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What is Scientific

It is an orderly process of empirical
investigation that is focused on
solving a problem.
7 Components of Scientific Investigation:
1. Statement of the Research Problem
This part answers to the following questions:
What questions do you have about your topic?
What do you want to know?

Example: How does fertilizer affect the

growth of plants?
Once the problem is identified and a
testable question has been proposed, you
can now formulate the hypothesis.
Hypothesis is a simple statement that
presents the possible solution to the problem.
It can be tested and it is based on knowledge
and research.
1. Null Hypothesis (Ho)
Hypothesis that states no relationship between variables.
Example: The fertilizer does not affect the growth of

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Hypothesis that states a relationship between variables.
Example: There is significant relationship between the
growth of plants and the use of fertilizer.
In the activity notebook, copy and answer the following:
1. Define the following:
a)Scientific investigation;
b)Null hypothesis;
c) Alternative hypothesis;
2. Write or state the problem and the hypotheses of the given
situation below.
“Students want to know if water can minimize the acidity of lemon
Problem: _________________________
Null hypothesis: _________________________
Alternative Hypothesis: ____________________

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