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 The term was first coined in 1919 by
Hungarian Engineer,Karoley Ereky to
describe a process for large scale
production of pigs.
 Biotechnology can be defined as any
technological application that uses
biological systems,living organisms to
make or modify products or processes
for specific use.
 Biotechnology is multidisciplinary in
nature involving input from-
 Engineering
 Computer science
 Cell and molecular biology
 Microbiology
 Genetics
 Biochemistry
 Recombinant DNA technology
 The origin of biotechnology arose in
ancient age. The ancient Egypt and China
used biotechnology in the form of food
 The concept of biotechnology as an
industry begins in the early 19th century.
 The new era of modern biotechnology
was upgraded by using genetic
engineering, cell fusion and tissue
culture techniques.
 Allorganisms are made up of cells that
are programmed by the same basic
genetic material, called DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid). Each unit of
DNA is made up of a combination of the
following nucleotides -- adenine (A),
guanine (G), thymine (T), and cytosine
(D) -- as well as a sugar and a phosphate.
 These nucleotides pair up into strands
that twist together into a spiral structure
call a "double helix." This double helix is
 Segments of the DNA tell individual cells
how to produce specific proteins. These
segments are genes. It is the presence or
absence of the specific protein that gives
an organism a trait or characteristic.
 Genetic Engineering: Genetic
engineering is the technique of
removing, modifying or adding genes to
a DNA molecule in order to change the
information it contains. By changing this
information, genetic engineering
changes the type or amount of proteins
an organism is capable of producing.
 Recombinant DNA Technology: All
organisms are made up of the same type
of genetic material (nucleotides A, T, G,
and C), biotechnologists use enzymes to
cut and remove DNA segments from one
organism and recombine it with DNA in
another organism. This is called
recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology,
and it is one of the basic tools of modern
 This recombinant DNA is then inserted
into a living organism.
 RDNA technology allows researchers to
move genetic information between
unrelated organisms to produce desired
products or characteristics or to
eliminate undesirable characteristics.
 Genetically modified crops ("GM crops",
or "biotech crops") are plants used
in agriculture, the DNA of which has been
modified with genetic
engineering techniques. The main
objective is to introduce a new trait so
that they can become pest resistive,
desired productive, marketing worthy
and nutritious.
 Flavr Savr by Calgene in 1994,a delayed
ripening tomato.
 Golden Rice with beta carotene required
to produce Vitamin A deficiency of which
causes night blindness.
 BT brinjal,BT cotton etc.
 It includes the practice of using cells such
as micro-organisms, or components of cells
like enzymes, to generate industrially useful
products in sectors such as chemicals, food
and feed, detergents, paper and pulp,
textiles and biofuels.
 By using renewable raw materials to
produce a variety of chemicals and fuels,
industrial biotechnology is actively
advancing towards lowering greenhouse
gas emissions and moving away from a
petrochemical-based economy.
 Gene therapy: Biotechnology has given
rise to a technique known as gene
therapy. Gene therapy is a technique to
remove genetic defect in embryo or
child. This technique involves transfer of
a normal gene that works over non-
functional gene.
 Ithelps in disease diagnosis by various
techniques such
as ELISA, PCR etc. ELISA (Enzyme
Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is based
on antigen and antibody reaction to
detect different
diseases. PCR (Polymerase Chain
Reaction) is technique to amplify
specific DNA segment. This helps to
detect HIV in AIDS patients.
To cite one example, in
1978 Genentech developed synthetic
humanized insulin by joining its gene
with a plasmid vector inserted into the
bacterium Escherichia coli. Insulin,
widely used for the treatment of diabetes,
was previously extracted from the
pancreas of abattoir animals (cattle or
 The resulting genetically engineered
bacterium enabled the production of vast
quantities of synthetic human insulin at
relatively low cost.
 Engineered enzymes: These enzymes
are used to treat a range of conditions
from cardiac disease to renal failure, to
certain types of inherited enzyme
 I acknowledge to all the teachers Prof.
Dr.A.K.Nayak (Principal), Prof. Tapas Kumar
Dutta (Head of the Department, Electrical
Engineering), and Prof. Abhishikta
Bhattacharjee to give me this opportunity to
present this technical report. I am really grateful
especially to Prof. Abhishikta Bhattacharjee
for her constant guidance and support during
writing this report. I would also like to thank my
classmates and parents as well.
 “Modern Biotechnology”-
 “World history of biotechnology and its

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