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Medium and Techniques

What is Medium?

 A medium refers to the materials that are

used to create a work of art.
Example of medium used in visual arts
 Water Color – a simple coloring medium
has less luminous effect when applied
but easy to use.
What is Techniques?

 Means, a process, or a method of using the

medium in a manner the he wishes to finish
an artwork.
Example of Technique used in visual arts
The medium also defines the nature of the art
form as follows:
 The architect uses wood, bamboo, brick, stone,
concrete and various building materials. Building are
also called "three-dimensional" arts because like
sculpture, they occupy space and have volume.
However, architect has the added element of time,
since we move into the sculpture.
 The sculptor uses metal, wood, stone, clay and glass.
Sculptures fall within the category of "three-
dimensional" arts because they occupy space and
have volume.
 The painter uses pigments (e.g. watercolor, oil,
tempera, textile paint, acrylic, ink, etc.) on a
usually flat ground (wood, canvass, paper, stone
wall such as in cave paintings).
 The printmaker uses ink printed or transferred on a
surface (wood, metal, plates, or silk screen) that is in
keeping with a duplicating or reproducing process.
 The musician uses sound and instruments (including
the human voice), while the dancers uses the body.
 The dancers uses the body and its movements. Dance
is often accompanied by music, but there are dances
that do not rely on musical accompaniment to be
 The theater artist integrates all the arts and uses the
stage, production design, performance elements, and
script to enable the visual, musical, dance and other
aspects to come together as a whole work.
 The photographer and film maker use the camera to
record the outside world. The film maker uses the
cinematographic camera to record and put together
production design, sound engineering, performance,
and screen play.
Based on medium Arts can be classified
as the following:
 Musical arts - any art with music, such as music,
poetry and dance.
 Practical arts - arts we can see in our everyday life
such as design, architecture and furniture.
 Environmental arts - art that is prone to changes in
its meaning and function such as Architecture,
sculpture and site-specific works such as
installations and public art.
 Pictorial works - anything that can picture out a
image such as painting, drawing, graphics and
stage and production design
 Narrative - based on stories such as novel,
fictions, non fictions, dance.
 Dramatic - staged and performed such as drama,
performance art and music and dance.
 Combined arts - design, mixed media,
photography, film, video, performance art, theater
productions and installations.

