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A look into the yin

and yang of food
ahe Basis
A Brief History
- Dates back as far as 2000BC

- Proper documentation was found from 500 BC

- First school of thought was formed in 300BC

called the Huangdi Neijing
Huangdi Neijing
- In English, is read as Yellow Emperor͛s Inner
Canon or Classic of Medicine
- Ancient medical text which is fundamental to
all Chinese medicine
- Written by Huangdi and six other important
- Also discusses other therapies including
Philosophy Meets Practice
- ͞Yang͟ foods raises the body͛s heat

- ͞Yin͟ foods lowers the body͛s heat

- Eat both of these groups in balance to attain


- Does not cure acute conditions, will help prevent

and help body fight these conditions
Body aypes
- ͞Yin yang͟ body type determines
susceptibility to food type and general health

- ͞Neutral͟ body type:

- Very healthy
- Will only have ill effects after overconsumption of
a type of food
Body aypes
- ͞Yang͟ body type:
- Eat as much ͞yin͟ food without ill effect
- Slightest bit of ͞yang͟ food can cause nosebleed
- ͞Yin͟ body type:
- aypically a very unhealthy person
- Reacts to both ͞yin͟ and ͞yang͟ food
- Needs ͞boosting͟ or ͞nourishing͟ type to help
attain balance
Food aypes
Î üDry fire ʹ yang)
- Causes dryness of skin, chapped lips, nose

- Ex: chili pepper, deep fried food, beef jerky,


- Cures: any ͞yin͟ or ͞cooling͟ food

A üWet heat ʹ yang)
- Causes mouth sore, urinary burning

- Ex: mango pineapple, cherry

- Cures: chrysanthemum, sugar cane, Imperata

arundinacea, Prunella vulgaris L.
† ücold cooling ʹ yin)
- Causes dizziness, weakness, pale or green face
ülow oxygen levels in blood)

- Ex: Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew,

certain melon-type fruits or vegetables, green

- Cures: any ͞boosting͟ or ͞dry fire͟ food

Ë üclear cooling ʹ yin)
- Mild version of previous, but can lead to
similar effects

- Ex: beer, lettuce, sugar cane, Imperata

arundinacea, American ginseng

- Cures: not needed if not overused

â üblocking)
- Causes indigestion, stomach gas

- Ex: all fibrous food üyam, chestnuts)

- Cures: haw fruit, malt

ù üpoisoning)
- Cause pus or swelling in wound, outbreak of
acne, hemorrhoid

- Ex: Duck, goose, bamboo shoot, all shellfish

- Cures: stopping at outbreak

- Causes gastric upset, runny stool, outbreak of

- Ex: greasy food übacon)

- Cures: stopping at outbreak

> ünourishing)
- Moisturizing and soothing

- Ex: apple, pear, fig, winter melon, longan,

lotus seed, lily bulb

- Cures: not needed

l  üboosting ʹ dry fire)
- Replenishes blood and Qi, becomes dry fire if

- Ex: Mutton, snake, wild games, beef, red dates

- Cures: not needed if not overused

ß  üvigorating)
- Circulating blood and Qi

- Ex: red wine, Korean ginseng

- Cures: not needed

$ , , , , ,  etc.
üstrengthening, generating)
- Improves various internal functions

- Ex: various

- Cures: not needed

Health from food
- Balance out your daily meals

- Eat according to your body type

- Attain and sustain neutrality

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