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Book 3 unit 10





TAHUN 2019
Pre-Op Checklist

This pre-op checklist details all forms and tasks that are necessary
in order to proceed with scheduled surgery. The form is to be completed by
the attending nurse. Initial each task on the left to indicate its completion
at least one hour prior to the patient's scheduled surgery. Sign and date
the form at the bottom.
▪ Patient history and physical exam performed
▪ Operative permit signed by patient and witnessed
▪ Anesthesia permit signed by patient and witnessed
▪ Medication reconciliation form signed by patient and physician
▪ EKG report present in patient's medical file
▪ Patient given NPO order: Y/N If yes, specify number of hours that have
elapsed since NPO :

▪ Post-op room confirmed: Y/N If yes, specify ward and room

▪ Chlorhex.idine bath scheduled to be given prior to surgery
▪ Information on identification bracelet double-checked
▪ Known allergies indicated on patient's identification bracelet
▪ Fully stocked crash cart present in surgery room
▪ Patient's informed of personal effects policy, including jewelry,
glasses, watches, and hair accessories
1. Get ready
a. Before you read the passage talk about these questions. How are patients prepared for surgery ?
Answer :
▪ Patient history and physical exam performed
▪ Operative permit signed by patient and witnessed
▪ Anesthesia permit signed by patient and witnessed
▪ Medication reconciliation form signed by patient and physician
▪ EKG report present in patient's medical file
▪ Patient given NPO order: Y/N If yes, specify number of hours that have elapsed since NPO :
▪ Post-op room confirmed: Y/N If yes, specify ward and room number:
▪ Chlorhex.idine bath scheduled to be given prior to surgery
▪ Information on identification bracelet double-checked
▪ Known allergies indicated on patient's identification bracelet
▪ Fully stocked crash cart present in surgery room
▪ Patient's informed of personal effects policy, including jewelry, glasses, watches, and hair accessories
b. What risks should patients be wamed about
before surgery ?

Answer : Patient's informed of personal effects

policy, including jewelry, glasses, watches, and hair
2. Reading
Read the checklist from Cook Hospital. Then, mark
the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. T The pra-op form must be completed one hour before surgery.

2. F An operative permit is an example of a personal effect.
3. F Known allergies should be indicated on the EKG report.
3. Vocabulary
Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
1. C pra-op
2. E witness
3. A anesthesia permit
4. D initial
5. F medication reconciliation form
6. B post-op
A. a license that a person signs to approve the use of pain killers
B. occurring after a surgical procedure
C. occurring before a surgical procedure
D. to write the first letters of your first and last name on a document
E. to sign a document as proof that you saw an event occur
F. a form that reviews a patient' spast medication orders and compares it to current
4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:
chlorhexidine, crash cart, EKG report, NPO order,
operative permit, personal effects.

1. Patients with a (n) NPO order cannot eat.

2. Nurses monitor the EKG report to make sure a patient
'sheartbeat is normal.
3. Before surgery, the patient takes a bath in chorhexidine to kill
4. The patient signs a (n) operative permit giving the doctor
permission to perform surgery.
5. Nurses collect personal effects such as glasses and watches.
6. Gloves are stored in the crash cart
5. Listen and read the checklist again. What must the
attending nurse do in order to indicate the
completion of the pre-op checklist ?

Answer :
This pre-op checklist details all forms and tasks that are necessary
in order to proceed with scheduled surgery. The form is to be
completed by the attending nurse. Initial each task on the left to
indicate its completion at least one hour prior to the patient's
scheduled surgery. Sign and date the form at the bottom.
6. Listening
Listen to a conversation between a nurse and a
patient. Choose the correct answers.
1. What can you infer about the patient ?
A. He is hungry.
B. He is nervous about the surgery.
C. He has had other surgical procedures.
D. He met with the surgeon the day before.
2. According to the dialogue, what does the patient still have to sign ?
A. the anesthesia permit
B. the operative permit
C. the NPO order
D. the chlorhexidine form
7. Listen again and complete the conversation.
▪ Nurse : Hello, Mr. Willis. How are you feeling ?
▪ Patient : Okay. I’m ready to get 1. this surgery over with
▪ Nurse : We're almost ready. I just need to finish reviewing this 2. pre-op checklish with
▪ Patient : Sure.
▪ Nurse : I have your signed anesthesia permit here. But I still
▪ need you to sign the 3. operative permit.
▪ Patient : Alright. Where 4. do I sign ?
▪ Nurse : Right here. Thanks. Now, did Dr Martinez give you an NPO order ?
▪ Patient : Yeah. I haven't had anything to 5. eat or drink since about 11 pm yesterday. I
can't wait to eat again.
▪ Nurse : I can imagine. Now, do you have any allergies to latex or dyes ?
▪ Patient : No, not that 6. I’m aware of
8. Speaking
With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch

▪ f just need to finish reviewing

▪ this ...
▪ f still need you to sign the ...
▪ Do you have any allergies ...
A. Student A : You are a nurse who is preparing a patient for surgery. Talk
to Student B about :
▪ operative permit
▪ NPO order
▪ personal effects
B. Student B : You are a patient getting ready for surgery. Discuss the
above points with Student A.
9. Writing

Use the conversation from Task 8 and the checklist from Cook
Hospital to write a brief passage about completing a pre - op
checklist (100·120 words). Talk about
▪ What the Pre - op checklist is for
▪ When to complete the checklist
▪ What tasks are involved
▪ How to indicate that a task is complete

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