Case 20study 20of 20age 206

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• Damien is a very active child. He always has energy to do anything.

• Around his siblings, he acts caring, but if they push him to far then
he will begin to throw a fit.
• He is smart, in his classroom he is one of the top students. He
always receives awards for his achievements.
• He shows affection no matter if it is in public, or at home.

• He is more well behave when he is by himself, rather than when

he’s around other kids.
Extra Credit 2
Quote for the day

“Be the rainbow in

someone else’s cloud”
-Maya Angleu


• The type of behavior of the 6-year-old that I did was

active, and smart. When it came to school he would
answer questions, and do his work. When it was
outside of school like home, and the park he was very
active and talkative.
• The typical development of this child age is that they
are learning different words. Shapes, sounds, and
others stuff that six years old should be learning at
their age.
• The behavior of the student is not bad during school,
but there was a moment where Damien interrupted
the teacher, and the teacher made him sit down so he
can think what he did wrong. During home hours, child 4
is most likely to get time out just like
“Snowman/McCown’ mention in the book.
• To allow this child behavior to be intelligent and kind, I
believe it is important as parents and teachers to follow
how the child should behave. I highly recommend anyone
to basically keep a child at this age active, because if they
aren’t doing anything they will lose their mind because
boredom will hit them.



• There are different emotions that can occur to

a six year old child. Every child is different at a
certain age. This chart that is on the right side of
the page shows different emotions that six years
old children experience every day.
• In the resources it is told that child behavior
can be different. At the age of 6 they experience
emotions like tantrums, meltdowns, angry,
frustrated, and many other emotions. PBS
resources say that at this age they experience
the different emotions in the child body as well
as the parents.

• Compare the child that I observe to the
resource it was the same. The only thing is
that I did not see him that mad, frustrated,
or throw a tantrum when someone would
take his toys, or he did not know the
answer to his homework. He was very
calm and would try to figure out the
problem instead of getting mad..
Observing him, for the age of six he
always has a smile on his face.
• The best recommendations to allow the
child to stay calm, and not throw different
emotions is giving them activities to do with
them having to move around and
communicate. The child that I observed was
interested and happy doing any activity. I
also have worked with children at his age
where if they aren’t doing anything, they will
Age 6- Emotional throw the biggest tantrum, get bored or mad 7
because they want to do something that
keeps them stable.

• In the book of ED PSYCH, the type of
behavior that’s on page 203-204 describes
that the child behavior is mainly observing
and intimating the behavior of things.
• Both Piaget and Vygotsky had a different
theory on how child development should be.
Piaget believed that the development level
for this young age was to how learners
interact with their environment and how they
integrate new knowledge and information
into existing knowledge, that was his theory.
Vygotsky theory was mainly more about the
children speech, socials, and their cultures.

• While observing the child, I agree with
Vygotsky that at the age of 6 or the
young age that children should be more
social and communicated. As well with
Piaget theory with social
communication. The child I was observe
communicated with everyone and got
along with everyone. He would play with
them or ask them “Do you want to
play?”. If he needed help with
something he will ask the adult who is
near him that he knows.
• I do not recommend anything for the
child I observe because he is
communicating on how he should be at
his age. Getting along and being
friendly. I would recommend for other
children that do not communicate as
much as him for the adults to
communicate or socialize with them


In Erikson’s chart, it is said that at the age

In Washington resource it is basically told
six children Psychosocial should Industry
that how students are at the age of six to
vs, Inferiority. It talks about how children
seven and how should parents be about
want to be successful and feel like they are
those situations. One that I am mainly
the winner. They want to be able to do
concerned about is “Child doesn’t like being
things that children who are their age can
kiss in public. Especially boys”. It is true,
do as well. But at this age, if the child know
many of these behavior from different
that they failed for example their homework,
resource explains something like the exact
game or etc. and see other kids do better
same thing.
that is when they feel inferiority.


• The character of this child is very similar. I

have observed him in the classroom and
outside of school because he is my cousin. I
notice in school he isn’t as much psychosocial
or social when it comes to group work, but he
is very social other than that. Outside of
school it is a different thing, he does not like
losing or feeling like a loser. He will tend to
just get a bit mad and say, “Ugh that is not • One important recommendation that I would give is
fair”, and go to the couch and feel like he isn’t to tell him that “ it is okay to lose, because there are
smart enough. going to be times where you’re going to lose and
feel like a failure but you have to keep going until
you get better”. I believe resource would say a
recommendation for the child at my age can get.

Psychosocial/Social 12
• I started to research to moral character of
a child of the age of 6. Children in today’
society see this world as a “Heteronomous
Morality” which means that in the resource
that “is it another world as moral realism,
where morality imposed from the outside.”
• As Kohlberg explains that Moral is where
children tend to follow the rules from their
authority. Which is the adult like a teacher,
parents or anyone. For example, on the left
side is a picture of a rule were constantly
adults like teachers and staff are telling the
students not to run on the playground, so
six years old would listen and obey the rules
to not get in any trouble. The character is
based on the child on how they are raised,
and the household basically. 13
• Most of this moral talk about how child at this
age should be following rules which is very
true. Damien, who I am observing following the
rules just like Kohlberg mention. He obeys his
adults when they say, “Stop playing video
• A resource recommendation that to provided
games”. He immediately listens right away.
rules for him at this age because when they
grow up, and they did not follow the rules
much they will start to think they can make up
the rules. As a character for themselves you
really cannot recommend anything because on
how they grew up is basically how they will
turn out in life.

Moral/Character 14
THE END  Thank You

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