Basic Theory of Finite Element Methods: DR Yigeng Xu, UH 1

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Basic Theory of Finite Element Methods

In this introduction to the application of Finite Element Methods to Structural
Dynamic Analysis we will focus on free vibration analysis

The finite element approach is in many ways akin to the Rayleigh-Ritz method-
except that it can more readily be adapted to complex structures

In the finite element method, the structure is divided into a large number of
small, but finite, parts called elements.

Associated with each element are points where displacements are defined
(nodes). Interpolation functions (shape functions) are used to define the
displacement at any point within the element.

It is then possible to write the kinetic energy and strain energy of the structure in
terms of the nodal displacements. Lagrange’s equations may then be used to
obtain the equations of motion – which will now be a large set of ordinary
differential equations.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 1
1. Basic Theory of Finite Element Methods
Example 1
Finite element idealization of a flat
plate with a central hole.


Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 2
1. Basic Theory of Finite Element Methods

Finite element mesh of a hammer Finite element mesh of a linkrod

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 3
1. Basic Theory of Finite Element Methods

Finite element
mesh of A319

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 4
1. Basic Theory of Finite Element Methods

Thus, the finite element process can be summarised as follows:

Specify the geometry of the structure under consideration

Divide the structure into pieces (elements with nodes)
Describe the behaviour of the physical quantities on each element
Connect (assemble) the elements at the nodes to form an approximate
system of equations for the whole structure
Specify the boundary conditions (eg which parts of the structure are
constrained and which are free)
Specify the loading conditions
Solve the system of equations involving the unknown quantities at the nodes
(eg displacements)

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 5
1. Basic Theory of Finite Element Methods
The mathematical approach is as follows:

 By integrating over the element the strain and kinetic energies of the
element are determined in terms of the nodal variables.
 By superposition of the energy contributions from the individual
elements into which the structure has been divided the strain and
kinetic energies of the structure or system are determined in terms of
the nodal variables of the whole structure.
 Where two or more elements join at a node each displacement
component at that node must have a single value.
 The differential equations for the nodal displacements are derived from
the strain and kinetic energy functions of the structure by using the
Lagrange equation.
 Only a brief treatment can be included here.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 6
1. Basic Theory of Finite Element Methods

Wev will consider the cases of extensional vibration of a bar and flexural
vibration of a beam. In each case, we need expressions for strain energy.

For extensional deformations of a bar, the strain energy is given by:

L 2
1  u 
U e   AE   dx
20  x 
For flexural deformations of a beam, the strain energy expression is given by:

1  v
L 2
U e   EI  2  dx
2 0  x 

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 7
2. Extensional Vibrations
 The figure below shows an element of length L, which undergoes
extensional deformation.
 Only the axial displacement of the element is considered and this
must be expressed in terms of the displacements u1 and u2, at the left-
and right-hand ends of the element, i.e. u1 and u2 are the element
nodal variables.
 It is assumed that displacement at any point x within the element (a) is
given by:
Node numbers

1 2 3 4
 x x u1 u2 u1 u2 u3 u4
u  1  u1  u2
 L L
L1 L2 L3

(1) (2) (3)

 (1-x/L) and x/L are Shape Element numbers
Functions (a) (b)

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 8
2. Extensional Vibrations
The strain energy of the element is:
L 2 L 2
1  u  1  u  u2 
Ue 

AE   dx 
 x  2
AE  1
 L   dx

  
1 1
Ue  AE 2 u12  u22  2u1u2 dx
2 L

Ue 
1 AE 2
2 L

u1  u22  2u1u2 
1  1 u1  1 T
Ue 
1 AE
 u1 u2       u K eu
2 L  1 1   u2  2

where E is the Young’s modulus and A is the cross-section area of the element.
uT   u1 u2 
Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 9
2. Extensional Vibrations
The kinetic energy of the element is:
L 2 L 2
1  u  1   x x
Te   A  dx   Au 1 1    u 2  dx
2 0  t  2 0   L L
1 
  2 x 
x 2
x  x 

Te  A u1 1    u 2 2  2u 1u 2 1  dx

2   L L L  L 
0 

1  2 x2 x 2 x
 x x 2 
0 

Te  A u 1 1  2  2   u 2 2  2u 1u 2   2 dx
 L L L  L L 

where E is the Young’s modulus and A is the cross-section area of the element.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 10
2. Extensional Vibrations
Thus the kinetic energy of the element may be written:
1  2 x3 x2  2 x
 x 2 x 3 
Te  A u 1  x  2  2   u 2 2  2u 1u 2   2 
2   3L 2L  3L  2L 3L  0

1 1 1 1
Te  AL  u 12  u 22  2u 1u 2 
2 3 3 6
1 1 1  u  1
Te  AL u 1 u 2   3 6 1   u T M u
2 1 1  u 2  2 e
 6 3

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 11
2. Extensional Vibrations
1/ 3 1/ 6
Me  AL  
1/ 6 1/ 3

 The element mass matrix is full and symmetric.

