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Forencis cases


Case background
Detaining process
Intervention process
Result approval
Case One

 March 11, 2004. 7:30 AM. Rush hour. Teb

bombs rib through madrid’s crowded
commuter trains. 191 people are killed and
more than 1,800 wounded.

 the investigation to find Madrid's bomber sends

shockwaves through the forensic community.
And it all starts here.

 In a commuter parking lot ten stations away

From where the bomb went off, Spanish police

find a van. Inside is a blue plastic bag
containing bomb-making materials.

It’s possible fingerprint have been left behind

on the it self.

 But this case poses a potential challenge. The

lines and ridges that form the distractive
patterns of fingerprints left on evidence are
created from sweat and oil.

 A print left of plastic, like the bag recovered in

Madrid, can be easily wiped off or distorted

 Finger print is established. Evidence ranging from

gun handles to keys to plastic bags are placed in an
airtight chambers.

 Inside, a chemical called a cyanoacrylate

(superglue), is heated up.

 Its vapors coat the sweat and oil of the print.

 It makes the print white and visible.

 it chemically alters the lines of sweat and oil

 Spanish investigators recover a partial print on the bag.

 Ridge details are broken down into distinctive shapes, like dots
that look like islands, ending where ridgelines and interesting
lines called bifurcations. Also several unique traits
 Then they matched. They took images and encoded it, then
launched against this database.

 They identified 20 closer persons and required 12 unique

characteristics to declare a match.

 A man called myfield shared a 15 unique traits.

 Finally spanish investigator found that this fingerprint

belonged to an Algerian
 Only a partial print is recovered on a plastic surface, and that is
eventually discovered.

 There is also a surprising similarity between parts of myfield’s print

and real bomber’s.

 Can modern science prevent this from happening again?

 The result is that microscopic nooks and crannies show up in stunning

three dimensional details.

 The team places a fingerprint on glass slide.

Inside the evaporator, the finger is sprayed with a microscopically

thin layer of vaporized glass.
 Unlike superglue, the glass doesn’t chemically alter the
oils that form the print.

 After about 30 minutes, the glass bristles harden into an

ultrathin films that preserves minute details.

 Reveals ridges that would be missing In a superglue.


 Under microscope, there are exponentially more

prominent ridgelines.

 With this technique, examiners in the madrid bombing

case found more points for comparison and better chance
to match the fingerprint to real bomber. Ouhnane
Malcom Fairley And His Yellow Car
The background
 Malcom Fairley was born in Sunderland (UK) in
1952. He was described as being quiet, and soft-
spoken person. In his teenager years he used to
commit theft and burglary. He was married at 19
years but the marriage ended soon after his wife
discovered that he is violent person. He was put in
the jail for several times for different reasons.
The incidents
 In 1984, parts of Eastern England welcomed a series of burglaries and
violent sex attacks. The perpetrator nicknamed “The Fox” by the local
communities has been described by his victims as someone who wore
a hood, carried a shotgun and speaks northern accident. He continue to
commit his horrendous crimes until 17th of August of within that year.
The year is 17th August in 1984 and Malcolm broke into a house in
Yorkshire and with in the house are couple. Malcom somehow
managed to tie up both and raped the wife. As an experienced
criminal Malcom tried to to clean up himself by cutting out part of
the sheet that has been covered with his semen.
The forensic– The paint
When the forensic team arrived the scene for investigation the
findings they could see included footprints and tyre-tracks as well as
small specks of yellow paint on a tree branch.

The yellow paint of the tree branch attracted the team and after
analysis they recognized the company as well as the model of the car
that is used for that color. Officers started to look for that car model
and approached a suspect for interview
The suspect was cleaning a yellow car with same model. Upon

inspection officers discovered various scratches to the car. Color

analysis has been done and it was similar. The suspected was asked to

put on his watch and then confirmed to be the fox.

He has been jailed and the case is closed

Further information


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