Arbe6401: Project Scoping & Integration: Ms. Jodie Duddington

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Lecture 7
Ms. Jodie Duddington
Lecture 7 will include:

• Student reflection time on the Course to date

• Case Study 2 Introduction – “Project Scope
Management Plan”

Student reflection time on the Course to date

Please take this time to

• Reflect and revise on the course content you
have covered to date

• Catch up with any necessary reading


• Get a handle on your major assignment

Case Study 2 – Project Scope Management Plan

• These case studies are designed to test your

knowledge and skill in solving “real life” project
management issues of project scoping and integration
under the normal time pressure that Project Managers
are subject to in their daily professional life. They are
to be completed in groups of four students (4)
maximum to enhance your skill and ability to work
under pressure within a professional project team
environment. One submission per group.

• Please read the Course Case Studies section of your

Course Outline Starting in Page 14.

• The Submission is to be made via Blackboard and is

due as per the time outlined in your Course Outline

Lecture 8 will discuss:

Scoping, Integration and Project Time and Cost

Management including:
• their interdependency throughout a project
• their formulation by key stakeholders during project
• the documentation of scope, time and cost project
baselines in the Project Management Plan
• Project time management, what it is, how project time
is managed and its implementation as demonstrated in
a class exercise
• Project cost management, what it is, how project cost
is managed and its implementation
• The integration of approved changes to project scope,
time and cost

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