ROR Questions

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Rule 1 to 3

SA – Application
•To whom shall International Regulation for preventing collisions at sea, 1972 apply?

SA – Knowledge

•Who is responsible for complying with the rules of the road?

Define the following:-

•Power driven vessel
• Sailing vessel
• Vessel engaged in fishing
• Seaplane
•Vessel not under command
• Vessel constrained by her draught
• Vessel underway
• Vessel restricted in ability to maneuver
• Restricted visibility
What do you understand by in sight of one another?

SA – Comprehension

The term restricted in ability of manoerve includes what?

SA – Skill

Is a sailing vessel a draught 4 mts constrained by draught in depth of 3 mts?

SA – Application

What are High seas?

What is the Road steads?

What is the essence of rule 2 (b)?

SA – Comprehension

What are the types of vessels which come under “vessel restricted in their ability to manoeuver”?

Essay – Comprehension

What are the any other similar causes in the term restricted visibility?

Obj – Knoewledge

Vessel shall be deemed to be inside of one another only when one can be _________________.

The word “underway” means that a vessel is not at ____________ or made fast to the shore, or aground.

The word “seaplane” includes any aircraft designed to _________________.

Vessel engaged in mine clearance operations are also included as _________________.

Traffic seperation schemes may be adopted by the ________________ for the purpose of these rules.
Rule 4 to 10

SA – Knowledge

What do you understand by lookout?

What does a proper lookout imply?

What do you understand by safe speed?

How should the action to avoid the collision ?

Is alteration of course alone enough to avoid collision?

What should be the result of action to avoid collection?

How should a vessel proceed in a narrow channel ?

How should a vessel cross tile narrow channel?

If you are in doubt as to tile intentions of the crossing vessel what would be your action?

What would be your action if you are nearing a band in an area of a narrow channel

Can you anchor a narrow channel ?

Can you do fishing a narrow channel?

How do you proceed in a traffic line in a traffic separation scheme?

Where do you join or leave a traffic lane?

Which vessel can use inshore traffic zones?

Essay– Comprehension

What will be your action to avoid collision at night?

In poor visibility how will you assess the situation to avoid collision?

What do you understand by positive action ?

Essay – Knowledge

A bold alteration of course is better than bold alteration of speed. Why?

How do you cross a traffic lane?

SA – Application

What are the factors taken into account while determining safe speed?

•With operational Radar

•Without operation Radar

What do you understand risk of collision? What you will do if you are in doubt whether risk of collision exists?

What are the consideration in determining the risk of collision?

What will you do to allow more time to assess a situation?

Who has the right of way in narrow channel ?

•A vessel which can safely navigate only in narrow channel or a sailing vessel?

•A vessel constrained by draught or a vessel engaged in fishing?

In which conditions can a vessel enter a traffic separation zone?

What are the exceptions to inter a traffic separation zone?

Is fishing allowed in a traffic separation zone?

SA – Skill
At 1000 hrs bearing on an approaching vessel is 060. At 1015 you observe the bearing to be 065.

•Is there any risk of collision? Why?

What is an important aid to determine the risk of collision?

Which rule will you use to determine CPA?

A vessel seen ahead, estimated to be on reciprocal course at 5 miles. Bearing of vessel is 030. What is the new course
to be steered to keep the vessel at least 2 mile away?

Till what time will check the effectiveness of your action to avoid collection?

Comprehension – Obj
On collision course the rate of change of bearing is ________________.
On the bows and quarters the rate of change of bearing is _________and at the beam it is _______________.

A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid _________ in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near termination ?

A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by ____________ as is practicable?

A vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the safe passage of a following a traffic
Obj – Knowledge

Alterations of course/speed should be_________ to avoid collection

A bold alteration of ____________ is better than bold alteration of __________.

A vessel shall if the circumstances of the case admit avoid ___________in a narrow channel.

A vessel using traffic separation scheme should as far as possible keep clean of____________.

If obliged to cross a line, cross the nearly as practicable at _______________ to the general direction of flow
Inshore traffic zones shall not normally be used by ___________ traffic which can safely used the appropriate lane with in the
adjacent traffic separation scheme?

As far as possible you should avoid crossing traffic lanes (True/False)?

