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Integrated Marketing

Chapter 12
with Sonal Parmar
• IMC Defined
• Elements of Marketing Communications
• Need for IMC
• Promotion Mix Strategies
• Advertising
• Sales Promotion
• Personal Selling
• DRM (Direct Respone Marketing)
• PR (Public Relations)
IMC Defined

Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC):
“is the coordination and integration of
all marketing communications tools,
avenues, and sources within a company
into a seamless program that maximizes
the impact on consumer and other end
users at a minimal cost.”
Clow and Baack, 2004, p.8
Elements of Marketing
• Advertising
• Sales Promotion
• Personal Selling
• DRM (Direct Response Marketing)
• PR (Public Relations)

We will cover these in more detail…

Need for IMC
• Market fragmentation has resulted in
media fragmentation
• Alternative media channels abound
(e.g. mags, cd catalogues, internet sites,
• All messages seen as one single message
to consumer

NOTE: IMC builds a strong brand identity in

the marketplace by tying together and
reinforcing all your images and messages.
(Armstrong et. al., 2007, p.470)
Promotion Mix
Producer marketing activities to Retailers and
Wholesalers who resell to Consumers
• Personal selling, trade promotion by producer and
personal selling, advertising and sales promotion
by wholesaler/retailer…
Producer marketing activities directed at
consumer to create demand from retailers and
wholesalers that then creates demand from
• Consumer advertising, sales promotion…

• Mass media advertising reaches large

numbers geographically dispersed at low
cost per exposure with ability to repeat
message with frequency

1. Set objectives
2. Develop strategy
• Message strategy
• Message execution
− Slice of life, lifestyle, fantasy, mood, musical,
symbolic, technical expertise, scientific, testimonial
(see page 478-479)
3. Select media (reach, frequency, impact)
4. Evaluate advertising
Sales Promotion
Short term incentives designed by
marketers for the purpose of encouraging
the purchase of a product.

• Consumer promo tools:

• Samples, coupons, rebates, price packs,
premiums, ad specialties, loyalty programs, point-
of-purchase displays/demos, and

• Business promo tools:

• conventions/trade shows and sales contests
Personal Selling
• Involves two way personal
communications (compared to other IMC
tools that are one-way impersonal)
• Organization:
• Territorial, Product, Customer types, Outside vs.
inside sales, and team selling
• Process:
• Prospect, pre-approach, approach, present,
handle objections, close, follow-up
• Relationship Marketing:
• Process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing
strong, value-laden relationships with customers
and other stakeholders.
DRM (Direct Respone
• Mass media marketing in a one-
to-one manner.
• Requires Database
• Forms:
• Telemarketing
• Direct Mail
• Catalogue Marketing
• Direct Response TV (order now)
PR (Public Relations)
• Purpose is not to communicate to the
market about products but rather to
communicate to the company’s publics
about the company itself.
• Functions:
• Press relations
• Product Publicity
• Public Affairs
• Lobbying
• Investor Relations
• Development (financial or volunteer support)
• Crisis management
Thank You.

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