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Cell Theory & Cell Organelles

1. Cell Theory
A. All living things are made of cells.
B. Cells are the basic unit of structure &
C. Cells come from pre-existing cells.
Scientists Who Formed the Cell Theory
A. Robert Hooke: Observed cork and coined the word
B. Anton von Leeuwenhoek: Invented the microscope.
C. Matthias Schleiden: “all plants are made of cells.”
D. Theodor Schwann: “all animals are made of cells.”
E. Rudolf Virchow: “cells come from pre-existing
F. Robert Brown: Discovered the nucleus.
2. Cell Size
A. Small cells function more efficiently than large cells.
B. If a cell’s surface to volume ratio is too low, substances
can not easily enter or leave the cell.
Smallest cell – mycoplasma largest – ostrich egg yolk
3. Two Types of Cells
1. Prokaryotic- small, simple. Only bacteria
2. Eukaryotic- large, complex. All cells except
bacteria (includes animals, plants, fungi,
4. Comparing & Contrasting Cell Types
Prokaryotes vs.________ Eukaryotes
A. Single Cellular A. Single/Multi-Cellular
B. Lack a nucleus B. Nucleus
C. No membrane bound-organelles C. Membrane bound organelles
D. Single Chromosomes D. Chromosome pairs
E. No Cytoplasmic Streaming E. Cytoplasmic streaming
F. Simple Flagella F. Complex flagella
G. Can live in a broad range of G. Cannot live in broad range
H. Contain Cell wall A. Most DO NOT contain cell walls
I. Lack internal Support B. Contain Cytoskeleton for internal
• Nuclear Material
• Have a Cell Membrane
• Have Cytoplasm
• Have Ribosomes
Cell Organelles
5. Eukaryotic Organelles
• Organelle: tiny, specialized structure that carries out 1 or more
specific functions.
• Cell Membrane: PHOSPHOLIPID BILAYER-maintains homeostasis &
protects the cell.

• Cell Wall: Protective outermost layer. Plants and Fungi ONLY!!

• Cytoplasm (Cytosol):
• fills up the space between nucleus and plasma membrane. “this is
the goop of the cell.”
. Cytoskeleton – Network of protein filaments that support and aid
in movement
• Nucleus: “brain” of the cell. (genetic control, regulates growth,
metabolism & reproduction)
• Nucleolus: makes ribosomes.
• Nuclear Envelope (membrane): protects the nucleus from the
• Chromosomes/chromatin: contain heredity info.
• Nuclear Pores- openings in the nucleus
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): make & transport proteins & lipids
Rough- has ribosomes attached, makes proteins.
Smooth- no ribosomes, makes lipids

Golgi Apparatus: packages and ships proteins.

Vessicles- small sacs that hold/transport


Lysosome: recycles/digests wastes; disinfects cell.

Vacuole: stores food and water (larger in plants.)

Chloroplasts: turns sunlight into free energy in
PLANTS ONLY! photosynthesis
-contains a green pigment (chlorophyll)

Mitochondria: “power house” of the cell.

Turns food into free energy.

Centrioles: aid cellular reproduction in ANIMALS

Flagella: whip-like tail used for movement.

Cilia: short hairs used for movement.

6. Plant Cell vs Animal Cell
Plant vs Animal Cells
Squarish Shape Round or various shapes
Have Chloroplasts No chloroplasts
Contain Cell Walls No Cell wall
Large Vacuole Small Vacuole
Have Plastids No Plastids
Have Lysosome Have Lysosome
7. Cell Specialization
A. The design and shape of a cell is determined by its function and
the conditions under which it works.
B. Unicellular organisms tend to have fairly
complex cells, which makes sense considering
that these organisms must depend on only one
cell to do everything.
C. Multicellular organisms exhibit
much greater specialization.


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