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Career Planning and

"The energy spent trying to get revenge
can be better spent creating an amazing
life. Forget about them. Remember
• Understand importance of career, career planning
and career success
• Describe elements of career
• Understand objectives and importance of career
• Explain different cycles of career development
• Distinguish career and jobs
• Know about steps in succession planning
Career is a sequence of attitudes and behaviours
associated with the series of job and work
related activities over a person's lifetime

succession of related jobs, arranged in

hierarchical order
Whose Responsibility
• Company determined the speed and level the
employee will reach.
• The problem is environment for corporate has
• Life time employment???? ( certain,
• How are things different today?
Approach to Career planning
Debate Employee or Employer
Organization will tell
• Assign employees responsibility of managing
their own careers and provide them support
to do it.
• Business plan
• Strategic plan
• Collations
• Growth
• feedback
external career and
internal career
• External career refers to the objective
categories used by society and organizations
to describe the progression of steps through a
given occupation.
• internal career refers to the set of steps or
stages which make up the individual's own
concept of career progression with in an
Important Elements of Career
• It is a proper sequence of job related
• It may be individual-centred or organization-
• It is better defined as an integrated pace of
lateral movement in an occupation of an
individual over his employment span
Over view of career Development
• Career development essentially means the
process of increasing an employee's potential
for advancement and career change.
• process of planning the series of possible jobs
which an individual may hold in the
organization over time and developing
strategies designed to provide necessary job
skills as the opportunity arises.
Difference Career planning and career
• Career development is a systematic process of
guiding the movement of human resources of
an enterprise through different hierarchical
• Career planning is a process of establishing
career objectives for an employee (or by the
person himself) and developing planned
strategies to achieve them.
Difference Career planning and career
• Career management, on the other hand,
relates to specific human resource
management activities, such as recruitment,
selection, placement, and appraisal to
facilitate career development.
Why Career Development
• A suitable career development programme
enables employees to be better prepared for
future positions in the organization.
• to receive maximum contribution from
• makes more adaptable to changing
Why career Development
• It provides an objective basis to describe the
steps of progression in a given organization, and
therefore, minimises unfair promotion practices
of employees
• ensures equitable opportunity for career
• gives opportunities to employees to acquire more
skills, obtain desired jobs, share increased
responsibility, enjoy scope of job mobility and
derive increased job satisfaction.
poor career development programme
may affect an organization
• High employee turnover, particularly those in
their beginning of the career.
• Decreasing employment involvement, i.e.,
commitment to work.
Significance and Advantages of Career
• It reduces employee turnover by providing
increased promotional avenues.
• It improves employee morale and motivation.
• It enables organizations to man promotional
vacancies internally, thereby, providing
opportunities to reduce the cost of managerial
Significance and Advantages of Career
• It ensures better utilisation of employees'
skills and provides increased work satisfaction
to employee.
• It makes employees adaptable to the
changing requirement of the organization
• It reduces industrial disputes related to
promotional matters and thereby provides
opportunity to the organization to sustain
harmonious industrial relations.
Significance and Advantages of Career
• Employees' loyalty and commitment to the
organization can be substantially increased
and thereby organizations can enjoy the
privilege of increased employee productivity.
• Career development programmes being an
objective description of career progression,
ensure equitable promotional decisions even
for women and minorities in an organization
objectives of a career development
• To attract and retain effective persons in an
• organization.
• To utilise human resources optimally.
• To improve morale and motivation level of
• To reduce employee turnover.
• To practice a balanced 'promotion from within'
objectives of a career development
• To make employees adaptable to changes.
• To increase employees' loyalty and
commitment to the organizations.
• To maintain harmonious industrial relations.
• To inculcate equitable employment practices
equal career progression opportunities to
women and minorities
Types of Career Development
• organization development
• Employee development
• management development
• Career development.
Organizational development
• Organizational development programmes are
planned and managed from the top to bring
about planned organizational changes for
increasing the organizational effectiveness.
Management development

