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Psychology itself Is a science that studies mental or mentality process.

Meanwhile sport psychology is a science that studies about the psychology
in relation to sport activities. Expert distinguish sport psychology from
exercise psychology.
Weinberg and gould have a view that sport psychology and exercise
psychology is same because they have much similarities. Weinberg and gould
stating that the basic goal of sport psychology and exercise psychology is to
study about how psychology can change individual pyshical activities
• Sport activities can give an impact to emotion when Carrying
out activities. The purpose of sport psychology Is giving an
direction , support and boosting morals in a competitive way so
that an athlete can achieve certain achievement when

Mind is intended to foster positive thoughts and be followed by positive
action and word Positive. Mind influence the increase of enthusiasm,
confidence in competition, a more determined desire to achieve victory,
self-motivation, increase cooperation with colleagues, strengthen mental
status of whatever results will be obtained, mental toughness and other
psychological skills
2. Body
Athletes need power or strong energy to be able to live their profession well
and compete perfectly in fit condition. Psychological factors in athletes are
very important such as agility, strength, speed, and other motor skills.

Resistance and rigidity are very important. But the psychological aspect of
these athletes also affects the body physically. Psychology is related to the
readiness of athletes to practice, exercise, compete and fight for their
achievements. Psychological strength is the basis of physical strength.
Passion can be obtained from motivation. Motivation can be obtained from
yourself and from others. Motivation is used by someone to achieve the
desired goal. With a psychological approach, it is expected that athletes are
able to have a strong motivation to compete maximally and gain victory. This
enthusiasm and motivation also requires outside support such as parents,
colleagues, and coaches.
Health is the most important thing related to stamina and fitness of athletes when
doing exercises and matches. The definition of health is spiritually and physically.
Physical health in athletes plays a role in strength and performance when
competing, while mental health is related to the athlete's mind whether there are
disturbing factors that can later affect the match performance. Psychological health
can be related to the family environment, social, mindset and so on while physical
health can be supported by lifestyle, activity patterns, and so on.

1.Controlling stress
Sports matches often provide stress or pressure on athletes. In addition to
their desire to win high, they do not want to disappoint the country and all
its supporters, increasing stress.
Stress is characterized by an increase in pulse, respiration, and looks
physically restless. Stress in these athletes can interfere with his appearance
when competing later, so it takes psychology as a technique to reduce stress
levels in athletes when competing.
2.Increase positive minds
An athlete must be optimistic before competing and always optimistic for
his next match. If the athlete is pessimistic from the start, it is certain that
victory will never be achieved. Optimist means having a positive position on
the possibility of victory that will be achieved so that he can display a good
3.Determining goals
Psychology helps athletes to find the purpose of their activities. The purpose
is the result that you want to achieve for a sport or competition activity. For
example the goal is to get a medal or boast a country name on the
international scene.

This psychological role will affect athletes in terms of peace of mind, positive
thinking, optimism, full of enthusiasm, full of confidence, increased physical
strength, sufficient body resilience, unanimous intentions, pride in self-
esteem, and other positive benefits.Then, if all athletes have been able to
reach this stage, they will be able to play more relaxed, focus on
concentration, spend all their maximum strength, fight without knowing
despair, and supportive of any results that will be achieved at the end of the

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