Application – Obj
A vessel engaged in fishing shall ______________ the passage of any vessel following a traffic?
Rule 11 to 18

Application – Essay

When two sailing vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collection who has the right of way?

• When each has wind on different side?

• When both have the wind on the same side?

(c) If a vessel with the wind on the port side sees a vessel to windward and cannot
whether the other vessel has wind on the port or the stbd side?
Explain four stages of collision avoidance

SA - Comprehension
Which is the windward side ?
Which is the windward side in case of a square rigged vessel?

When is vessel deemed to be overtaking ?

What should a stand on vessel do ?

What will you do when the action of the give way vessel alone can not avoid collision?
SA – Application

Who shall keep out of way of the other vessel, an overtaking vessel or vessel being overtaken?

What will be your action if you are in doubt whether the vessel is overtaking another?

Will any subsequent alteration of bearing between the two vessels make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel within the
meaning of these rules

What do you do when you are in doubt whether such a situation exists?

What is action by give way vessel ?

What is the action by stand on vessel ?

SA – Knowledge

When can a vessel be deemed overtaking at night ?

What will the action be when two vessels are on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course
When shall such a situation as vessels meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course shall be deemed to exist?

What do you understand by ’Crossing situation’?

Which side will you alter to avoid collision?

What will be the action of the stand on vessel when it is apparent that the vessel required to keep out of the way is not taking
appropriate action ?

Does the action by stand on vessel relieve the give way vessel of her obligation to keep out of the way ?
A power driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of ?
A sailing vessel underway shall keep out of the way of ?

A vessel engaged in fishing when shall keep out of the way of?
Who has the right of way ? A vessel not under command or a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver ?
Obj – Knowledge

In a crossing situation avoid crossing astern of the other vessel? True/False

Any vessel other than the vessel not under command or a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver, shall if the circumstances
of the case admit avoid the impeding the passage of?
A vessel engaged in fishing when underway shall keep out of the why of a sailing vessel

A power driven vessel shall keep out of the a vessel not under command but has right of
way over the sailing vessel?

A vessel constrained by her draught shall keep out of way vessel not under command or vessel restricted in ability to

Obj – Application
A stand on vessel should alter course to starboard in order to avoid collision? T/F
Obj – Skill

A vessel engaged in RAS has right of way over a vessel engaged in launching of aircraft
Who his the right of way ? A sea plane or a power driven vessel ?

Who has the right of way ? A VLCC or a vessel engaged in launching of aircraft ?

Rule – 19

Essay – Knowledge

What should a power driven vessel have in conditions of restricted visibility?

Essay – Application

What should be avoided while taking actionn to avoid colllision?

What will be your action in case you hear a fogsignal forard of the beam?

You are on course 135 speed 20 knots in restricted visibility.

You hear a fog signal ahead of your beam. What are your actions.

After some time you get a radar contact on bearing 180 range 5 Km on course 000. What are your actions.
Rule 20 – 31

Obj – Knowledge
A masthead light is an allround white light. True/False

An all round light is a spherical light - True/False?

A flashing light has an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon 360 degrees. True/False

A flashing light is a white light. True/False

Sidelight of a vessel less than 12 metres in length has minimum visibility of 2 miles. True/False

In inconspicuous, partly submerged vessels or objects being towed the minimum visibility of all round white light is 3 miles.

A fishing vessel not engaged in fishing but at anchor shall exhibit anchor lights only.

A fishing vessel not engaged in fishing but underway shall exhibit lights prescribed for a power driven vessel only.
Obj – Application

A masthead light of a vessel of 50 metres or more in length has a minimum visibility upto 5 miles.

Minimum visbiliitynof towing light for a vessel of length 50 metres or more is 2 miles.

A vessel restricted in ability to maneuver shall exhibit three all round lights in vertical line, the highest and lowest shall be white
and the middle light shall be red. True/False

A vessel restricted in ability to maneuver shall exhibit three shapes in a vertical line, the highest and lowest of these shapes shall
be balls and the middle one a diamond. True/False

Obj – Comprehension

A sailing vessel under way shall exhibit two all round lights in vertical line, the upper being red and lower green in conjunction
with the combined lantern for side lights.

A fishing vessel engaged in fishing and at anchor shall exhibit anchor lights only
SA – Application

Can the lights be switched on between sunrise to sunset?

