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Group 3

Aira Marohomsalic
•Refers to an individual’s expressions of his actions or
inactions through nonverbal cues such : as gestures,
facial expressions, eye contact, posture, and the tone
of the voice.
•These are actions or inactions that are triggered
aby a stimulus or stimuli in given contexts.
•Non-verbal communication is more important than
verbal communication
•It is the body language that reveals the real
• Nonverbal cues should match up with verbal messages :
otherwise, confusion and misunderstanding arise.

• Communication Behavior conveys the indirect message as

manifested in the body language of the communicator.
Assertive communication
Assertive behavior can express their own needs, desires, ideas and
feelings, while also considering the needs of others.
It indicates ownership of feelings and behaviors without blaming
the other person.
One of the keys to assertive communication is using “I” statements,
such as “I feel frustrated when you are late for a meeting,” or, “I don’t
like having to explain this over and over.”
Passive Communication
• Passive behavior expresses little or no confidence at all.
• It sends signals of weakness via behaviors, such as poor posture,
a quiet voice, and lack of eye contact.
• This style is replete with an avoidance of expressing opinions
and needs.

“I lose, you win”

Aggressive communication
• This style is about winning often at someone else’s expense
• An aggressive person believes he/she is important.
• Verbal explosion results in hurting one’s feeling, broken
relationship and unresolved problems.

“I win, you lose”

Passive-aggressive communication
• A passive-aggressive behavior exhibits the characteristics
of both passive and aggressive behaviors.
• Character traits such as insecurity, self-distrust, and self-
doubt are evidence.
Formal and informal language serve different
purposes. The tone, the choice of words and the
way the words are put together vary between
the two styles.
• Formal language is less personal • Informal language is more casual
and spontaneous.
than informal language.
• It is used when communicating
• It is used when writing for with friends or family either in
professional or academic writing or in conversation.
purposes like university • It is used when writing personal
assignments. emails, text messages and in some
business correspondence.
• Formal language does not use • The tone of informal language is
colloquialisms, contractions or more personal than formal
first person pronouns such as ‘I’
or ‘We’.
Informal: The research project wonʼt continue next year.
Formal: The research project will not continue next year.
Phrasal verbs
Informal: The patient got over his illness.
Formal: The patient recovered from his illness.
Informal: It was raining cats and dogs.
Formal: It was raining very heavily.
First person pronouns
Informal: We believe the practice is unsustainable.
Formal: It is believed the practice is unsustainable
• Than vary because of differences in pronunciation. If one
says “hit it” instead of heat it” or “she ass” instead of
“she asks”, miscommunication is likely to happen.
• In Philippine language, every vowel is pronounced with a
full, distinct sound. Filipinos pronounce words as they
are written or spelled out making it syllabled-timed and
not stress-timed.
Americans, on the other hand, blend syllables or
sometimes even drop some sounds making the
syllable short.
American English Philippine English

Gotcha! Got you!

Watcha say? What did you say?

Wherd yu go? Where did you go?

Ja hitit? Did you hit it?

Can I getche a drink? Can I get you a drink?

•It does not only pertain to differing
•It may also be in the form of a
cultural practice or even a bodily
• For instance the thumbs-up gesture
In English-speaking countries and Philippines it signals
In Greece, Italy, and in some of Middle East it signals
In Countries like Japan it signals sign of money
In Arab cultures it signals threat

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