Leadership Styles

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Do Now: Psychologist Kurt Lewin identified three

different styles of leadership:-

1. Autocratic (Bossy).
2. Democratic (Where ideas are shared).
3. Laissez-Faire (where the workers are allowed to do
what they want).
How are these illustrated in the three pictures on the
Leadership Styles
Psychologist Kurt Lewin set out to identify different styles of leadership. =

1. Autocratic
Authoritarian leaders make decisions
independently with little or no input from the
rest of the group.

Authoritarian leadership is best applied to

situations where:-
• There is little time for group decision-
• Where the leader is the most
knowledgeable member of the group.
2. Democratic
Democratic leaders offer guidance to group
members, but they also participate in the
group and allow input from other group
• Participative leaders encourage group
members to participate, but retain the final
say over the decision-making process.
• Group members feel engaged in the process
and are more motivated and creative.
3. Laissez-Faire
Laissez-Faire leaders offer little or no guidance
to group members and leave decision-making
up to group members.
• While this style can be effective in
situations where group members are highly
qualified in an area of expertise,
• it often leads to poorly defined roles and a
lack of motivation.
Activity: What type of leadership style in each
• Limited Time Activity: What type of
leadership style in
• Lack of respect between leader and
each situation?
• Employees are highly knowledgeable
• Employees are poorly trained
• Task is unstructured
• No established procedures
Situational Leadership
This is where Leaders adapt their style to
different situations.

Depends upon – CLOTS.

1. Culture of the Business

2. Leadership style of the leader

3. Organisation - Tall or flat

4. Task – Difficult, urgent or important

5. Subordinates – Skills, motivation.

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