 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of the
Cost of Preferred Stock
Diasumsikan Basket Wonders (BW)
mempunyai preferred stock yang beredar
dengan par value $100, dividend per share
$6.30, dan harga pasar sekarang $70 per

kP = $6.30 / $70
kP = 9%
15.8 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Cost of Equity
• Dividend Discount Model
• Capital-Asset Pricing Model
• Before-Tax Cost of Debt plus
Risk Premium

15.9 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Dividend Discount Model
Biaya modal sendiri (equity
capital), ke, adalah discount rate
yang menyamakan present value
expected future dividends
dengan harga pasar saham
D1 D2 D
P0 = + +...+
(1 + ke) (1 + ke) 2 (1 + ke)

15.10 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Constant Growth Model

Constant dividend growth :

ke = ( D1 / P0 ) + g

Asumsi : selamanya dividen akan

tumbuh konstan sebesar “g”.

15.11 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of the
Cost of Equity Capital
Jika Basket Wonders (BW) mempunyai
saham biasa yang beredar dengan harga
pasar sekarang $64.80 per lembar, dividen
sekarang $3 perlembar, dan dividend
growth rate of 8% selamanya.
ke = ( D 1 / P0 ) + g
ke = ($3(1.08) / $64.80) + 0.08
ke = 0.05 + 0.08 = 0.13 or 13%
15.12 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Growth Phases Model

Diasumsumsikan : 3 Fase

a D0(1 + g1)t b Da(1 + g2)t–a

P0 = S (1 + ke)t
+ S (1 + ke)t
t=1 t=a+1
 Db(1 + g3)t–b
t=b+1 (1 + ke)t
15.13 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Capital Asset
Pricing Model
Cost of equity capital (ke))
merupakan required rate of return
pada keseimbangan pasar.
Hubungan antara risk-return
digambarkan pada Security Market
Line (SML).

ke = Rj = Rf + (Rm – Rf)bj
15.14 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of the
Cost of Equity (CAPM)
Jika Basket Wonders (BW) mempunyai
beta of 1.25. Risk-free rate saat ini 4% dan
expected return pasar 11.4%
ke = Rf + (Rm – Rf)bj
= 4% + (11.4% – 4%)1.25
ke = 4% + 9.25% = 13.25%

15.15 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Before-Tax Cost of Debt
Plus Risk Premium
Cost of equity capital, ke,
merupakan Penjumlahan dari Biaya
hutang sebelum pajak dan premi
ke = kd + Risk Premium*
* Risk premium disini berbeda dengan risk
premium pada CAPM
15.16 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of the
Cost of Equity (kd + R.P.)
Jika Basket Wonders (BW) menambahkan
2.75% sebagai premi risiko pada biaya
utang sebelum pajak (kd).
ke = kd + Risk Premium
= 10% + 2.75%
ke = 12.75%

15.17 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Comparison of the
Cost of Equity Methods
Constant Growth Model 13.00%
Capital Asset Pricing Model 13.25%
Cost of Debt + Risk Premium 12.75%
Generally, the three methods will not agree.
We must decide how to weight –
we will use an average of these three.

15.18 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Weighted Average
Cost of Capital (WACC)
Cost of Capital = S kx(Wx)

WACC = 0.35(6%) + 0.15(9%) +

WACC = 0.021 + 0.0135 + 0.065
= 0.0995 or 9.95%
15.19 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Project-Specific Required
Rate of Return Example

Assume a computer networking project is

being considered with an IRR of 19%.
Examination of firms in the networking
industry allows us to estimate an all-equity
beta of 1.5. Our firm is financed with 70%
Equity and 30% Debt at ki=6%.
The expected return on the market is
11.2% and the risk-free rate is 4%.
15.20 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Do You Accept the Project?
ke = Rf + (Rm – Rf)bj
= 4% + (11.2% – 4%)1.5
ke = 4% + 10.8% = 14.8%
WACC = 0.30(6%) + 0.70(14.8%)
= 1.8% + 10.36% = 12.16%
IRR = 19% > WACC = 12.16%
15.21 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Soal Latihan Biaya Utang
Micro Spinoffs.Inc menerbitkan surat
utang (obligasi) dengan jatuh tempo
20 th, pada tahun yang lalu yang
dijual pada nilai nominal dengan
tingkat kupon (bunga) 8%. Saat ini
surat utang tersebut dijual dengan
harga $1.050. Jika pajak perusahaan
35%, berapa biaya utang sebelum
pajak (kd) dan setelah pajak (ki)?
15.22 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Soal Biaya Saham Preferen

Micro Spinoffs.Inc memiliki

saham preferen yang beredar.
Saham preferen ini membayar
dividen $4 per lembar, dan
saham ini dijual dengan harga
%40. Berapakah biaya saham
preferen (kP) ?
15.23 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Soal BiayaCommon Stock

Micro Spinoffs.Inc diharapkan

memiliki pertumbuhan yang mantap
untuk dividen 5% per tahun selama
jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas.
Dividen Saham Biasa terakhir $5 per
lembar saham. Saham Biasa dijual
$60 per lembar tepat setelah
membayar dividen. Berapakan biaya
Saham Biasa (ke) perusahaan?
15.24 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Jika Reactive Industries memiliki struktur
modal seperti berikut ini, berapakah biaya
modal perusahaan (WACC), dan pajak
perusahaan 35% :
Sekuritas Nilai Pasar Required Rate of Return

Surat Utang (Obligasi) $ 20 juta 6%

Saham Preferen $10 juta 8%

Saham Biasa $50 juta 12%

15.25 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. © Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.

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