 This is the consistent mass matrix for the element and is the standard
approach in finite element theory.
 The alternative formulation is to use a lumped mass matrix, where
the distributed mass is replaced by lumped or concentrated masses
at the nodes and the kinetic energy is defined in terms of
contributions from these lumped masses.
 This procedure leads to a diagonal mass matrix; in this case the
diagonal elements of Me are AL/2.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 12
2. Extensional Vibrations
 We require now to assemble the strain and kinetic energy expressions
of the whole structure from the corresponding expressions for the
individual elements.
 Considering the bar consisting of three elements as shown below, the
strain and kinetic energy expressions for each element are obtained,
using appropriate subscripts to identify the elements and summed to
give the total strain energy. Thus:

Node numbers

1 2 3 4
u1 u2 u1 u2 u3 u4

L L1 L2 L3
(1) (2) (3)

Element numbers
(a) (b)

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 13
2. Extensional Vibrations
 We require now to assemble the strain and kinetic energy expressions
of the structure from the corresponding expressions for the individual
 Considering the beam consisting of a number of elements, the strain
and kinetic energy expressions for each element are obtained, using
appropriate subscripts to identify the elements.
 Thus, as an example, the strain energy of two adjacent elements (1)
and (2) can be written:
1 AE  1  1 u1  1 AE  1  1 u2 
U  u1 u2    
 
   u 2 u3     
2 L   1 1  u 2  2 L   1 1   u3 

 1  1 0  u1 
1 AE  
U  u1 u2 u3   1 1  1  1 u2 
2 L
 0  1 1  u3 

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 14
2. Extensional Vibrations
 Thus the strain energy arising from the three elements takes the

1 T
U u Ku , where u T   u1 u2 u3 u4 




Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 15
2. Extensional Vibrations
The GLOBAL stiffness matrix is:  1 1 0 0
 
AE  1 1  1  1 0 
L  0  1 1  1  1
 
 0 0  1 1 

A similar approach can be used for the kinetic energy of the structure so that:
T  u T Mu , where u T   u 1 u 2 u 3 u 4 
and the GLOBAL mass matrix is:  1 1/ 2 0 0 
1/ 2 1  1 1/ 2 0 
M  AL  
3  0 1 / 2 1  1 1 / 2
 
 0 0 1 / 2 1 
The extension to u, K and M for a structure with a large number of elements
are apparent.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 16
2. Extensional Vibrations
For free vibration problems, where    2u
The equations of motion are obtained by applying the Lagrange’s equation as:

d  L  L
    0 where L  T-V (i  1,2,..., n ) 
dt  u i  ui

d  T
 T U
    0 (i  1,2,..., n )  K  M u  0

dt  u i  ui ui

 K and M are the stiffness and mass matrices for the structure after
rows and columns associated with zero boundary displacements
have been eliminated,
  is a natural frequency and
 u is the vector of nodal variables (with zero boundary values excluded).

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 17
2. Extensional Vibrations
We therefore have the following process for analysing free vibration problems
via the FE method as follows:

1. Obtain the element mass and stiffness matrices

2. Assemble these matrices to obtain the global mass and stiffness matrices

3. Apply Boundary conditions resulting in mass and stiffness matrices

K and M – ie the stiffness and mass matrices for the structure after
rows and columns associated with zero boundary displacements
have been eliminated.

4. Solve eigenvalue problem K  M u  0


Note that u is the vector of nodal variables (with zero boundary values

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 18
2. Extensional Vibrations
Example 1:
A uniform steel bar as shown is under undamped extensional free vibrations.
The cross-sectional area of the bar is 0.005m2. Young’s modulus and density of
the material are E=207GN/m2 and =7800kg/m3, respectively.
(a) Determine the first two natural frequencies of the bar with the finite element
method. Use three elements of equal length for the calculation.
(b) Determine the first natural frequency of the bar with the finite element
method. Use two elements of equal length for the calculation.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 19
2. Extensional Vibrations
If the bar has been divided into three elements of equal length, the element
stiffness matrix and mass matrix are:
AE  1  1 0.005  207  10 9  1  1 9 1  1
Ke    1 1   1.035  10  1 1 
l  1 1  3/ 3    
1 / 3 1 / 6 1 / 3 1 / 6  13 6.5
M e  Al    7800  0.005  3 / 31 / 6 1 / 3  6.5 13 
1 / 6 1 / 3     

