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Cyndilia Fatriada Suci

Vadilla Zulfa
What is Scabies ?

Seen with magnifying glass

or microsope

Sarcoptes Scabiei

Small eight – legged


1/3 milimeter long

Itching, worse
How do you get Scabies ?
• Age, race, gender, social class or personal hygiene habits.
• Transmission.
• Shaking hands or sittings next to someone.
• Sexual.
• the other
What do Scabies look like ?

‘Burrows’ or ‘Tunnels’

Which appear as thin gray,

brown, or red lines.

Can be very difficult to see.

Sign and symptoms of Scabies

Small red bumps, blisters,

affect specific areas

Scabies may involve :

the fingers, the
elbows, knees, the
waist and umbilicus,
the nipples, the feet,
genital area and the
Scabies Treatment
Besides medication including creams and pills:

• Wash linens and bedclothes in hot water!

• Mites don't live long away from the body, therefore not necessary to dry-
clean the whole wardrobe, spray furniture/rugs and so forth
What to do ?

• Treat sexual contacts or relevant family members (who

either have symptoms or have the kind of relationship that
makes transmission likely)
• Cut your nails, and clean under them thoroughly to remove
any mites or eggs that may be present
• Thoroughly vacuum your rugs, furniture, bedding, and car
interior and throw the vacuum-cleaner bag away when
• Try to avoid scratching and keep any open sores clean

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