Committed To Succeed Your Dream

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Committed to Succeed Your Dream

Complete plan
About us
 Entretech is a search service website where
startup company or entrepreneur easily
find everything (like team , mentor ,
advisor , acoountant , freelancer ,
incorporation & approval , certification &
licensing , startup incubator , investor etc. )
that is appropriately required for their idea
or startup to boost , accelerate , fast mover
and profit oriented company.
 In other word Entretech is a search
service website which provide complete
startup solution .
 To create a platform where Investor ,
Entrepreneur & Student interact each
other as per own choices.
 To be the unique company where
Entrepreneur easily find each and
everything i.e. required for start-up
success .
 To reverse the percentage of failure &
success rate of start up.
Our services
Categoery 1.
 B - training video
 I - training video
 R&D – training video
 Other video services
 Consultancy
Our services
Categoery 2
 Find Start up idea
 Find start up cofounder
 Find Investor
 Find Start up Internship
Our services
Categoery 3
search for ( company -business service provider)
 Start up incubator
 Angel Investor group
 Venture capitalist group
 Business consultancy
 Legal & approval of company ,product &
 Certification & licencing
 Web design and development company
 Advertising agency
 Marketing company
 Accounting
 HR & management
Our services
Categoery 4
Search for ( freelancer )
 Corporate trainer
 Business adviser
 Business plan
 Financial adviser
 Web developer
 App developer
 Graphic designer
 Brochure & logo designer
 Content writer
 Digital marketing
 Addv Video maker
 Accountant
 Blog writer
 Ms office work
 Legal and approval
 Certification & licencing
Our services
Upcoming services
 Mutual fund
R & D
 Start up bank
 Start up innovation fund
 Other & many more
Why Us
 A single platform for Entrepreneur , Student & Investor.
For Entrepreneur -
 Start your company in just a click
 Find everything for your start up success.
 Anyone start own business without any knowledge of
 Start up cost reduce due to multiple option of service required.
 Start up time reduce , by one click solution
 Find quality service
Why Us
 A single platform for Entrepreneur , Student &
For Investor -
 Become an Investor with minimum Rs-10000
 Get help from financial advisor .
 Find start up as per your choice .
 Become global investor by just creating profile

 Any individual become investor .
 Secure your investment by getting help of financial
advisor .
 Opportunity to invest globally
 Get free advice and update about investment in start
Why Us
 A single platform for Entrepreneur , Student &
For Student -
 Find Internship in interested field
 Be an Entrepreneur
 Research and development
 Become team member of start up

• Get knowledge and experience of corporate sector in
college period
• Run Start up after colllege and save time
• Free business consultancy
• Become co-member of start up company
• A unique opportunity to innovate .
Target market

 Startup & company

 Entrepreneur
 College student urban city
 Pvt . Employee
Size of market
 5000 – 6000 company registered
monthly in india
 Approx 10 lac technical and mgmt
graduate passout yeraly
 Approx 2 crore employee are working in
pvt sector
 Indian start up growing annually up to
10% for 2030.
 Approx 5 crore youth are interested in
start up
Promoting strategy
Promo Strategy

Startup/ College
company student

Crowd offline
Social media email

Complete Category wise


Start up employee
Team Investor

Individual Individual Individual

benefit services feature
Aim , mission , Company
vision introduction
 Profile varification
 Premium subscription yearly
 Promoting services & company
 Advertising
 Event & fair organise
 Premium services
Profile Varrification
1. What is profile varification ?
-Profile varification is paid up service provide by web
1. Why need of profile profile varification ?
-The platform is known for trusted services & better
quality so user must varified own service profile
help us to improve and build trust .
1. Who can varify profile ?
-Person having service profile at this platform can
varify their profile .
1. How can varify profile ?
-At the end of your profile page you can varified your
profile option you will click on this after that
company contact you via phone or mail and few
document and information required , you may
send document via mail id or web page and than
within 3day you profile is varified and you can see
(vairifed by bizbel ) this at your profile page .
Profile varification
1. Document Required for profile varification ?
- Doc required for student-
College Id
adhar card
- Doc required for company –
Company incorporation certificate
Pan card
- Doc required for passout –
Adhar card
Last exam admit card or marksheet
Adhar card
- Doc required for investor-
Previous investment prooff or Any add prooff
Adhar card

