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What’s in a name?

Elastic Utility Computing Architecture Linking Your

Programs To Useful Systems

 Eucalyptus is a simple open architecture for implementing cloud

functionality at the IaaS level.
 It is specifically designed to be easy to install and maintain in a research
setting, and that it is easy to modify, instrument, and extend.
 Eucalyptus can be deployed and executed without modification to the
underlying infrastructure.
 Eucalyptus components have well defined interfaces (described by WSDL
documents), support secure communication (using WS-Security policies),
and rely upon industry-standard Web-services software packages (Axis2,
Apache, and Rampart).
Why Eucalyptus

 Open Source
you can download it and have the source code at your fingertips.
 Modular
The Eucalyptus components have well-defined interfaces (via WSDL, since
they are web services) and thus can be easily swapped out for custom
 Distributed
Eucalyptus allows its components to be installed strategically close to the
needed/used resources. For example Walrus can be installed close to the storage,
while the Cluster Controller can be installed close to the cluster it will manage.
 Designed to Perform
Eucalyptus was designed from the ground up to be scalable and to achieve
optimal performance in diverse environments (designed to overlay an existing
Why Eucalyptus

 Flexible
Eucalyptus is flexible and can be installed on a very minimal setup. Yet it can be
installed on thousands of cores and terabytes of storage. And it can do so as an
overlay on top of an existing infrastructure.
 Compatible
Eucalyptus is compatible with the most popular and widely used Cloud API
currently available: Amazon EC2 and S3.
 Hypervisor Agnostic
Currently Eucalyptus fully supports KVM and Xen. Additionally, the Enterprise
Edition supports the proprietary VMware hypervisor.
 Hybrid Cloud
The above characteristics makes Eucalyptus easy to deploy as an hybrid cloud.
An hybrid cloud combines resources drawn from multiple clouds, typically one
private and one public.
Compute Compatibility
Operating System & Hypervisors Version Architecture
 CentOS+XEN 5. xx86_64
 CentOS+KVM 6. xx86_64
 Ubuntu+KVM 10.04 x86_64
 Ubuntu+KVM 12.04 x86_64
 RHEL+XEN 5. xx86_64
 RHEL+KVM 6 xx86_64
 VMWare ESX 4.0, 4.1 x86_64
 VMWare ESXi 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 x86_64
 VMware vCenter 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 x86_64
Guest Operating Systems
Operating System TypeVersion/Edition Architecture
 Windows Server 2003R2 i386/x86_64
 Windows Server 2008Datacenter i386/x86_64
 Windows Server 2008R2 x86_64
 Windows 7Professional i386/x86_64
 All Modern Linux Distributions RedHat
 , CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian,
 OpenSUSE, SLES, etc. i386/x86_64
Hierarchical Design

Eucalyptus employs a hierarchical design to reflect underlying resource

Eucalyptus Components
 Cloud controller (CLC)
 Warlus
 Storage controller
 Cluster controller
 VMBroker (optional)
 Node controller


Cluster Cluster
Controller Controller

Node Controller

Cloud Controller (CLC)
The Cloud Controller (CLC) is the entry-point into the cloud for
administrators, developers, project managers, and end-users.

• Monitor the availability of resources on various components of the
cloud infrastructure, including hypervisor nodes that are used to
actually provision the instances and the cluster controllers that
manage the hypervisor nodes
 Resource arbitration { Deciding which clusters will be used for
provisioning the instances }
 Monitoring the running instances
Cluster Controller(CC)
The Cluster Controller (CC) generally executes on a cluster front-
‐end machine, or any machine that has network
 Connectivity to both the nodes running NCs and to the machine
running the CLC. CCs gather information about a set of VMs and
schedules VM execution on specific NCs. The CC also manages the
virtual instance network and participates in the enforcement of
 All nodes served by a single CC must be in the same broadcast
domain (Ethernet).
 To receive requests from CLC to deploy instances
 To decide which NCs to use for deploying the instances on
 To control the virtual network available to the instances
 To collect information about the NCs registered with it and report
to the CLC
Node Controller (NC)
 The Node Controller (NC) is executed on every node that is
designated for hosting VM instances.
 NCs control the execution, inspection, and termination of VM
instances on the host where it runs, fetches and cleans up local
copies of instance images (the kernel, the root file system, and the
ramdisk image), and queries and controls the system software on
its node (host OS and the hypervisor) in response to queries and
control requests from the cluster controller. The Node controller
is also responsible for the management of the virtual network
 Collection of data related to the resource availability and
 on the node and reporting the data to CC
 Instance life cycle management
Storage Controller
 The Storage Controller (SC) provides functionality similar to the
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). The SC is capable of
interfacing with various storage systems (NFS, iSCSI, SAN devices,
 Elastic block storage exports storage volumes that can be attached by a
VM and mounted or accessed as a raw block device
 Walrus allows users to store persistent data, organized as buckets and
objects. You can use Walrus to create, delete, and list buckets, or to put,
get, and delete objects, or to set access control policies.
 Walrus is interface compatible with Amazon’s Simple Storage Service
(S3), providing a mechanism for storing and accessing virtual machine
images and user data
Administrative interface
Administrative interface

