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The Globalization

-Sergio Salvo
Copper Age
1700-800 A.C

The Copper Age, also is a period of prehistory

located between the Neolithic (New Stone
Age) and the Bronze Age .called Chalcolithic.
Industrial Revolution

The first industrial revolution, characterized

by the use of the steam engine and coal to move
the machines, it was reaching all nations.
French Revolution

The French Revolution was a social and political

conflict, with various periods of violence, which
convulsed France and, by extension of its
implications, to other nations.
Free Trade Opening

Free Trade is an economic concept, referring

to the sale of products between countries.
Second Industrial Revolution

During this period the changes underwent a

strong acceleration. The process of
industrialization changed its nature and
economic growth varied from model.
first World War

the first war previously called the great war

was in europe, this war had a great global
Great Depression The USA

The so-called Great Depression originated in

the United States, from the fall of the stock
market and quickly spread to other countries.
Second World War

The Second World War was a global military

conflict, in which most of the nations of the
world were involved.
The Cold War

The Cold War was a confrontation of the

world powers between the Western bloc, all
the world wars will affect humanity

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