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Derivational Affixation

Found in Alice's Adventure

in Wonderland novel by
Lewis Carroll

Feby Ebrina 215110052

Ledy Hanna 215110023
1. Background of the Study
2. Problem of the Study
3. The Objectives of the Study
4. The Scope of the Study
5. The Significances of the Study
6. Theoritical Review
7. Research Methodology
Background of the Study
• Language is very important in our daily life
because we communicate with the others by
using language. of course the language that
understand by people.
• Derivation affixes is important since it is one of
the most common processes in forming a new
word. Finally, the writer is going to analyze the
derivational affixes found in Alice in Wonderland
novel by Lewis Carroll.
The Problem of the Study
• 1.What derivational affixes are found in Lewis
Carroll's novel Alice's Adventure in Wonderland ?
• 2.What are the categories of the derived words in
Lewis Carroll's novel Alice's Adventure in
Wonderland ?
The Objectives of the Study
• To find out the derivational affixes found
in Lewis Carroll's novel Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland.

• To understand the categories of the

derived words found in Lewis Carroll's
novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
The Scope of the Study
• The writer limits the research study in
order to make research does not go too far.
This research only deals with the
derivational prefixes, suffixes or called
confixes which become one of the types of
word of derivation in Alice’s Adventures
in Wonderland.
Significances of the Study
• 1.Theoretical
• This research helps learning in affixes, especially derivational
affixes that change class of the base or root in the part of speech.
• 2.Practical
• The result of the research is expected to give the better contribution
to the lecturers, university students and future researcher. For
lecturer, the research helps to give meaningful contribution in
teaching affixes especially derivational affixes. For university
students, the research hopefully can be used to study affixes in
morphology cases not only for handbook but also from the novel.
For the future researcher, the result of the research hopefully can be
the guidance or previous studies for those who interested in doing
similar field of the research.
Theoritical Review
Morphology is derived from the English language morphology, meaning that the branch of
linguistics that studies on the structure or parts of words grammatically (Mulyana, 2007:
5). However (Lieber, 2009: 2) morphology is the study of word formation, including the

ways new words are varied depending on how they are used in sentences.

We think of words as the basic units of language. There are some words whose sound
seems to reflect their meaning fairly directly. For example,/dogs/is the plural of/dog/and as
such it is formed by a regular process, and if we only know the meaning of/dog/we also
know the meaning of/dogs/. Thus, we can decompose/dogs/into two parts:/dog/and/s/.

Since morphemes are the smallest carriers of meaning, each word must contain at least one
morpheme. Some words are made up of more than one morpheme. The word morpheme
itself is made up of two morphemes: morph “form, shape” and -eme “meaningful”. So a
morpheme is a meaningful unit of form (Stockwell & Mindkova, 2001 : 57).

Defenition of affixes
(Jackson, 2003: 8) defines affix is the general term for morphemes
that cannot be used by themselves as simple words; they only occur
‘bound’ to another morpheme. Note that, when writing affixes, the
convention is to put a hyphen on the side where the affix is bound,
i.e. to the right of prefixes and to the left of suffixes.

Derivational morphology is defined as morphology that creates new

lexemes, either by changing the syntactic category (part of speech) of
a base or by adding substantial, non-grammatical meaning or both.
On the one hand, derivation may be distinguished from inflectional
morphology, which typically does not change category but rather
modifies lexemes to fit into various syntactic contexts; inflection
typically expresses distinctions like number, case, tense, aspect,
person, among others. On the other hand, derivation may be
distinguished from compounding which also creates new lexemes but
by combining two or more bases rather than affixation, reduplication,
subtraction, or internal modification of various sorts. Although the
distinctions are generally useful, in practice applying them is not
always easy.


Research Design
The writer used descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data that
indicated to derivational affixes in Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis
Carroll. Qualitative research is a research that produces descriptive data,
speech, or word and behavior that can be observed by the subject itself.
Besides that, the writer also used library research that consists of collecting
some books and journals related to the study and information from internet.
The writer used this method because it appropriated to focus on the
derivational affixes in analyzing the text and all the data was in the form of
word. By using this method as research, it helped the writer to investigate and
describe the data clearly.

The data of this research will be all of the words that attached derivational affixes covered
in the novel from beginning until the end of novel Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis
Carroll. The writer only focused on derivational affixes used in particular words in the novel.

Source of Data
Source of the data is the most important thing in conducting
research. The data source of the research is novel by Lewis Carroll
entitled Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland. The data of this research
was all the words that contain of derivational affixes in the novel.

The Procedures of Data Collection

The next step was to choose the method of data collection was used.
In collecting the data, the writer used the observation method. The
writer takes the following steps in order to collect the exact data.
First, the writer finds the novel entitled Alice’s Adventure in
Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Second, the writer reads all the text of
Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Finally, the
writer finds and list words which contain derivational affixe

The Techniques of Data Analysis
After collecting data, the writer analyzed the data used these
1. The writer identifies the word in novel Alice’s Adventure in
Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
2. The writer describes the derivation affixes of the word in Alice’s
Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
3. The writer categorizes the derivational affixes of the word in
Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
The writer draws the conclusion from the results of the analysis.

Thank You
God Bless You :)

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