1. Fee required for profile varifiation?

Profile varification
 Benefit for profile varification –(student)
1. Having startup-idea
a. Business plan complition
b. Startup team
c. 5 investor meeting yearly
d. Apply in startup incubator
e. 2 investor contact no. And details monthly
f. Free business consultancy
g. Free business support
h. Investor summit (free passes)
i. Innovation contest(free passes)
j. Job fair (free passes)
Profile varification
 Benefit for profile varification –(student)
1. Join startup team-
a. Find startup idea
b. 5 business idea monthly
c. 2 meeting arrange monthly with startup
d. Free business consultancy
e. Free business support
f. Investor summit (free passes)
g. Innovation contest(free passes)
h. Job fair (free passes)
Profile varification
 Benefit for profile varification –(student)
1. Internship student-
a. 5 intern company within 15 days to start internship
b. Free adviser & consultancy
c. Free technical support
d. Investor summit (free passes)
e. Innovation contest(free passes)
f. Job fair (free passes)
Profile varification
 Benefit for profile varification –(Freelancer)
1. Personal website portfolio
2. 5 company project (yearly)
3. 15 individual or company project(yearly)
4. Skill development courses free
5. Free consultancy
6. Free support
7. Customize profile
8. Investor summit (pass free)
9. Innovation contest (pass free)
10. Job fair (pass free)
11. Any event ( free registration)
Profile varification
 Benefit for profile varification –(Service provider)
1. Personal informational website
2. 15 company project (yearly)
3. 25 individual or company project(yearly)
4. Provide freelancer
5. Free consultancy
6. Free support
7. Customize profile
8. Investor summit (pass free)
9. Innovation contest (pass free)
10. Job fair (pass free)
11. Any event ( free registration)
Profile varification
 Benefit for profile varification –(Investor)
1. Personal portfolio website
2. 5 idea monthly ( as per location & field of interest)
3. 5 startup –investor meeting (yearly)
4. Financial advisor
5. Free consultancy
6. Free support
7. Customize profile
8. Investor summit (pass free)
9. Innovation contest (pass free)
10. Job fair (pass free)
11. Any event ( free registration)
Premium subscription yearly
 What is Premium subscription ?
 What is the benefit of premium
subscription ?
Premium subscription yearly
 Premium service for (student)
Premium subscription yearly
 Premium service for (freelancer)
Premium subscription yearly
 Premium service for (service provider)
Premium subscription yearly
 Premium service for (startup company)
Premium subscription yearly
 Premium service for (Investor)
Promoting service & company
1. what is promoting service & company ?
2. why need promoting service & company?
3. Who can eligible for this service?
4. How will provide promoting service & company?
5. When provide promoting service & company?
Promoting service & company
 Promoting service & company for (freelancer)
Promoting service & company
 Promoting service & company for (Service provider)
Promoting service & company
 Promoting service & company for (Investor)
Promoting service & company
 Promoting service & company for (start-up )
1. What is advertising ?
2. Why need advertising ?
3. Which type of advertising you provide?
4. Who can eligible for advertising service?
5. How will provide advertising service?
6. Is it neccesary to advertising ?
7. Advertising effect on website trust and quality?
Event & fair organize
 Investor ,Start-up,Idea –summit
1. What is ISI summit?
2. Why need ISI summit?
3. Who can organize this summit?
4. When summit is organize?
5. How can organize this summit?
6. How will inform for this summit?
7. How user register for this summit?
Event & fair organize
 Innovation contest-
Event & fair organize
 Job fair-
Working strategy
Marketing strategy
Excution strategy

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