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Rannie Jr. S.

Dela Cruz
1. This window comes in six different styles, different
8 sizes and with three different kinds of glass.
How many possible combinations of this window
are there?
 6 x 8 x 3
 =144 combination of window

2. If you can get 3 kinds of pens in 2 different point

sizes and five ink colors, how many different pens
are available?
 3 x 2 x 5
 =3o pens
3. The printer will make the yard sign in any of four
sizes, four ink colors and with either a wood or
metal post. How many possible ways to make it are
4 x 4 x 2
 =32 ways

4. In a dog show, how many ways can five

Chihuahuas, five Labradors, four poodles, and three
beagles line up in front of the judges?
5 x 5 x 4 x 3
 =300 ways of lining up
5. A gardener has bought a selection of plants: 5
roses, 3 tulips, 4 creepers, 7 daffodils and 6
jasmine bushes. How many different ways can all
the plants be arranged?
5 x 3 x 4 x 7 x 6
 = 2 520 arrangements

6. A multiple choice test has 15 questions with 4

options (A, B, C, or D). How many different ways
can the test be answered?
 415
 1 073 741 824 ways to answer
7. Paul works at a bank and has a uniform. He can
wear either black or grey pants, a white, blue or
black shirt and either a red, black, blue or grey tie.
How many possible uniform outfits can be made
used the items of clothes given above?
2 x 3 x 4
 = 24 outfits

8. You go into the voting booth and it says to select 3

judges from a group of 7 candidates. In how many
ways can you do this?
7 x 6 x 5
 = 210 ways
9. If you are going to win the New York State lottery,
you must correctly pick 6 numbers from 59
numbers. Once a number is picked, they are not
able to replace it. How many different selections
are possible?
 59 x 58 x 57
 = 195 054 selections

10. From a group of 12 educators, in how many ways

can 5 people be selected to attend a conference on
distance learning?
 12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8
 = 95 040 ways
1. If one letter is chosen at random from the word
assists, what is the probability that the letter
chosen will be an "s"?
 No. of favorable outcomes 4
No. of possible outcomes 7

2. A bag contains 3 red marble, 3 blue marble, 1

green marble. If a marble is drawn from the bag
at random, what is the probability that the
marble is blue?
 Blue marbles 3
 Sum of all kinds of marbles 7
3. A bag contains 2 yellow balls and 3 blue balls. Two
balls is drawn from it. Find the probability that the
first ball is yellow and the second is blue.
2 3 3
x 
5 4 10

4. A card is drawn from a deck of playing cards. What

is the probability of drawing a heart or the King of

5. A bag contains 2 yellow balls, 3 green balls, 5 red
balls and 6 black balls. What is the probability of
either a yellow ball or a red ball being drawn if only
one ball is drawn? 7

6.Given that I just picked the ace of spades, what is

the probability of picking the king of spades next?
7. What is the probability of picking a even clubs
from a pack of cards and getting “heads” from
flipping a coin? 5 x 1  5
52 2 104

8. If I pick 3 cards from a pack, what is the

probability of picking five spades?
13 12 11 11
x x 
52 51 50 1700
9. Given that I just picked the ace of spades, what is
the probability of picking the king of spades next?
10. What is the probability of picking a spade from a
pack of cards and getting “odd” from rolling a dice?
. 13 3 1
x 
52 6 8

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