 The manner in which artist use and manipulate
 involves tools and technology from the most
traditional to the most contemporary.
 Best example of this various arts is the
UP chapel. The architecture which is
made by Leandro Locsin, the crucific
made by Napoleon Abueva, the floor
mosaic made by Arturo Luz and the
station of the cross made by Vicente
Manansala. UP chapel is also the place
where Jose Maceda performed
combined indigenous voices, and
instrument, and a prayer sung in
Filipino struggles through history
 It takes advantage of line and color to
communicate dynamism and intense
passion, in the expressionist modern
 Work that has mass and volume,
enabling him to depict the scene
realistically capturing a moment of
How is art experienced and
Felix Bacolor, Waiting.
-Felix Bacolor is a visual artist. There have been many
articles about Felix Bacolor, including 'Between Art
Fair and Bayan-ale: Art Fair Philippines and the 1st
Manila Biennale' written by Stephanie Bailey for Ocula
in 2018.
-Felix Bacolor’s Waiting transformed an
independent space in the Museum of
Contemporary Art and Design in 2012 to
a simulacrum of a terminal waiting room.
 "Felix Bacolor, waiting has transposed
Beckett's theater into a site made
precisely so people can lose themselves
in the act of waiting. Clocks count to the
second and the waiting creates a sense
of urgency, literally making us count to
the second. For Bacolor, the future is
always here, or something we're always
expecting but never arrives.”
-Medium and technique
in contemporary art
have become more and
more integrated and the
works have crossed
boundaries between art
and science, and even between mediums
and techniques. The works are also based
on digital and electronic technology, as well
as reformulated traditional methods
Cristina Taniguchi
amoeba animalia
 These animals were known to
have emanated from the earth
millenium years ago, being
sighted in Mariyah Gallery
vicinities. Its original form is
unknown although it is
believed that the Amoebaluza
lizardo could still evolve into
another form anytime it
askal chaki
 From distant millenium up to its
extinction in the early 20th century, this
particular animal (primordial form) took
so many unknown forms but research
would tell that one of the many forms it
took was as Alamo sapienspecies of
Birdus angelitus negros.
 Some of the forms the amoeba can
take. Center picture shows askal chaki,
the excavator dog, sniffing a bao-moeba
Dagata mamoza
 Dagata curazilla mamoza is classified within
remote time frame, if time of its possible
existence is talked about. As of this finding,
no seantologist (seantology- an non-extant
field in itself) could offer any explanation
about the mamoza’s real existence, but it is
believed to have dominated the sea between
the mysterious island of Siquijor and the
towering province island of Negros Oriental
 in the Central Visayas Philippines. However,
the seeming anonymity of this animal has
been brought to the attention of the
scientists due to the discovery of its fossil
during one of several excavations done at
the Mariyah Gallery in Dumaguete.
arizalta cosmo bi-(extra) terrestia
 Anonymous to many, arizalta cosmo bi-(extra)
terrestrial is an animal that thrives in
temperate, and as well as, tropical countries
like the Philippines. Most, especially, however,
this animal could exist where magnetic field is
strongest. In the province of Negros Oriental,
one of the known areas where strong
magnetic field is present is Dumaguete
City. The city sits on the strongest bolt of the
field. I sighted ariz in my own place in the
early ‘90’s. It was then in one of the driest day
of the month of April, 1990 that I saw a cosmic
ball floating silently over the gallery’s garden.
Benji Ranada
Humorus posterioris
 Morphology. It is a kind of an earth-
dwelling creature who loves to laugh
but always behind any or whatever
creature it encounters. Its diet
consists of moss, molds and music.
 Habits. An omneurnal creature, it
never sleeps and is always alert,
sometimes vexing other creatures’
peaceful slumber.
 Corresponds to a mixture of earth,
vines,and osseous elements. An
omniurnal creature, Carapatas never
sleep, love to hang out under window
sills and empty holes they fill. They
thrives in melancholic surroundings, and
feed on misery and/or misfortune of
other creatures
 Corresponds to a mixture of earth,
vines, osseous and
metallic elements. Omniurnal. Diet
consists mainly of moonlight and
monastic music but they are also
known to feed on silence.
 Very little is known about the traits
and habits of these elusive deep
dwelling creatures locally known as
“ShowKoi”, only that they are
believed to have descended from
creatures from ancient sunken
Michael Teves
Tikirrzin clangdjan (Kutong Lupa)
 A very malignant conventional disease
driving away the kutong lupa, and
resulted in discrimination; the others
died of toxic isolation, biological and
natural death. The only class
mammalias don’t have gender, don’t
bear babies or give birth, even science
cannot explain and until now no
definition from a bunch of philosophers
are obtaining.
 before the civilization of Greek, “zxigbin” was
mythologically believed to be the faithful
servants of the gods, and was named them
“Del phis” at that period. Del phis has the
fastest speed of all immortals in flying,
swimming, running, and walking. The Del phis
can travel a millennium of years in a minute of
time, actively comparable to the multi
psychedelic sensitivity of their senses. They
can pass through solid objects and can go
anywhere they wanted. The Del phis don’t
need food to eat but has a heart like that of a
human and wings like that of birds.
Danni Sollesta
 Tambaloslos (Tambobos voluptus
`kabayokis) belongs to the animal kingdom
of the class mammalia. It is endemic to
Negros Island but are mostly sighted south
of the island. Encounters with this animal
have become very rare. The last recorded
sightings were 2 decades ago in the
hinterlands of Mabinay, Bais and Siaton,
Negros Oriental. Human encroachment
into its natural habitat which is the forest
may have had fatal consequences on this
shy animal whose natural tendency when
encountering humans is to shed off its skin
after executing a shrilling neighing sound.
Balbalos Reptilius Dracos
 The word “abyan” is Cebuano terminology which means
guardian. It is rooted in the verb form “abay” meaning to go
with or to accompany. The babaylanes (animist priests and
priestesses who take care of the well being of the community
they serve in relation to nature and the supernatural beings
who also inhabit this earth.) essentially by the nature of their
profession which is fraught with danger have to have abyans
not only to protect them but also as a means of
transport. When the babaylan performs ritualistic activities
he or she has to invoke the presence of his/her guardian.
Rituals are a come on not only to the benevolent spirits
invoked but also malevolent ones who would like to disrupt
the solemnity of the ritual by possessing the babaylan’s body
when he/she is most vulnerable i.,e., when his/her soul is
separated from the body during a trance. It is the guardian’s
duty to ward off these malevolent spirits.
 The guardian is supposed to be fierce and strong and its
mere presence prevents those who were not welcome from
coming near the area where the ritual is performed.
Askalos Baslayos Buhukos (OKo)
 This mischievous animal inhabits cliffs and
crevasse of the Negros Island. It feeds
mostly on birds and fowls eggs. But
occasionally it also sucks blood of other
animals. Amazingly, when it feeds on
eggs, it does not break the shell. In fact,
one would hardly notice the small puncture
that indicates the egg has been eaten
already. The sharp and pointed tongue
really does its job of sucking the egg dry to
the core.
 The Oko is said to have a stealth ability
and it moves very fast too. However, its
body also emits an awful smell which
signals its presence. A smell which is like
that of a burning rotten wood.
Mark Valenzuela
 Corresponds to a mixture of a worm and a snake.
Studies indicate that the strong backbone has
developed over time to enable it to bore through and
feed on harder matter. There are rumors among the
indigenous people of Alegria that the Annelida
Constructiva has the ability to feed on live animals.
This may have developed over time and like other
scavengers it probably targets the sickly or weak.
There are stories of the Annelida Constructiva
feeding on humans. The story tells of the creature
invading the body of a human and slowly feeding on
it. At first it will go unnoticed, until the creature grows
and grows until it has completely consumed its host.
Annelida Constructiva

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