How many masthead lights shall be exhibited by a vessel of length more than 50 metres?

What are the lights exhibited by an air cushioned vessel?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel of less than 12 metres in length?

What are the shapes exhibited by a towing vessel?

a) when length of the tow is less than 2oo meters.

b) when length of the tow exceeds 200 meters.

What are the lights exhibited by a composite unit of a pushing vessel and vessel being Pushed ?

What are the measures to be taken to indicate the nature of relationship between the towing vessel and the vessel being
towed (industries)?

What are the lights which a sailing vessel underway shall exhibit?
What are the lights exhibited by a sailing vessel of length less than 20 metres?

Which lights are exhibited by a sailing vessel of less than 7 meters in length

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling and making way through the water?
What are the shapes exhibited by a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel not under command and not making way through the water?

What are the lights exhibited by a dredger when at anchorage?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver and carrying out dredging operation?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel of length less than 12 meters in length and restricted in her ability to maneuver?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel engaged in diving operations whose length is less than 12 meters?

What does three all round red lights in a vertical line indicate?

What does a cylinder indicate?

What re the lights exhibited by a picot vessel at anchor?

What are the shapes exhibited by a pilot vessel at anchor?

SA – Knowledge
What is a masthead light?

What is the arc of horizon for a masthead ligh?

Where is a masthead light placed?

What is the are of the horizon of a sidelight?

Define ‘Sternlight’?

What is the arc of the horizon of the stern light?

Define’towing light’?

Define’An all round light’?

Define a ‘Flashing light’?

What is the minimum visibility of lights for a vessel of 50 metres or more in length?
What is the minimum visibility of lights for a vessel 20 metres or more in length but less than 50 in length?

What is the minimum visibility of lights for a vessel of less than 12 metres in length?

What is the minimum visibility of masthead ligh for a vessel of more than 12 metres but less than 20 metres in length?

What are the lights exhibited by a power driven vessel underway?

How many masthead lights shall be exhibited by a vessel of length less than 50 metres?

What do you under stand by ‘a vessel engaged in trawling’?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel engaged in trawling and not making way?

What are the shapes exhibited by a vessel not under command?

What are the lights exhibited by a dredges to indicate the obstruction side while carrying out dredging operations?

What are the lights exhibited by a dredges to indicate clear side while carrying out dredging operations?

What are the lights and shapes exhibited by a vessel engaged in towing operations such as severely restricts the towing

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel engaged in mine clearance operations?
What are the lights exhibited by a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver a anchor?

What does lights and shapes exhibited by a mine clearance vessel indicate?

What are the lights and shapes exhibited by a vessel constrained by her draught?
What are the lights exhibited by a vessel of less than 50 meters in length at anchor?

What are the additional lights exhibited by vessels at anchorage?

What are the lights exhibited a vessel aground?
What are the lights and shapes exhibited by a seaplane?
SA – Comprehension

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel of less than 7 meters in length?

What are the lights exhibited by a power driven vessel when towing?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel under oars?

What are the shapes exhibited by a vessel proceeding under sail?

What are the shapes exhibited by a vessel engaged in trawling?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel engaged in trawling and making way through the water?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling and not making way through the water?

What is the difference of lights exhibited by a vessel not under command when not making way through the water and when
making way through the water?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver?

What are the shapes exhibited by a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when underway?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel aground and less than 12 meters in length
SA – Skill

What are the lights exhibited by an object being towed and when ?

What are the shapes exhibited by an object being towed and when?

What are the measures to be taken if it is impracticable for a vessel or object being towed to exhibit the light or shapes as per rules?

What shall be the action, if it is impracticable for a vessel, not normally engaged in towing operations, to display the lights for a towing
vessel as required by the rules?

Which additional lights may be put by a sailing vessel underway and on what condition?

What additional lights shall be displayed by a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling when the outlying gear is extending more
than 150 meters horizontally?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel not under command when making way through the water?

Can a vessel be called ;not under command’ when making way through the water?

What are the lights exhibited by a vessel malling way?

Essay – Application

What are the lights exhibited by a power driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside except in the case of a composite unit?
How many masthead lights will be exhibited by a power driven vessel of length less than 50 meters when owing where?