The global stiffness matrix is: The global mass matrix is:
 1 1 0 0   13 6.5 0 0
 6.5 26 6.5 0 
9  1 2  1 0 
K  1.035  10 M  
 0  1 2  1  0 6.5 26 6.5
   
 0 0  1 1   0 0 6. 5 13 

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 20
2. Extensional Vibrations
Since the bar is clamped at both ends, the reduced stiffness and mass matrices
are obtained by deleting the first and fourth rows and columns in above global
matrices. This leads to the following natural frequency determinant:
 2  1  26 6.5 2
det 1.035  10 9     0
 1 2  6.5 26 
(2.07  10 9  26 2  1.035  10 9  6.5 2 )  0   1  5643rad / s  898Hz

(2.07  109  26 2  1.035  109  6.5 2 )  0   2  12619rad / s  2008Hz

If the bar has been divided into two elements of equal length, the element
stiffness matrix and mass matrix are:
AE  1  1 0.005  207  10 9  1  1 8 1  1
Ke    6.9  10
l  1 1  3/ 2  1 1 
 
 1 1 
 

1 / 3 1 / 6 1 / 3 1 / 6 19.5 9.75
M e  Al    7800  0 .005  3 / 2    
1 / 6 1 / 3 1 / 6 1 / 3 9.75 19.5 

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 21
2. Extensional Vibrations
The global stiffness matrix is: The global mass matrix is:
 1 1 0  19.5 9.75 0 
K  6.9  10 8  1 2  1 M  9.75 39 9.75
 0  1 1   0 9.75 19.5 

Since the bar is clamped at both ends, the reduced stiffness and mass matrices
are obtained by deleting the first and third rows and columns in above global
matrices. This leads to the following natural frequency determinant:

det 6.9  108  2   39 2  0 

6.9  108  2
 
1   1  5948rad / s  947 Hz

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 22
3. Torsional Vibrations
The analogy between torsional and extensional vibrations has been
demonstrated in “Structural Dynamics (1)”.

A finite element analysis for torsional vibrations of bars of circular cross-section

is obtained from the above equations by replacing:
 uj by j, the cross-sectional rotation at node j;
 A by J, the polar second moment of area; and
 E by G.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 23
4. Flexural Vibrations
Figure below shows an element of length L which undergoes flexural deformation.

L L1 L2 L3

1 2 1 2 3 4
v1 v2 v1 v2 v3 v4

(a) Y (b)

The nodal variables are the transverse displacement v and the slope =v/x
at each node.

Consider the beam element with transverse displacements v1, v2 and slopes
1 , 2. We need shape functions to define displacement and slope at any point
x between the nodes.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 24
4. Flexural Vibrations
The following shape functions are defined:

 x x 

Nv 1  x   1  3   2  ; N 1  x   x 1  2    
L L  L  L  

 x  x 2 
Nv 2  x   3   2  ; N 2  x   x     
L L  L  L  

So that the displacement v(x) at any point along the beam is given by:

v ( x )  Nv 1 x v 1  N 1 x 1  Nv 2  x v 2  N 2  x  2
dNv 1 dN dN
( x )   x v1  1  x 1  dNv 2  x v 2   2  x 2
dx dx dx dx

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 25
4. Flexural Vibrations
The significance of the choice of these shape functions is shown below, where
it may be seen that they possess the following properties:

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 26
4. Flexural Vibrations
The strain energy of the element is:
 v1 
L 2  
1   2v  1  1 
Ue 
EI  2  dx   v 1 1 v 2
 x  2
 2 K e  
 2
 
 2
Where the element stiffness matrix Ke can be shown to be given by:

 12 6L  12 6L 
 2
 6L 2L2 
EI  6L 4L
Ke  3
L  12  6L 12  6L 
 2 
 6L 2 L2
 6L 4L 

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 27
4. Flexural Vibrations

The kinetic energy of the element is:

 v1 
2  
  
1  v  1
Te   A  dx   v1  1 v 2  2  M e  1 
2 0  t  2 v
 2
  
 2
Where the element mass matrix Me may be shown to be:

 156 22 L 54  13L 
 4 L2 13L  3L2 
AL  22 L
Me 
420  54 13L 156  22 L 
 
 13L  3L  22 L 4 L2 

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 28
4. Flexural Vibrations
 Considering the beam consisting of a number of elements, the nodal
variables are v1, 1, v2, 2, v3, 3,….
 Each 44 element stiffness matrix is assembled to form the structure stiffness
matrix as indicated by the dotted line boxes in K below;
 Two boxes overlap the contributions to K from the corresponding element
matrices add;
 Kej signifies the matrix for element j.




Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 29
4. Flexural Vibrations
 The structure mass matrix M is assembled similarly from the element
mass matrices Mej.
 The matrices K and M are reduced by eliminating rows and columns
associated with zero displacements and slopes at boundaries.
 Application of the Lagrange equation leads to:

(K  M  2 ) v  0
Mv  Cv  Kv  p(t)
which will be used for eigenvalue and response problems, respectively.

 For simple beams the finite element method may lead to more
computation than other approximate methods.
 Its merit appears when applied to complex problems, such as the
vibration of two- and three-dimensional frames, consisting of beams,
and the vibration of stiffened structures when beam elements are
used for the stiffeners in conjunction with plate or shell elements.
 Curved beam finite elements and deep beam elements, in which the
effects of transverse shear deformation and rotatory inertia are
included, have been developed.
Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 30
A uniform beam of length L is clamped at both ends as shown. The beam has
flexural rigidity EI and constant mass per unit length A. Determine the first two
natural frequencies with the finite element method. Use two elements for the

L/2 L/2

Y v

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 31
The element stiffness matrix is:
 12 6L / 2  12 6L / 2   12 3L  12 3L 
 2
 6 L / 2 2( L / 2) 2  8 EI  3L L2  3L L2 / 2
EI 6 L / 2 4( L / 2)
Ke   3
( L / 2) 3   12  6 L / 2 12  6L / 2  L  12  3L 12  3L 
   2 
 6 L / 2 2( L / 2)
 6 L / 2 4( L / 2) 2   3 L L2
/ 2  3 L L 

The stiffness matrix of the whole beam is:

 12 3L  12 3L 0 0   12 3L  12 3L 0 0 
 3L L 2
 3 L L 2
/ 2 0 0   3L L 2
 3 L L2
/ 2 0 0 
   
8EI   12  3 L 12  12  3 L  3 L  12 3 L  8EI  12  3L 24 0  12 3L 
K 3    
L  3 L L / 2  3 L  3L L  L  3L L2 / 2 L3 2 L2  3L L2 / 2
2 2 2 2
 3L L / 2 0
 0 0  12  3L 12  3L   0 0  12  3L 12  3L 
   
 0 0 3L L2 / 2  3L L2   0 0 3L L2 / 2  3L L2 

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 32
The element mass matrix is:
 156 22 L / 2 54  13L / 2   156 11L 54  6.5 L 
 4( L / 2) 2 13L / 2  3( L / 2) 2  AL  11L L2 6.5 L  0.75L2 
AL / 2  22 L / 2
Me  
420  54 13L / 2 156  22 L / 2  840  54 6.5 L 156  11L 
   
 13L / 2  3( L / 2)  22 L / 2 4( L / 2) 2   6.5 L  0.75L  11L
2 2
L2 

The mass matrix of the whole beam is:

 156 11L 54  6.5 L 0 0   156 11L 54  6.5L 0 0 
 11L L2 6.5 L  0.75 L 2
0 0   L2  0.75 L 2 
   11L 6.5 L 0 0 
AL  54 6.5 L 156  156  11L  11L 54  6.5L  AL  54 6 .5 L 312 0 54  6.5 L 
M  2
  
840  6.5 L  0.75 L2  11 L  11 L L L
2 2
6.5 L  0.75 L  840  6.5 L  0.75 L2 0 2 L2 6.5L  0.75 L2 
 0 0 54 6.5 L 156  11L   0 0 54 6.5 L 156  11 L 
   
 0 0  6.5 L  0.75 L 2
 11 L L2
  0 0  6.5 L  0.75 L2  11L L2 

On assembly of the two element matrices we obtain 66 structural matrices, but
the first, second, fifth and sixth rows and columns are eliminated in the following
equation to determine the natural frequencies due to the clamped boundaries at
both ends.
( K  M 2 )v  0

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 33
Therefore, we have:
 8EI 24 0  AL 2 312 0   v 2 
 3  2
  2    0
 L  0 2 L  840  0 2 L 
  2 
 24  8EI 312 AL 2  2 L2  8 EI 2 L2  AL 2 
 3
  3
   0 
 L 840  L 840 

12  516.92   1  22 . 73
AL4 AL4
 22  6720   2  81. 97
AL4 AL4

More elements are needed to get more accurate results.

Dr Yigeng Xu, UH 34

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