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Miss Marie Chaine B. Arocha

 according to ATINA DIFFLEY, marketing is about bringing the
product at the right price, to the right customer .

I. Identifying Fruits or Seedlings Ready for Sale

TABLE 1. Fruits and the best months for harvesting and marketing
Best Months for Harvesting & Marketing Local Fruits
January to February Caimito
February to March Avocado
March to April Jackfruit
March to July Duhat
April to June Pineapple
April to July Melon, Watermelon
May to June Mango
Best Months for Harvesting & Marketing Local Fruits
May to July Atis, Makopa
June to October Kalamansi
June to November Bayabas
July to September Santol
August to November Guyabano, Lanzones
September to December Sampaloc
October to November Dalanghita
November to January Pomelo
December to February Chico
The following factors must be consider in marketing and selling fruits
and seedlings.

• The price of the product depends on the current price in the market and if the quality
MARKET of fruits is better than the average, they can be sold at a very good price.

• Selling price of fruits increases with an addition of the cost of transportation. Thus, it is
LOCATION recommended to sell them at the nearest market to lessen transportation cost.

• Fruits in the market are sold at different degrees of ripeness depending on the
consumer’s intended purpose.
II. Records of fruits or seedling for sale

 Record keeping is very important in any business.

 Records of the farm activities provide substantial
reference in making a marketing plan, creating a
budget, and in making decisions. Likewise, records
are sources of data in obtaining credit and insurance
and in preparing for fax returns and reports required
by the government.
The following are important farm records.

It is a record of cash value received both from cash sales and cash
payments for certain period. Cash record reflects the cash accounts in the farm.
(Figure 1. Sample of cash record of Villa Gracia Farm)

Amount O. R. # Remarks

8/13/2015 PHP 24,000.00 001226 Sale of 600kg


9/18/2015 PHP 10,000.00 91880 Sale of 500 kg


9/24/2015 PHP 16,000.00 012244 Sale of 800 kg

It is a record of all sales of farm produce. The most commonly used type
of farm record is the general farm record that has only one account column
representing the total value or amount of the same.The record also shows the
following information about the sale such a date of sale, description of item sold,
quantity sold, unit, and unit value
(Figure 2. Sample of sales record of Villa Gracia Farm)

Date Description Quantity Unit Unit Value Total Amount

7/30/15 Bayabas 10 kg PHP 55.00 PHP 550.00

7/13/15 Kalamansi 50 kg PHP 23.00 PHP 1,150.00

TOTAL 60 kg PHP 1,700.00

It is a record that shows the list of the different crops grown in the farm
during the period of year. This record determines the annual profitability of the
farm as it summarizes the performance of the farm on how much was spent and
earned each crop.
(Figure 3. Sample ofproduction record of Villa Gracia Farm)
Cropping Product Cost of Total Sales Remaining Net Income Net Loss
season Production Stocks
Jan-Mar Caimito 6,500 11,000 2kg 4,500

Mar-Apr Jackfruit 9,000 17,800 5kg 8,800

Apr-Jul Melon 7,700 15,450 4kg 7,750

Jun-Oct Kalamansi 3,440 7,600 3.5kg 4,160

Sep-Dec Sampaloc 4,600 9,090 4,490

Oct-Nov Dalanghita 4,350 7,500 3,150

TOTAL 35,590 68,440 32,850

As shown in the record, the annual income of Villa Gracia Far. For the
year 2014 is PHP 32,850.00 and this amount will still increase in addition of the
amount or cost of the remaining stocks. The grower should know the current
market price of these items to give an accurate and updated amount. Assuming
that the current market price of the remaining stocks are as follows

Remaining Stocks Product Market Price Total Market Price

2 kg seeds Caimito 450/kg 900.00

5 kg seeds Melon 550/kg 2,750.00

4 kg seeds Kalamansi 300/kg 1,200.00

3.5 kg seeds Dalanghita 400/kg 1,400.00

Total cost of remaining stocks PHP 6,250.00

To get the overall income from the income gained on the remaining
stocks, you must follow the formula below

Total Income =Total Cost of Remaining Stocks + Total Net Income from Sales

Therefore, the total income for the year 2014 is PHP 39,100.00 as shown in
the computation below.

PHP 6,250.00 Total Cost Remaining Stocks

+ 32,850.00 Total Net Income from Sales
PHP 39,100.00 Total Farm Income
III. Marketing Strategies

Regular evaluation of your marketing

strategies is a good way to improve your
products as well as your income. Each kind
of customer has different needs and values.
Thus, you need to sell more than just your
product. It is to sell your values added to it,
adapting your market strategy to serve
customer needs and wants.
Here are some examples of added values you may consider in your products.

 Healthy and organic

 Good quality, packaging, and product delivery
 Convenience
 Good customer service
 Local economy and security
 Farmers and food relations

The following are the marketing strategies ou can do to market your fruit and
seedling products
A. MARKET SELLING. The process of buying and selling of farm products from the
producers to the consumers is called sales. Producers like farmers or fruit
growers commonly go to the market place to sell their produce. The
different types of selling methods are selling through a wholesaler or dealer,
direct selling, or through cooperatives.
B. ONLINE MARKETING. Online marketing, also known as internet marketing, is a
marketing strategy that uses the Internet, web, and e-mail to introduce
products directly to the customers or to deliver promotional marketing
messages to customers. In marketing online, you may choose from web
marketing, e-mail marketing, and social media marketing.
a) Web marketing includes e-commerce, promotional or informative
websites, and online advertising on search engines
b) E-mail marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts
through e-mail messages to current customers and prospective
customers as well.
c) Social media marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts
via social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Youtube.

C. FLYERS OR BROCHURES. Flyers and brochures are both forms of

advertisement using print on paper intended for distribution to a large
 FLYERS are also called leaflets, are used by individuals or organizations like
business industries and are distributed or handed out on the street or in a
public places or through the mail. Flyers are cheap to cheap to produce
and convenient for marketing your fruits and seedlings.

 BROCHURE is a form of advertising or marketing booklet that contains

information about the products or services. It is a paper document folded
into a template or pamphlet and are distributed through display in racks or
handed out personally to a target audience.
IV. Developing a Plan for Expansion of Planting Trees
and Seedling Production
Whatever type of marketing strategy you will use always
help you customer to know and your business values that
adds monetary value to your products. Your point od sale
materials in marketing your products, either through online,
flyers, or brochures, should have a clear message and
easily accessible and readily available to your customer.

Creating an attractive label for your products can be

another marketing strategy. These are the strategies that
must be considered when planning for expansion of
planting tress and seed production.
Write TRUE on the line if the statement is correct, write FALSE if it is incorrect.
TRUE are ready for harvest at the right degrees of maturity.
TRUE Kalamansi is best to harvest during the months of July to October.
TRUE to November is the best time of the year to harvest Guyabano
and Lanzones.
_______4. A record of cash value received both from cash sales and cash
payments for a certain period is called cash record.
TRUE Production record reflects the list of the different crops grown in the farm
during a particular year.
TRUE The use of flyer for marketing fruits and seedlings is cheap to produce and
TRUE Web marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts through e-
mail messages to current customers and prospective customer as well
FALSE Online marketing is the process od selling products to the marketplace.
FALSE marketing includes e-commerce, promotional or informative
websites and online advertising on search engines
TRUE Social media marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts
via social networking sites.
Practical Activities
Choose one local fruit and create a sample flyer or
brochure for the chosen fruit. Submit your work to you teacher.

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