•the length of the tow is less than 200 meters.

•The length of the tow is more than 200 meters

How many masthead lights will be exhibited by a power driven vessel of length more than 50 meters when towing where?
a) the length of the tow is less than 200 meters.

•the length of the tow is more than 200 meters.

Essay – Skil
What are the lights exhibited by any number of vessels being towed alongside or
pushed in a group and when?

Essay – Knowledge
What are the lights/shapes exhibited by any inconspicuous or combination vessel or objects being towed?
Rules 32 – 37

SA – Knowledge

Define ’Whistle’?

What do you understand by the word ‘Whistle’?

What does the term ‘short blast’ mean?

Define prolonged blast’?

What is the sound signal for ‘I am altering course to port’?

What is the sound signal for ‘I am operating astern propulsion?

What is the sound signal for ‘I am operating astern propulsion’?

What is the light signal for ‘I am operating astern propulsion’?

What is the light signal for l am altering course to starboard’ ?

What is the light signal for ‘I am altering course to port?

What is the duration of prolonged blast?

What is the duration of a Prolonged blast ?

What is the duration of one blast?

What is the interval between flashes?

What is the sound signal made by a power driven vessel underway but stopped and not making way?

What is the sound signal made by a vessel not under command in restricted visibility?

What is the sound signal made by a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver in restricted visibility?

What is the sound signal made by a sailing vessel in restricted visibility?

What is the sound signal made by a sailing vessel in restricted visibility?

What is the sound signal made by a vessel engaged in pushing in restricted visibility?
What do you understand by a sound signal at the interval of not more than 2 minutes three blasts in succession namely one
prolonged followed by two shorts blasts?

What is the sound signal made by a vessel engaged in fishing when at anchor in restricted visibility?
What is the sound signal made by a vessel at anchor in restricted visibility?

What is the sound signal made by a vessel aground in restricted visibility?

What is the sound signal made by a pilot vessel when engaged on pilotage duty?
SA – Application

What is the equipment for sound signals required for a vessel of 100 meters or more?

What is the equipment for sound signals required for a vessel of less than 12 meters in length?

What is the equipment for sound signals required for a vessel of less than 12 meters in length?

What is the sound signal made by a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when carrying her work at anchor in restricted

What is the sound signal made by a vessel being towed in restricted visibility?

When does the vessel being towed sound the signal in restricted visibility?

What is the sound signal made by a composite unit in restricted visibility?

SA – Comprehension

What is the interval between successive light maneuvering signals?

What is the light used for flashes to indicate maneuvering signals ?

What is the sound signal to indicate the intention meaning ‘I intend to over take you on your starboard?

What is the sound signal to indicate the intention meaning ‘I intend to over take you on your port side’?

What is the sound signal to indicate the intention meaning ‘I intend to overtake you on your port side’?

What is the sound signal to indicate the agreement to overtake by vessel being overtaken?

What is the sound signal to be made by a vessel nearing a bend or an area of channel or fairway where other vessel may be
obscured by an intervening obstruction?

What is the answer by a vessel on hearing a prolonged blast from a vessel nearing a bend and obscured by an intervening

What is the sound signal made by a power driven vessel making way through the water in restricted visibility?

What is the sound signal made by a vessel aground and less than 12 meters in length in restricted visibility?
SA – Skill

What is the sound or light signal to indicate a doubt about the intentions of an approaching vessel?

Which whistle will you use if two whistles are fitted on a vessel of more than 100 meters and are apart 100 meters or more to
make sound signal?


SA – Comprehension

What are the signals to attract attention?

Indicate any five distress signals?

What do you understand by continuous sounding of fog signal?

What do you understand by orange colored smoke?

SA - Knowledge

What is the diameter of a ball?

What are the dimensions of a cylinder?

What are the dimensions of a cone ?

What are the dimensions of a diamond shape

What should be the vertical distance between shapes?

What is the vertical spacing of two masthead lights?

What is the position of the anchor lights?

What is the horizontal distance between two masthead lights?

What is the position of side lights horizontally?

SA – Application

Where should the masthead light be fitted on a power driven vessel of 20 meters or more in length.

What is the vertical spacing of two or three lights in vertical line?

Essay – Knowledge

Indicate any ten distress signals?

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