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Adral ilmi
Adrian maulana syahputra
 South Solok Regency, West Sumatra, turned out to have a
very unique cultural tourist destination, namely the
Thousand Houses Gadang Area located in Jorong Koto
Baru, Kenagarian Muaralabuh, Sungai Pagu District. This
location is about four hours by land from Padang City,
West Sumatra.
 The location of the Tourist Area land of thousand rumah
gadang in South Solok is about 127 km (3-4 hours) from
Agus Salim Sports Stadium in Padang City. The road trip
route that is taken is across Jalan Raya Padang - Alahan
Panjang. Whereas if you travel overland from the tourist
attraction of Jam Gadang in Bukittinggi via Jalan Raya
Padang - Solok, the distance is around 188 km, and it can
take up to 5 hours to arrive at the land of a thousand rumah
 In the tourist area of ​Seribu Rumah Gadang, visitors can
see and enjoy firsthand the artistic beauty of Rumah
Gadang, as a traditional home of the Minangkabau
Community. There are four to six gonjong (pointed shapes
resembling buffalo horns) that adorn the roof of the
Gadang House.
 The local government is currently empowering Rumah
Gadang in the area as a homestay for tourists. Residential
homes offer service standards that are not inferior to
lodging or hotels majestic.

In addition, tourists who stay there can also take part in
the daily activities of homeowners, including learning
typical Solok Selatan culinary cooking, and participating
in cultural events if available.

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