Module 6 Land Preparation Presentation

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Land Preparation

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Learning outcomes

 Understand the benefits of proper land

 Describe the different types of tillage
 Learn the factors that influence the choice of
land preparation methods
 Learn Keycheck 2, its importance, assessment,
and recommendations

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Lesson 1. Benefits of a well-prepared field

Lesson 2. Types of tillage
Lesson 3. Factors that influence the choice of land
preparation methods
Lesson 4. KeyCheck2, importance, assessment, and

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Can rice grow in this field?

What do you
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Benefits of a good land preparation

 Make the soil suitable for crop germination

& growth
 Less field and crop maintenance
 Critical to the success of a small farmer

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Basic terms

process of mechanically altering some physical
characteristics of the soil to be ideal for growing crops.

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A well-prepared land can
be achieved by:

Primary tillage – initial

cutting of the soil where
crop has been grown and
harvested. Field after first
Secondary tillage –
subsequent cultivation of
soil after primary tillage.
This operation breaks soil
clods to incorporate
materials thoroughly into Field after secondary
dry working
the soil. 7
Ways in preparing rice field

Wetland tillage – soil is tilled in saturated or

flooded condition. This is the usual way.

Dryland tillage – done in upland/rainfed fields

to obtain mellow, firm seedbed for seeds to
germinate, control weeds, and incorporate
materials into the soil.
Wetland and Dryland combination

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Let’s compare methods

Wetland Dryland Combination

 Clean the field  Clean the field  Clean the field
 Soak the field ---------------------  Rotavate land
while waiting for the
 Side plow/plow  Side plow/plow  Plow when moisture
the field the field is available
 Harrow the field  Harrow the field  Harrow the field
 Repair dikes  Repair dikes  Repair dikes
 Level the field  Level the field  Level the field

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Let’s compare benefits
Wetland Dryland Combination
• Controls weeds • Controls weeds • Controls weeds
• Incorporates • Incorporates • Incorporates
organic materials & organic materials organic materials
fertilizers to soil & fertilizers to & fertilizers to soil
• Makes seeding/ soil • Conserves
transplanting easier irrigation water
• Makes seeding
• Forms a hard layer • Reduces number
(plow pan) which of operation
• Conserves
reduces water loss • Reduces GAS
irrigation water
(percolation) during populations
subsequent flooding • Reduces
• Forms hard pan
number of which reduces
operation percolation loss
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Let’s compare costs

P 4,500 per
Wetland hectare

P7,500 per hectare

(3 passings)

Combination P 6,200 per hectare

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Factors in selecting tillage method

Water availability
 Power resources
 Cost
 Soil types/characteristics

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Which method to choose

Consider these:

Water availability
 Power resources
 Cost
 Soil type/characteristics

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If the farmer has these:
soil type: silt + sandy
 available water source: shallow tube

 Machine: hand tractor

What is the best method to

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If soil is silty and sandy (‘galas’)
If soil is heavily clayey(‘lagkit’)
WETLAND is best

Water availability
If irrigated  WETLAND is best
If partially-irrigated (shallow tube well, etc.)
Power resources
In irrigated fields, it is not advisable to use
heavy equipment all the time.
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Land Preparation
Key Check 2:
No high & low
soil spots after

final levelling
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Importance of Key Check 2
less water to fill up;
uniform water distribution;
easier drainage
efficient fertilizer application

less weed incidence;

better snail management
uniform crop maturity; A well-leveled field
timely harvesting is a prerequisite to
use of farm machinery & GOOD WATER &
application of controlled CROP MANAGEMENT.
irrigation facilitated
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Assessment of Key Check 2
A field is properly
leveled if:
 No portion has more
than 5 cm of water
depth (≈ thumb length).
 No mound of soil can
be seen above the
water surface after final
land leveling.

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Recommendations to Achieve
Key Check 2

 Clean & repair dikes & ditches.

Why do you have to clean

& repair dikes & ditches?

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Recommendations to Achieve
Key Check 2

Benefits of cleaning & repairing dikes & ditches.

1. Clean dikes to remove pest

2. Compact dikes to prevent seepage.

3. Maintain dikes at 15cm high x 20cm wide to

prevent rat burrowing.

4. Ditches ensure even water distribution &

drainage. Draining removes toxic substances,
allows organic matter to decompose, & helps plant
to produce stronger & deeper roots.

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Recommendations to Achieve
Key Check 2

 Plow field 3 to 4 wk before


Reduce clod size

Incorporate fertilizer,
residues & allow
Control pests, water If organic materials
flow are not fully decomposed,
Prepare seedbed soil becomes acidic &
some nutrients
6/29/19 become less available. 21
Recommendations to Achieve
Key Check 2

 Harrow field at least 2x at 1wk interval.

 Breaks the clods

 Incorporates stubbles
 Allows drop seeds &
weed seeds to
 Helps reduce initial
pest population &
maintain hard pan

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Recommendations to Achieve
Key Check 2

 Level the field with a wooden plank or power tiller-

attached leveler.

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Recommendations to Achieve
Key Check 2

 For direct wet-seeded rice, construct small canals

surrounding the field near the levee & at the middle of
the field.

What for?

As path for excess water & to facilitate collection of snails,

to facilitate field operations (i.e. replanting, weeding)

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Dike & ditch cleaning & repairing;
plowing & harrowing; levelling

reduced pest population, weeds, & water loss;
decomposed plant residues & recycled plant
nutrients; uniform water distribution & crop
maturity; efficient nutrient intake

Better yield & grain quality;

Less damage to environment

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For more information, please contact:

Dr. Aurora M. Corales

PhilRice Focal Person – BRIA FARMERS

Mr. Matthias Radek

Chief Advisor
GIZ Agriculture-DPP Projects Credit Philippine Rice Research Institute

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