Procedural Text: Genre Based Writing

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Presented by:
Nur Intan Kumalasari ( 2018 – 7479 -078 )
Reztika Chairrani Afifa (2018 – 7479 – 077 )
Utep Sobarli (2018 – 7479 – 056)
Sri Sugiyartuti (2018 – 7479 – 031)
• Definition of Writing
Meyers (2005: 2), “Writing is an action- a process of
discovering and organizing your ideas, putting them on
paper, and reshaping and revising them.
• Purpose of Writing

According to Hugo and Hartig (in Tarigan, 1995:25) there are several
purpose of writing:
a.Writing without any specific purpose (free writing)]
b. writing as an altruistic purpose
c. Writing as persuasive purposes
d. Writing for informational purposes
e. Writing as a self – expressive
f. Writing for creative purpose

• Genre Based Writing

• Definition of Genre Text & Type of Genre Text
• Genre - Based Approach of Writing
Review of Related Literature

Definition and Purpose of Procedure Text

According to Derewianka (1995:27) procedures belongs to

group of typed which tells us how something is accomplished
through are sequence of action and steps.

The purpose of procedure / procedural text is to provide

sequenced information or directions so that people can
successfully perform activities in efficient and appropriate
Generic Structure of Procedure Text

There are three generic structure of procedure text;

• An introductory statements that gives the aim or goal.
• A list of the materials that will be needed for completing
the procedure (not requires for al procedural texts
• A sequence of steps in the correct order they need to be
done since goal followed by a series of steps oriented to
achieving the goal.
Language Features of Procedure Text

According to Anderson, procedure text usually includes the

following language features:
• Sentence begun with action verb (imperative sentences) e.g., pour
hot water into the cup.
• Sequence words or temporal conjunctions (e.g. firstly, next, then)
and numbers (e.g. 1,2,3) that show the order for carrying out the
• Adverbs of manner to describe how the actions should be
performed. E.g. quickly, firmly.
• Precise terms and technical language. e.g. ml, grams, etc
Model of
Procedure Text

According to some of related literature in order to understand the concept

of writing, it can be concluded that each piece of writing in which produce
by the writer must be considered the generic structure and language
features. This paper, focus on the procedure text in which use to inform
the reader on how to do something. This type of the text used in our daily
life, since this text shows the sequence of process in order.
Teaching Suggestions
• Teaching Procedure Text
• The Idea of Teaching
Procedure Text
• The Assessment of Teaching

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