12 Discharge Plan

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 Intake Medications (Maintenance medication) at right

time, right dose and route- to facilitate Fast recovery
and prevent the occurrence of heart Failure.
 Antihypertensive Carvedilol (Beta blocker) is given when
BP is greater than 140/90 MmHg.

 Limited exercise tolerance to avoid too much work load

of the heart and to prevent complication.
 Avoid Contact Sport Such as soccer and swimming to
prevent occurrence of sudden heart failure attack
 Avoid Activities that will make patient worry or will
trigger stress to the patient

 A low-sodium (2 to 3 g/day) diet and

 Avoidance of drinking excessive amounts of fluid is
usually recommended.
 Dietary restriction of sodium reduces fluid retention and
the symptoms of peripheral and pulmonary congestion.
 purpose of sodium restriction is to decrease the amount
of circulating blood volume, which decreases
myocardial work.

 Encourage the patient to balance needs to be achieved

between the ability the patient to comply with the diet
and the recommended dietary restriction.
 Inform patient about any change in diet needs to be
made with consideration of good nutrition as well as the
patient’s likes, dislikes, and cultural food patterns.
 Inform patient that t compliance is important because
dietary indiscretions may result in severe exacerbations
of HF requiring hospitalization.
 Encourage patients to measure their weight each morning. Changes in
weight can indicate changes in sodium and fluid status. Sudden weight
gain is often a sign of hypervolemia and an indicator of worsening HF

 Close monitoring of blood electrolytes and kidney function is

recommended for patients on HF medications as they can lead to
nutritional implications such as high and low serum potassium levels
(hyperkalemia and hypokalemia respectively).

 Other than adjusting for nutrient deficiencies, the use of vitamin and
mineral supplements, and natural health products does not benefit HF
 Patient is Encouraged to have a follow-up as ordered by
the doctor.

 Patient is advised to notify physician if signs and

symptoms of Heart Failure occurs.

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