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9th President of the Philippines.

Prepared by: Jannibee L. Estrera

Early life

Diosdado Macapagal was born on September 28, 1910,

in Lubao, Pampanga, the third of five children in a poor
family. His father was Urbano Macapagal y Romero (c. 1883 –
1946),[2] a poet who wrote in the local Pampangan
language and his mother wasRomana Pangan Macapagal.

Diosdado is a distant descendant of Don Juan Macapagal, a

prince of Tondo, who was a great-grandson of the last
reigning Lakan of the Kingdom of Tondo, Lakan Dula.
Won the election on 1961 under the Liberal
Party as a President.
Promised to solve the problems of
unemployment and promote self-sufficiency
in food production
He promised to set an example of honesty,
uprightness, and simple living.
Macapagal presidency

Land reform code

Change of independence day celebration

from july 4 to june 12.
Agricultural Land Reform Code
To establish and encourage the formation of family-sized farms as the
basis of Phil. Agri.
To improve the status of the farmers by freeing them from pernicious
practices such as exorbitant rates of interest for loans
To encourage bigger productivity to increase the income of small
To apply all labor laws to all irrespective of their status in life
To provide a land settlement program and the distribution of land
To make poor farmers independent, self reliant, and responsible
citizens in order to strengthen the Phil.democratic society.
Independence Day

The nationalists praised Macapagal’s move,

for the truth, Philippine independemce was
proclaimed by Aguinaldo on June 12, 1898.
The one proclaimed in july 4 was made not by
the Filipino president, but by the US president
Thank you

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