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Parkinson’s Disease

CHAPTER 3: Coordination and Response

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

 Parkinson’s Disease, or PD, is a disorder of the central nervous system

which affects an individual’s movement.
 Its causes are still unknown, but believed to involve both genetic and
environmental factors.
 Patients with this disease experience shaking, slowness of movement and
rigidity in its early stages.
 However, it may cause complications such as dementia, sleep problems
and depression as it develops to the advanced stage.
 To this day, there is still no cure to Parkinson’s Disease.
How does this happen?

 The death of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra (part of the basal
ganglia) causes the motor symptoms of this disease (hand and leg tremors and
stiffness in certain parts of the body)
Dopamine- a neurotransmitter that passes information from one neurone to
the other that allow coordination and movement
Risk Factors of Parkinson’s Disease

 Gender
Males are more likely to be affected by Parkinson’s Disease compared to
 Age
Elderly people have a higher risk of Parkinson’s Disease. (above the age of 60)
 Ethnicity
Parkinson’s Disease is more common in Caucasians than in Asians or African-
 Genetics
Patients with this disease may have a relative who is affected with it.
Q&A Session

1. Define Parkinson’s Disease.

A disorder of the central nervous system which affects an individual’s movement.
2. What is the part of the brain and the neurotransmitter that is affected in someone who has this disease?
Substantia nigra/basal ganglia; Dopamine
3. State the risk factors of Parkinson’s Disease.
Gender, age, genetics and ethnicity.

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