Adaptive Elearning Framework

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Integrated Adaptive E-Learning



Plan of Presentation
 Introduction
 Elearning Benefits
 Issues in Elearning
 Need for adaptive content
 Elearning Framework
 Roles and Responsibilities
 Learning Style
 Left Brain vs Right Brain
 Adaptive Elearning
 Adaptive web
 Learning style adaptation
 Adaptive hypermedia
 Conclusion


What is E-Learning?
 Defined as “Pedgogy empowered by
Digital Technology”
 ‘Learning is facilitated and supported
through the use of Information and
Communications Technology-ICT’
 E-learning is the main tool of
internationalization of education
ELearning Benefits
 Web based educational systems have changed
the paradigm of teaching and learning. They
have made the teaching-learning independent of
time and space..
 Materials/Information stored and maintained at
one place can be accessed globally at any time on
 Traditionally web based educational systems
were developed by converting hard copies of
contents to electronic copies.

Issues in E-Learning
 Dr. Garry Woodill discusses on the causes of failure of e-learning
systems . issues which have to be sorted out in e-learning :
 Initial Design issues:
 Lack of identification of real problem or need for e-learning
 Instructional design and development issues
 Lack of detailed instructional design
 Failure to develop important design elements
 Focus on new technology not necessarily result in good
instructional design.
 Issues in maintenance
 Maintaining a web site by each faculty is a difficult task since
he/she has to constantly update the information.
 Changing technology and software versions poses maintenance a
difficult task.

Different Learning Approaches

Need for Adaptive Content

 The web content should be capable of

satisfying different users according to
their capabilities / abilities.
 A static content of general nature of a
web page makes a very boring reading
 Adaptive content is not only desirable but
also essential.

Generate Web

Brouse content
& learn
Submit Assignment, TECHNOLOGY

Design and Create

Content and web layout
Conduct Test & Evaluate
User Authentication,Security
& Web Site Maintenance
Provide Financial
& Moral
& Set Policies
Roles & Responsibilites
Sl. No Actor Roles & Responsibilities
Browses or downloads content and learns
Submits assignment
1 Student
Gives feed back on course
Participate in quiz & tests
Designs Instruction
Creates Content
Gives assignment
Evaluate students
2 Faculty
Gets Student Feedback
Analyses Web usage statistics
Improves content
Prepares and conduct quiz & tests
Authenticate User
Uploads course content
3 Course Administrator Maintains the Web Site
Monitors users and their actions 9

Provide Security
Roles & Responsibilites

Provides moral and financial support

4 Stake Holders Authorize users
Set Policies& guidelines

Provide technology support & services for

5 Technology Providers content creation, periodic generation of web
usage statistics

Learning Style Adaptation
 Many researchers agree on the fact that
learning materials shouldn’t just reflect of
the teacher’s style, but should be designed
for all kinds of students and all kind of
learning styles

Left Brain Right Brain

Verbal Non-Verbal
Abstract Analogous
Sequential Diffuse
Mathematical Geometry
Analytical Synthetic
Symbolic Visual
Linear Holistic
Logical Intuitive
Convergent Spatial



John Perkins
Adaptive Elearning
Adaptive Web Adaptive Educational

Adaptive E-Learning

Adaptive Web
 Adaptive information filtering
 Adaptive search
 Adaptive recommendation
 Social navigation
 Log mining
 Machine learning

Brusilovsky, P., Kobsa, A., and Neidl, W. (eds.) (2007) The Adaptive Web:
Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 4321, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer-Verlag.
Adaptive hypermedia

 Hypermedia systems = Pages + Links

 Adaptive presentation
 content adaptation

 Adaptive navigation support

 link adaptation

 Could be considered as “soft” sequencing

 Helping the user to get to the right content

Evaluating E-Learning Systems Using
E-Traceability Systems

Monthly visiting report

Students’ daily activities report

Students’ monthly activities report

Teachers’ daily activities report

Teachers’ monthly activities report
Comparison between two
courses: Students’ activities
reports 16
Style-Adaptive Hypermedia

 Different content for different style

 Recommended/ordered links
 Generated on a page
 Mixed evidences in favor
 Different navigation tools for different styles
 Adding/removing maps, advanced organizers, etc.
 Good review:
 Bajraktarevic, N., Hall, W., and Fullick, P. 2003. Incorporating
Learning Styles in Hypermedia Environment: Empirical Evaluation, In
Proceedings of Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive
Web-Based Systems, Nottingham, 41-52.

What You Can Get from Logs?

 Log processing and presentation

 Presenting student progress on topic and
concept level: making sense of class
 Course/site improvements
 Grouping users by learning styles
 Intelligent class monitoring
 Comparing progress, identifying students
way ahead and behind

Adaptation of Teaching
styles to Learning Styles
Learner Model Adaptation Domain Model
Goals and Narrative Meta Ontology
Preferences Data Graph
Learning Styles Narrative Story Learning
Board Objects
Knowledge & Story Board Content Meta
Performance Rules Data
Adaptation Engine
Quality in ELearning
 Of major importance in the context of eLearning is the teacher‘s ability to
provide students with quick feedback, prompt response and clear tasks; this
ability helps them to have good results such as:
 to know how to lead in communicating effectively to students;
 to use learning strategies to encourage collaborative learning, studentstudent
interaction and active learning;
 to adapt the instructional style to the students‘ learning styles;
 to know how to continue his efforts (in a consistent manner)
 to help students obtain the best results;
 to establish teacher-student, student-student, teacher-parent
 to provide an online syllabus which offers details about the relations
established during the eLearning process about teacher and student
roles , about the criteria for passage from one level of training to
another, about what is considered an undesirable behavior for both
teacher and student;
 to provide a curriculum which will very concisely specify the course
objectives, basic concepts that must be learned and the results of the
learning process; to assist students to organize their time more
efficiently, to monitor the progress of each individual student and to help
(by special programs) the students who are experiencing difficulties.

Integrated Adaptive Elearning Framework

 The great challenge is to draw up an
Integrated Elearning Framework which
 Adapts to individual Learning Styles and
presents contents accordingly and also
meets quality criteria of Learning
Management System.
 The entire system can be built using
Java Enterprise Edition Platform.
 This research work aims to build the
Integrated Adaptive Elearning Framework
Using Learner Model,Domain Model, and
Adaptation Model 22
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