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 Overview
 EDI Transactions
 EDI Warehouse Process
 EDI Transportation Process
 EDI Order Process
 Business flow of EDI Transactions sets
 EDI Document Flows
Supply chain management(SCM) is process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer
to consumer. There are three major goals of SCM:
to reduce inventory
to increase the speed of transactions with real-time data exchange
to increase revenue by satisfying customer demands more efficiently

Logistics management is that part of the SCM which plans, implements and controls the
transportation and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin
and the point of consumption in order to meet customer and legal requirements

Supply Chain Management

EDI Transactions
Warehouse Logistics/Transportation
• EDI 943 (Warehouse Stock Transfer)
 EDI 204 (Motor Carrier Shipping Information)
• EDI 944 (Warehouse Stock Receipt)
 EDI 990 (Response to Load Tender)
• EDI 940 (Warehouse Shipping Order)
• EDI 945 (Warehouse Shipping Order Confirmation)  EDI 213 (Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry)
• EDI 947 (Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice)  EDI 214 (Motor Carrier Shipment Status Message)
• EDI 846 (Inventory Inquiry/Advice)  EDI 210 (Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice)
• EDI 850 (Purchase Order)
• EDI 855 (Purchase Order Acknowledgment)
• EDI 860 (Purchase Order Change )
• EDI 865 (Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment)
• EDI 856 (Advanced Shipment Notification)

Order Processing • EDI 832 (Price Sales Catalog)

• EDI 830 (Planning Schedule)
• EDI 862 (Shipping Schedule)
• EDI 810 Invoice)
• EDI 820 (Payment Order/Remittance Advice)
Warehouse Cycle
There are two major functions in the Warehousing Process:
1. Receiving goods from the manufacturer to the warehouse.
2. Transferring goods from the warehouse to the retailer.

The process is very simple; the public warehouse works as a "middle man" in the logistics process.
The manufacturer produces product and ships the product to the public warehouse. The public
warehouse stores the product until the manufacturer requests that they ship the product to another
company (usually to a retailer).

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Warehouse Transaction Set: cont - 1
Transferring Goods from Warehouse to retailer
 Manufacture sends the order to warehouse to ship to retailer. In EDI its done by EDI 940 (Warehouse Shipping
 Warehouse confirming the shipment by EDI 945 (Warehouse Shipping Order Confirmation).

940 (Warehouse Shipping Order)

945 (Warehouse Shipping Order Confirmation) warehouse

940 and 945 Transaction set contains the

following information:
 Manufacturer and Retailer Information
 Shipment Identification and instructions
 Financial Accounting information
 Carrier Identification
 Item Identification (UPC, Vendor Number, Retailer SKU)
 Shipment quantity
Warehouse Transaction Set: cont - 2
Receiving goods from the manufacturer to the warehouse.
 Manufacturer will send stock transfer to the warehouse to specify that an order is to arrive. EDI 943 (Warehouse
Stock Transfer) is sent in this case.
 Once the product arrives at the warehouse, the warehouse will confirm the notification of product arrival to the
manufacturer. EDI 944 (Warehouse Stock Receipt) is sent in this case.

943 (Warehouse Stock Transfer)

944 (Warehouse Stock Receipt)

Manufacturer warehouse

943 and 944 Transaction set contains the following information:

 Manufacturer Information
 Shipment Identification and Dates
 Carrier Identification
 Item Identification (UPC, Vendor Number, Retailer SKU)
 Shipment quantity
cont - 3
EDI 947 (Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice)
 It is used to inform the warehouse or Manufacturer of quantity or status changes in inventory
records. it also provides detailed information about internal adjustments that occur between a
depositor and a warehouse.

947 (Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice)

Transportation Cycle
Transportation cycle involves:

 Warehouse sends a shipment/Load information to Carrier to specify that there is a

shipment to be picked up. EDI 204 (Motor Carrier Shipping Information)
 Carrier responds to the Load information if they will pick up the shipment or not. EDI
990 (Response to Load Tender)
 If the shipment is picked up, Carrier send back the status of the shipment either to the
vendor or the ultimate receiver of the shipment. EDI 214 (Motor Carrier Shipment
Status Message)
 Vendor or an ultimate receiver of the shipment can request for the shipment status
EDI 213 (Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry)
 Once the shipment is completed, Carrier sends the Freight details and Invoice to
Vendor to pay. EDI 210 (Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice)
Transportation Transaction Set
Transportation Document flow
204 (Motor Carrier Shipping Information)

990 (Response to Load Tender)

214 (Motor Carrier Shipment Status Message)

