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Submitted by:
Name: Karthik . S
Subject name & code : Management information
system& 17BAB12
APPLE success with information management

APPLE achieved business success

through the use of IS and people finding a way
to make their product more interesting. Apple
determine sales who could use their product
and what they get the benefits.
REASON(for success)

IS enables managers to be more

competent in the business function and the
organisation departments to be more effective.
Apple’s CEO late Steve jobs wants to “control
the primary technology in everything he does”
so, this motive makes to do flexible IS leads
Hilton hotels information system failure:

Hotels attempted to implement a system

that allowed customers to confirm reservation
for hotels booking and car rental online.This
IS brought with intention of making the
booking system easier for both the consumer
and the company.
REASON(for failure..)

After 4 years and 125 million dollars

invested the project crumbled in 1992 when it
became clear that the company would miss its
deadline by 2 years.

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