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Engineering Training Program

Module 7 – Progress Management

Overview of Module content and intent – Neil Grunwell (Rev.0 – 12th July 2009)

7 Dec 2021
Presentation Contents

 Background

 Intent of the Progress Management Module

 Training Materials and delivery method

 Brief overview / summary of proposed content

 Roles & Responsibilities

 Module Development Plan

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 It is not sufficient for projects to simply collect hours and costs and
compare them to the budget

 Monitoring of progress and performance is a fundamental aspect of

project delivery that all discipline lead engineers and designers should
be familiar with and be able to apply

 WorleyParsons has an expectation that discipline leads will take

ownership of their discipline budgets and monitor / report progress (and
forecast work to complete) on a regular basis

 Incorrect project set-up and lack of progress monitoring (including

forecasting) are significant contributing factors to poor project

3 7 Dec 2021
Intent of the Progress Management Module

 The desired outcome of the module is that the participant will

be able to demonstrate:
 Understanding of the impact of progress on the overall project cost
and schedule and why regular assessment of progress and
performance is imperative

 Understanding of the fundamentals of progress measurement &

budget management – and the role of the discipline lead engineer /
designer in the process

 Application of Progress Gates to both time based and deliverable

based activities

 Understanding of Earned Value and Forecast reporting against both

cost and schedule

 Ability to interrogate progress reports and diagnose issues

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Training Materials & Delivery Method

 Training materials will enable local face-to-face delivery of the training

and will include:

 Facilitator’s Presentation & Guidance notes

 Participant Guide
 Assessment Questions (with answers for facilitator)

 It is proposed that this module will incorporate practical exposure to the

Progress Update Module of InControl v8.0

 Following initial development of these materials, additional delivery

options will be looked at including on-line availability and video versions

5 7 Dec 2021
Module 7 – Proposed Content Outline
& Approx. Timeline
Subject Area Content Outline

1 Introduction - HSE Moment (example inserted but can be modified) 10 min.

- Intent of session
- Agenda review

2 Progress Measurement Fundamentals - Overview of key elements 15 min.

- Why it is important
- Minimum expectations of Discipline Leads
- Timing & frequency of progress updates

3 Progress Update Process - Understanding baselines 20 min.

- Progress Gates (including 3D models)
- Time based vs deliverable based activities
- Links to Planning & Scheduling

4 Progress / Performance Analysis - Earned Value reporting 45 min.

(& Forecasting) - Performance Indicators (MPI, CPI and SPI)
- Forecasting Methods & their application
- Understanding and diagnosing progress / performance reports
- Impact of and on Management of Project Change

5 InControl Overview - Brief overview of InControl 10 min.

6 Exercise /Questionnaire - Based on a given scenario, answer a short series of questions to 20 min.
to gauge participants understanding.

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Module 7 – Progress Management
Proposed Responsibilities

 Training Materials Development Corporate Engineering in consultation

with ELT and L&D teams

 Training Program Coordination Regional L&D Coordinators in

consultation with Location & Regional
Engineering Managers

 Training Module Delivery Resources nominated by Location

and/or Regional Engineering Managers

 Frequency of Module Delivery To suit regional rollout schedules

7 7 Dec 2021
Module 7 – Development Plan

 Overview document issued to ELT 25-May-09

 First draft of materials issued for review 25-May-09

 Comments returned 12-Jun-09

 Pilot and incorporate feedback Jul-09

 Rollout to Regions (including ‘train the trainer’) from end Jul-09

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