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Seveso III Directive

Moving from Seveso II to Seveso III

Background to Seveso Directive
1. Seveso I adopted in 1982 to control major accident hazards
2. Current COMAH Regs 1999 and planning legislation implement
Seveso II
3. Seveso III necessary as CHIP being replaced by CLP by 2015
4. Overall purpose & approach to stay the same
– Identification of sites, controls and mitigation
5. European Commission also took opportunity to modernise the
– Public info
– Access to justice
– Public participation
– Inspections
Current situation
1. Seveso III adopted on 4th July 2012
2. New COMAH Regs to be in force from 1June 2015
3. Heavy fuel oil - amendment to current COMAH
Regs from 15 Feb 2014
4. Main areas of change:

• Scope
• Public information
• Inspection
• Lack of correction system for substances moving in
or out of scope
1. Early indications – only a small
movement of sites coming into/going out
of scope
2. Helpful amendments on named
3. Determining whether the Directive
applies will be more complex
Toxicity - Seveso III alignment
EU T+ T Xn

mg/kg 1 2 3 4

mg/kg 1 2 3 4

Inhalaton vapour
mg/l 1 2 3 4

Inhalation aerosol
mg/l 1 2 3 4

Inhalation gas ? ?
ppmV 1 2 3 4
Public information
1. More requirements than before
2. Public info on safety measures for all
establishments (not just top tier as
3. Extra provisions for top tier re safety
4. Available electronically and kept up to
Public information
1. Culture shift!
2. Confidentiality & security issues
3. Access to justice – difficult issue
1. Will maintain current system - frequency
of site visits based on risk/hazard profile
2. Relevant findings of inspections under
other EU legislation to be taken into
account in hazard/risk assessment of sites
3. Inspections where poss to be coordinated
with other EU legislation inspections
Other key issues
1. Notifications
2. Safety reports
3. Emergency plans
4. Transitional arrangements
1. Now – end of 2013 –informal consultation
with industry and stakeholders
2. Early 2014 – formal consultation; heavy
fuel oils amendment to COMAH Regs
3. Early 2015 – lay Regulations &
publication of guidance
4. 1 June 2015 – new COMAH Regs enter
into force
Sources of information

1. Seveso website

revised and will continue to be updated.
Current features include;
- information about Seveso III
- implications for business
- FAQs
2. Seveso ebulletin
3. Guidance
Questions & discussion
If any questions are raised which cannot be
answered they can be sent by e-mail to or by
post to HSE, Hazardous Installations
Directorate, Chemical Industries Policy, 5S2
Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle,
Merseyside L20 7HS

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