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• Is a Little and beautiful city seaside on Mediterranean
in Spain coast. I lived there between 2009 and 2010.
• Tarragona in the winter is very cold and rainy, the temperature
is about zero Celsius (0°) but in the summer it’s very hot and
humid, the temperature about thirty-two Celsius (34°).
• A lot of people arrive to the city in the summer, the
normal population it’s about 131000 but in the summer it’s
about 500000. Noche de San Juan. castellers de tarragona
• It’s a touristy city because there are a lot of Roman ruins
and beaches and a beautiful and ancient architecture.
What can you do in Tarragona?
• You can see a Roman ruins in a tour: the Amphitheatre, the Circus
and Praetorium, the Devil’s bridge Roman aqueduct, the
archaeological museum.
What can you do in Tarragona?
• You can go swimming in the summer: there are a lots of beaches, Miracle beach is
just next to the city, Arrabassada and Savinosa beaches they’re near to the city you
can get there walking and Larga, Mora and Tamarit beaches are far away to the city,
you can get there by bus (public transport) it’s an excellent way.
What can you do in Tarragona?
• You can go out in the night: the nightlife it’s fantastic, in the
harbor of the city you can find a lot of bars, clubs and discos.
What can you do in Tarragona?
• You can go to a big and good University. Tarragona is a university
city, the URV is a big and public University that has three campus
around the twon.
What can you do in Tarragona?
• You can know a lot of culture and peoples from other
countries, Tarragona and Cataluña are multicultural places.
What can’t you do in Tarragona?
• You can’t go to a big mall in Tarragona, the city hasn't big
malls. you can go shopping to small malls and store.
What can’t you do in Tarragona?
• You can’t take a subway in Tarragona. The city hasn't subway, but
you can take train or high speed train for travel to others cities.
What can’t you do in Tarragona?
• You can’t go to an amusement park. The city hasn’t a big place to
go with children for fun or spend time. Of course that the city has
a small store o play store.

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