213 (Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry)

210 (Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice)

 204 is used to tender a shipment to a carrier and/or forward the shipment details to a carrier, consignee or third
party. It provides the carrier (and/or third party) with a detailed Bill of Lading rating and scheduling information
pertinent to the shipment.
 990 is a response to 204. The document will contain the carrier’s acceptance, conditional acceptance or a decline,
if they decline to accept the load tender. It can also contain the reason for the conditional acceptance or the decline
of the load tender.
 214 is used to pass information relating to the status of an assigned, loaded-en-route, or delivered shipment.
 210 can be used as an Invoice to request payment for services rendered or as details pertaining to freight shipment
Order Processing Transaction
Set: Cont -1

850 (Purchase Order)

855 (Purchase Order Acknowledge)

860 (Purchase Order Change ) Retailers

865 (Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment)

856 (Advance Ship Notice/Manifest)

Seller/Vendor 810 (Invoice)

820(Payment Order/Remittance Advice)

Order Processing Transaction
Set: Cont -2
 Buyer send the Purchase to Seller EDI 850 (Purchase Order)
 Seller acknowledge Purchase Order to Buyer with EDI 855 (Purchase Order Acknowledge)
 If Buyer wants to make any change to the Purchase Order made Buyer send EDI 860 (Purchase
Order Change )
 Seller acknowledge the change Purchase order via EDI 865 (Purchase Order Change
 Seller sends the 856 (Advance Ship Notice/Manifest) to indicate to the buyer the contents of the
shipment it is associated with. Specific details such as order information, physical characteristics
and product descriptions, and carrier information will be represented in the document. The 856
EDI document will also contain marking, packaging information, and configuration of goods in the
transportation equipment.
 Seller sends 810 (Invoice) to indicate to the buyer the details of the purchase. Specific details
such as items, price and quantities delivered will be represented in the document. The 810 EDI
document will also contain payment details and terms as indicated by the buyer
 Buyer Sends 820(Payment Order/Remittance Advice) is used when an open account needs to
be settled, or adjustments in payment
Order Processing Transaction
Set: Cont -3
 In addition to the documents Buyer sends 832 and 862 to the seller and Seller sends 832 to
Buyers depends upon the need.
 832 Price/Sales Catalog is used to provide a trading partner with a report of vendor product data
for ordering purposes and maintain an established practice in furnishing trading partners with
prices of goods or services in a catalog
 830 Planning Schedule with Release Capability is used to as a basic forecast or a forecast with
buyer's authorization for the seller to commit to resources
 862 Shipping Schedule to the supplier in order to state short term requirements and shipping
schedules. The 862 Shipping Schedule may supplant and add more specific instructions to an 830
Planning Schedule/Material Release that the trading partner previously sent

832 Price/Sales Catalog

830 Planning Schedule with Release Capability Retailers

862 Shipping Schedule

Transactions set
warehouse 990




943 940
944 214



EDI Document Flows
ANSI X12 EDIFACT Document Flow
943 (Warehouse Stock Transfer) DESADV Manufacture to Warehouse
944 (Warehouse Stock Receipt) IFTMAN Warehouse to Manufacture
940 (Warehouse Shipping Order) IFTMIN Manufacture to Warehouse
945 (Warehouse Shipping Order Confirmation) IFTMCS Warehouse to Manufacture
947 (Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice) NA Bi - directional
Warehouse to Manufacture or
846 (Inventory Inquiry/Advice) NA Seller/Vendor to Trading partner
204 (Motor Carrier Shipping Information) IFTMIN Seller to Carrier
990 (Response to Load Tender) NA Carrier to Seller
213 (Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry) NA Seller to Carrier
214 (Motor Carrier Shipment Status Message) NA Carrier to Seller
210 (Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice) IFTFCC Carrier to Seller
850 (Purchase Order) ORDERS Buyer to Seller
855 (Purchase Order Acknowledgment) ORDRSP Seller to Buyer
860 (Purchase Order Change ) ORDCHG Buyer to Seller
865 (Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment) ORDRSP Seller to Buyer
856 (Advanced Shipment Notification) PRODEX/DESADV Seller to Buyer
832 (Price Sales Catalog) PRICAT Seller to Buyer
830 (Planning Schedule) DELFOR Buyer to Seller
862 (Shipping Schedule) DELJIT Buyer to Seller
810 Invoice) INVOIC Seller to Buyer
820 (Payment Order/Remittance Advice) REMADV Buyer to Seller
997 (Functional Acknowledgement) CONTRL For all documents

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