 administrative tasks, such as adding and removing users and

disk images.
 supports such tasks though aWebbased interface,
implemented by the cloud controller, and commandline tools
 the system that is independent of any specific client interface
or intrinsic IaaS functionality.
 User account can be temporarily disabled or permanently removed by
an administrator .
 The administrator can find out which instances a user is executing and
terminate them.
 Currently, disk images in Eucalyptus can be added to the system only
by an administrator.
 An image consists of a (Xen-)compatible guest OS kernel, a root file
system image, and, optionally, a RAM disk image.
 Adding an image constitutes uploading these three components into
the system and naming the image. After a image is added, any user can
run instances of that image.
 Administrators may temporarily disable or permanently remove the
 Finally, the administrator is in charge of adding and removing nodes
from cluster controller’s configuration.
 Users are added to a Eucalyptus installation either through the action
of an administrator or by filling out an on-line form that is sent to the
administrator for approval.
 Eucalyptus maps the identity of a user to the their email address.
Benefits of Cloud Computing
 The Eucalyptus open source private cloud gives IT organizations the
features so essential to improving the efficiency of an IT infrastructure,
including the following:
 Data center optimization. Eucalyptus optimizes existing data center
resources with consolidation through virtualization of all data center
elements, including machines, storage and network. Eucalyptus is
compatible with most widely used virtualization technologies, including
Xen and KVM hypervisors.
 Automated self-service. Eucalyptus automates computer resource
provisioning By allowing users to access their own flexible
configurations of machines,storage, and networking devices as needed
through a convenient self-service Web interface.
 Customizable Web-interface. Eucalyptus uses universally accepted Web-
based network communication protocols that allow users to access
computing resources through a highly customizable Web-interface.
Benefits of The Eucalyptus
 Scalable data center infrastructure. Eucalyptus clouds are highly
scalable, which enables an organization to efficiently scale-up or
scale-down data center resources according to the needs of the
 Elastic resource configuration. The elasticity of a Eucalyptus cloud
allows users to flexibly reconfigure computing resources as
requirements change. This helps the enterprise workforce remain
adaptable to sudden changes in business needs.
 Open source innovation. Highly transparent and extensible,
Eucalyptus’ open source core architecture remains entirely open and
available for value- adding customizations and innovations provided
by the open source development community. The Eucalyptus open
source software core is available for free download at
Benefits of Cloud Computing
 Hybrid cloud capability. Eucalyptus interacts seamlessly with Amazon
public cloud services, including EC2 and S3, with no software
modification required. This allows IT organizations to quickly
“cloudburst” into the public cloud space without purchasing additional
data center hardware during very large spikes in enterprise resource
demand. For example, RightScale, CohesiveFT, Zmanda, rPath are just
a few of the partners that deliver solutions for Amazon AWS that in
turn work seamlessly with Eucalyptus
Hardware Requirements for CLC
 The following minimum specifications are suggested for machines that
will be used for running the CC, CLC, Walrus, or SC.
 Hardware Minimum Suggested
 CPU 2GHz 2 x 2GHz
 Memory 2GB 4 GB
 Disk 5400rpm IDE 7200rpm SATA
 Disk space 100 GB 300 GB
 Networking 100 Mbps 1000 Mbps
Hardware Requirements

 Machines that will be used for running the NC need much more horsepower
since they will run each of the virtual instances.
 They will also need sufficient disk space to store the images used for
launching the instances.
 The machines that run the NC should preferably be multi-core, with at least
4 GB of memory, and use speedy disk drives.
Hardware Requirements for NC

 Hardware Minimum Suggested

 CPU VT extensions VT, 64-bit, multi-core
 Memory 2 GB 4 GB
 Disk 5400rpm IDE 7200rpm SATA or SCSI
 Disk space 100 GB 300 GB
 Networking 100 Mbps 1000 Mbps
Verifying Component Disk Space
Component Directory Minimum Size

CLC /var/lib/eucalyptus/db 20GB

CLC logging /var/log/eucalyptus 2GB

Walrus /var/lib/eucalyptus/bukkits 250GB

Walrus logging /var/log/eucalyptus 2GB

/var/lib/eucalyptus/volumes (EBS
storage) This disk space on the SC is
SC 250GB
only required if you are not using a SAN

CC /var/lib/eucalyptus/CC 5GB

CC logging /var/log/eucalyptus 2GB

NC /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances 250GB

NC logging /var/log/eucalyptus 2GB

Prerequisite Check of NC:

Minimum Requirements:
 Minimum requirement of the OS is RHEL 5.6 and
 Disable the firewall (iptables) and SELinux. Restart
after the modifications in SELinux.
 Setup the date referring to the centralized NTP Server.

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