Introduction To Information and Communication Technologies

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Introduction to

information and
Lesson objectives
1. Improve their knowledge on how ICT affects
their everyday lives and the state of our nation;
2. Compare and contrast the differences
between online platforms, sites, and content;
3. Understand the features of Web 2.9=0;
4. Understand the future of the World Wide Web
through web 3.0; and
5. Learn the different trends in ICT and use them to
their advance.
Pre - test
 1. a web page that allows interaction
from the user
a. Static
b. Dynamic
c. Social
d. Comment
 2. This refers to the feature where users are
able to categorize and locate information
through tagging
a. Hashtags
b. Folksonomy
c. Taxonomy
d. Rich user experience
 3. A feature of a dynamic website that
allows users to put their own content
a. Rich user experience
b. Long tail
c. User participation
d. Mass participation
 4. it provides a common framework to
allow data to be shared and reused across
platform, enterprise, and community
a. W3C
b. Semantic Web
c. Web 1.0
d. Web 2.0
 6. this is the operating system for
blackberry phones
a. Blackberry OS
b. Symbian
c. Windows Mobile
d. iOs
 7. pinterest is a social media website that
can be classified as
a. Bookmarking site
b. Media sharing
c. Microblogging
d. Blogs and forums
8. currently, this is the fastest
mobile network.
a. 2g
b. 3g
c. 4g
d. 5g
 9.this media is designed to help people
who have visual and reading
a. Assistive
b. Social
c. Bookmark
d. Accessibility
 10. this type of social media website
focuses on short updates posted by the
a. Blogging
b. Microblogging
c. Social media
d. Hashtagging
Lesson motivation
 Form groups with five members each. Take turns answering the
questions below. Answer the following honestly.
Group 1 – how many times have you checked your phone this morning?
Group 2 – how many status updates have you posted in Facebook or
Twitter today?
Group 3 – did you use the Internet for an hour after you woke up this
Group 4 – do you follow a celebrity via his/her social media account?

If you happen to be “guilty as charged” in most of these questions,

chances are, you are a digital native. And chances are from the
moment you were born, you were surrounded by technology. You are
surrounded by ICT.
Lesson discussion
as the popular saying goes, “Love makes the
world go round”. But before you start looking for
someone to fall in love with, you could argue how
the Internet has made the world go round for
decades. Likewise in the motivation activity, the
Internet has probably made your world go round.

in this lesson, we will understand how information

and Communication Technologies have improved
our lives in such a short period of time.
Information and communication
 In formation and Communication Technology (ICT) deals with the use of
different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone,
Internet, etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information.
 When we make a video call, we use the Internet. When we send a text or
make a call, we use cellular networks. When we run out of load or battery, we
use payphones which use a telephone network. Having a unified way to
communicate is one of the goals of ICT. In terms of economics, ICT has saved
companies a lot (time and money) with the kind of communication
technology they use, nowadays. In similar way, we spend less because of ICT.
As it normally costs us a peso to send a text message or SMS, with the Internet,
we can send multiple message and only be charged by a fraction.
Ict in the Philippines
 Several international companies dub the Philippines as the “ICT
Hub of Asia”. It is no secret that there is a huge growth of ICT-
related jobs around the country, one of which is the call center
or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) centers.
 According to the 2013 edition of Measuring the Information
Society by the International Telecommunication Union, there are
106.8 cellphones per 100 Filipinos in the year 2012. that would
mean that for every 100 Filipinos you meet, there is a high
chance that they have a cellphone and approximately for the
seven of them, they have two.
 Ina data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippine
Business and Industries, NSO, in 2010, the ICT industry shares
19.3% of the total employment population here in the
 To add to these statistics, Time Magazine’s “the Selfies Cities
around the World” of 2013 places two cities from the
Philippines in the top 1 and top 10 spots. The study was
conducted using Instagram, a popular photo sharing

 Withthese numbers, there is no doubt that the Philippines is

one of the countries benefits most out of ICT.
ICT, Me and My Community

 To fully understand the importance of ICT,

let us first look at our community. Look for
a small business around your community.
 Conduct a short interview of the business
owner using the following guide:
Company/Establishment Name:________________________________________
Nature of Business:_____________________________________________________

Guide questions:
1. What are the different ways for customers and/or suppliers to contact you?
2. How many often do you use a phone or cellular phone for business? Estimate
3. Does your establishment have Internet connection? If YES, what is its purpose?
If no, would you consider having it in the future? Why or why not?
4. Does your business have a website? If YES, how does it help the company? If
no, would you consider having one in the future? Why or why not?
5. (if applicable) Would you consider giving free Wi-Fi access in the future? If you
already have it, does it help boost sales?
Web 2.0: Dynamic Web Pages

 Examples of web 2.0

1. Social networking sites
2. Blogs
3. Wikis
4. Videos sharing sites
Web 2.0: Dynamic Web Page

 The internet has been a vital tool to our modern lives

that is why it is also important to make the best of
the Internet
 When WWW was invented, most web pages were
static. Static (also know as Flat page or stationary
page) in the same that the page) “as is” and cannot
be manipulated by the user. This referred to as Web
 However, the World Wide Web is more than just
static pages. Pretty soon, web 2.0 came to the
Web 1.0
Web 2.0: Dynamic Web Page

 Web 2.0 is a term coined by Darcy DiNucci

on January 1999. in her article titled,
“Fragmented Future,” she wrote:
“The Web we know now, which loads into a browser
window in essentially static screenfuls, is only an embryo
of the Web to come. The first glimmering of Web2.0 are
beginning to appear, and we are just starting to see
how that embryo might develop.”
Web 2.0: Dynamic Web Page

 Web 2.0 is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages
– the user is able to see a website differently than others. Examples
of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing
sites, hosted services, and web applications. Web 2.0 allows users to
interact with the page: instead of just reading a page, the user may
be able to comment or create a user account. Web 2.0 also allows
users to use web browsers instead of just software (or web
applications), and even for file storage. Most websites that we visit
today are Web 2.0
Individual Assignment
Static vs Dynamic
 Instruction look for ten websites and classify them as static or
dynamic. What makes each website static or dynamic? Use the

Website URL Static Dynamic Reason


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