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Human Life Cycle
The New Born
(the first 28 days of life)

 Transition from intrauterine to extrauterine

 Adaptation to extrauterine life requires rapid
and profound physiologic changes, including
 aeration of the lungs,
 rerouting of the circulation, and
 activation of the intestinal tract
The Newborn

 The majorityof deaths of infants younger than 1

yr of age occur within this period, most of these
within the first 7 days, more over, a large
proportion of those within the first day
 The leading cause of death are low birth weight,
followed by congenital anomalies, perinatal
condition, respiratory system diseases, and
infection diseases.
Infant, children & adolescence

 Child and adult is different

 Child is not a little or mini adult
 Specific characteristic of child are :
Growing and Developing
to achieve full potential as adult
Physicians have to concern with:

 The health of infants, children, and adolescence,

 Their growth and development,
 Their opportunity to achieve full potential as
 Social and environmental influences, which have
a major impact on the health and well-being of
children and their families
 The young are often among the most

vulnerable or disavantaged in society, and

thus their needs require special attention

Geriatric (lanjut usia)

 Salah satu tolok ukur kemajuan suatu bangsa

adalah umur harapan hidup penduduknya
 Tahun 2000, jumlah lansia 7,28 %
 Prediksi th 2020 : 11,34 %
 Lansia Indonesia meningkat 414 % (Kinsella
& Tauber )
Aging process

 Suatu Proses menghilangnya secara perlahan

lahan kemampuan jaringan untuk memperbaiki
diri / mengganti diri dan mempertahakan
struktur dan fungsi normal sehingga tidak dapat
bertahan terhadap jejas/infeksi dan
memperbaiki kerusakan yang diderita .

 Daya tahan Distorsi Degeneratif

Teori proses Menua

 1. Genetic Clock
 2. Mutasi Somatik
 3. Rusaknya sistim Imune tubuh
 4. Akibat gg Metabolisme
 5. Kerusakan Akibat Radikal Bebas
Healthy Aging

 Tua tidak disertai Proses Patologik .

 Endogenic aging

 Exogenic aging
 Endogenic
 Cell Tissue organ

 Healthy aging

 Environment risk factor life style

 Exogenic
Risk Factor
 Blood pressure
 Tobaco
 Dyslipidemia Stroke
 Improper food Hipertensi
 Glucose DM
 Stress Cancer
 Inactivity Liver disease
 Alkohol Renal failure
Respiratory disesase
 Environment
 Oral hygine
Geriatric Problems

 1. Immobility
 2. Instability
 3. Incontinence
 4. Intellectual impairment
 5. Infection
 6. Impairment of vission and hearing
 7. Isolation (depression)
 8. Innanition (malnutrion)
 9. Impecunity
 10. Iatrogenesis
 11. Insomnia
 12. Imune deficiency
 13. Impotence
 14. Decrease Vitality
Syarat ujian

 Kehadiran IT …. % ?

 Skill lab 100 %

Bila kurang harus mendapat special
treatment selama blok berjalan

 Tutorial 85 %

 MCQ Tutorial
 Proses tutorial
 Log book
Long life without continous
usefulness , productivity, and
goodquality of life is not a

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