Symptomatic Drugs: SKDI Way

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Symptomatic drugs

SKDI way
• S: head to toe symptoms (e.g: fever/febris, onset
(how long), accompany with cough? Etc
• O: physical examination
general (TD, N, P, S)
specified (e.g: TFA, check tonsil, hiperemis
(+), T ? -T ?
• P: additional examination (e.g susp typhoid: DR
(complete blood count), widal
• D/ (diagnose) e.g: tonsilofaringitis akut + febris
• < 3 days : TFA (Tonsilofaringitis akut)
R/ Cefadroxil 500mg no.X
) 2 dd 1
R/ Mesol (methylprednisolon) 4mg
) 3 dd 1 p.c (after meal)
R/ Sanmol 500mg no.X
) 3 dd 1
• < 3 days : ISPA (cough+flu)
R/ Ambroxol 30mg no.X
) 3 dd 1
R/ Mucos (patent) 30mg (3 dd 1)

• < 3 days : Common cold (flu w/o cough)

R/ Tremenza no.X
) 3 dd 1
R/ Rhinos (patent) – 3 dd 1
Education: sleepy effect
• < 3 days : DBD (w/o cough or flu)
cek lab DR (trombositopenia <100k)
torniquet test (petekie +): sistole +
prefer to ER (UGD)
• > 5 days : Typhoid (no infection, widal +)
R/ ciprofloxacin 500mg no.XIV
) 2 dd 1 p.c (after meal)
R/ sanmol 500mg no.X
) 3 dd 1
R/ ranitidin tab 150mg no.X
) 2 dd 1 a.c (before meal)
R/ imboost force no.V
) 1 dd 1
• Common: bearable. Can sleep normally
R/ panadol extra ½ tab
ibuprofen 200 mg
m.f pulv da in caps no.X
) 2 dd 1 p.c (after meal)

• Irritable: cant sleep normally

add diazepam 1 mg at pulv
Skin Lump

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