• Management development is concerned with

upgrading the manager's skills, knowledge and
ability of the employees to enable them to
accomplish the additional process of guiding
the movement of human resources through
different hierarchical levels
Stages of Career Development Process
• Exploratory Stage
• Establishment Stage
• Maintenance Stage
• Stage of Decline
Exploratory Stage
• Ensure the availability of accurate information
about the organization and the various
occupations existing in the organization to the
new employee.
• Create opportunities to enable new employees to
get acquainted with the organizational careers
through job rotation, internship, visit to different
units, seminars, etc.
• Sponsor educational and training programmes for
ensuring supply of potential talent in future
Establishment Stage
• Identification of the best possible talent for the
• organization;
• Communicating the correct and positive image of the
organization to the employee;
• Maximum learning and favourable attitudes of the
employees towards the organization;
• Assigning challenging jobs to employees to enable them to
test their abilities and skills;
• Providing adequate feedback on performance to the
employees to enable them to assess their strengths and
• Designing of development plan, identification of
development needs, deciding next career steps, etc.
Maintenance Stage
• A continuing process of performance
appraisals, feedback, career counselling, long-
range career planning to ensure proper
deployment of the employees and also to
enable them to feel challenged, motivated
and committed to the organization
Maintenance Stage
• Strategies to motivate plateaued employees, so
that they can be productively utilized even
without promotion.
• Adequate opportunities for transition from
specialist cadres to generalist positions at higher
echelons of the organization.
• Adequate career paths to enable employees to
accommodate their personal and family needs,
especially during critical phases in their life or
family cycle.
Maintenance Stage
• (e) Help employees to adjust to their changing
role as their career shifts from active
(operational) positions to advisory positions.
• (f) Help employees to prepare for retirement.
Decline Stage
• (a) Manage retirement without destroying the
employee's sense of self-worth.
• (b) Invent new and creative part-time roles for
retired employees which
Career anchors
• Career anchor is a syndrome of talents,
motives and values which gives stability and
• Such talents, motives and values give shape to
certain attributes, which an individual derives
from his early experiences and which help him
to conceptualize his own perceived career.
5 – Career Anchors
• Managerial Competence
• Technical / functional competence
• Security and stability
• Creativity and challenge
• Freedom and Autonomy
Managerial Competence
• Interpersonal Competence: the ability and
desire to handle a variety of interpersonal and
group situations. They can give leadership,
resolve group conflicts and also feel at ease
while tackling unfavourable situations to their
Managerial Competence
• Analytic Competence: This competence help
such employees to identify problems, analyse
the same an to develop situations to resolve
the problems. Analytical skill being an
important pre-requisite for success of
managers, such competence naturally makes
such employees befitting for managerial
Managerial Competence
• Emotional Competence: Employees bestowed
with such competence can bear high levels of
responsibility and even can afford to remain
cool in difficult situations which make them
competent to exert leadership powers without
much of a problem. Such competence
develops empathetic skills in employees
leading to a matureddecision making power
even in a situation of crisis.
Technical and Functional Competence
• Persons with such competence prefer to
remain in technically satisfying jobs than rising
to the higher managerial level. Such
technically satisfying jobs may be either
engineering, systems analysis or even different
functional areas of management like; finance,
personnel, marketing etc
Security and Stability
• Employees who are anchored in this competence
will always get motivated for a career which
ensures job security and/or long range stability in
the form of good retirement programmes. Such
people get motivated only when they are ensured
a stable career situation which may not even at
times be fitting to their level of knowledge and
skills and they may subordinate some personal
needs (for example, acceptance of less pay and
amenities) to satisfy their perceived security
Creativity and Challenge
• People with such syndrome are very few in
number. They become entrepreneurs more for
the sake of creating something new and to
have their own identity than for making
money. Such people when employed in an
organization always want to be functionally
autonomous to exercise their own special
Freedom and Autonomy
• There are some people in the organization who
always like to work at their own pace.
Organizational constraints like fixed working
hours, lack of variety of work, defined working
conditions etc. prevent them from becoming
functionally autonomous and independent. Such
people, due to absence of freedom or
independence in their organization, often leave
the job to start their own consultancy and
Career Development and Employee
• empowerment means giving everyone, instead of
just people with certain positions or certain job
titles, the legitimate right to make judgements,
form conclusions, reach decisions and then act.
• A career development process ensures
promotion of employees from one career path to
another. It gradually makes them independent
functionaries at later career stages.
issues to consider to empower
through a career development
• Commitment of the top management
• People need to be infused with a sense of
confidence to enable them to work to their
true potential
• Basic information like mission of the
organization, its objectives and plans, career
opportunities etc. need tobe communicated
to the people
• Available career planning resources in the
organization should also to be communicated
to the employees from time to time.
• The organization should help employees to
make them competent to sort out data,
formulate goals and overcome obstacles to
realise the goals.
• Employees also need to be communicated
about the status of their present position,
organizational expectations and their level of
• Individual managers should support their
employees in career planning.
• The organization should be responsible for the
individual career plans adopting an integrated
career development process, which
accommodates both individual and
organizational needs.
Career Planning and Career
Development Process
• an improved career planning process is the
joint responsibility of both the organization
and the employee
• Internal career needs (of individual
employee), therefore, need to be integrated
with the external career opportunities (of the
• Unfotunately –organizations don’t interact
Career Development and Family Issues
• Pay Attention to Family
Career paths to suite changing needs
• employees in their life cycle
• New Employee Vs Old Employee
Steps in Career Planning Process
• Prepare personnel skills inventories - such
information is computerised and periodically
reviewed and updated.
• Develop career paths for employees
• Right Man at the right Place
• Impart Training
• Career Counselling
Prepare personnel skills inventories

• The organization structure and the persons

manning different positions in the
organization, their age, education, experience,
training and career goals, status, duties and
• The performance record and ratings,
interpersonal abilities of the employees
Prepare personnel skills inventories

• Their preferred location, desires and

• Whether the present strength is short or
surplus to the requirements, if it is short, the
extent of shortage at different levels and the
organizational resources available to make
good such shortages in future. If it is surplus,
the measures available to redeploy them
through proper restructuring.
Prepare personnel skills inventories

• Future requirement of manpower for

expansion or diversification of the company or
for natural wastages like; death, disability,
retirement, discharge and dismissal,
resignation, etc.
Developing Career paths
• logical mapping out of jobs, which represent a
potential progression tract that an employee
may follow over time. Such mapping of job
progressions are done in the form of career by
ladders clubbing together similar lines of
occupations in job families.
Right Man at the Right Job
• Identify suitable employees who have the ability,
potential and willingness to take up higher
responsibilities and rise up the organizational
• performance appraisal and merit rating system.
This system enables organizations to compare the
performance measures of different individuals in
terms of job requirements and helps in
identifying training requirements, selecting for
promotions, providing financial rewards etc.
Impart Training
• formulation and implementation of training
and development
Career Counselling
• Career Counselling provides guidance to the
employees on occupational training,
education and career goals.
Succession Planning
• Succession planning is done in different time
frames to ensure the availability of right
managerial personnel at the right time in right
positions for continuing organizational vitality
and strength
Steps in Succession Planning
• prepare and develop a management staffing plan for
all anticipated needs in different time
• The second step is staffing and development.
• ensure congenial organizational environment to retain
the desired managerial personnel
• develop a good performance appraisal system to get
feedback on managerial performance and to review
their progress and shortfalls
• Preparation of the management resource inventory is
the final step in the succession planning. Such
inventory contains details of personal data,
performance records,
Management Development
• Scientific training process for managers and
executives to enrich their knowledge and
skills, so as to make them competent to
manage their organizations effectively.
MDP -Steps
• To look at the organization's objectives
• To ascertain the development needs
• To appraise the present performance of
managerial staff;
• To prepare manpower inventory
• To plan for individual development programmes;
• To establish training and development
• To evaluate different programmes a
Objectives of management
development programmes
• requisite knowledge and skill to meet the
present and anticipated future needs of the
• To encourage managers to develop their full
potentiality for handling greater responsibility.
• improve the functional competence of the
managers- making them trasparent and
• sustain good performance of the managers
throughout their career by, not allowing them
to develop managerial obsolescence.
• develop managers for higher assignments,
duly replacing the elderly executives.
MDP Infuses
• Attitudinal change
• Behavioural change
• Change in knowledge and skills
• Change in performance
• Change in desired operational results
MDP objective – Top management
• To improve the thought process and analytical
ability so as to enable the top level managers
to understand the problems and take
managerial decisions in the best interest of
the organizations in particular and the country
in general
middle-level management
• To establish a clear picture of executive functions and
• To bring an awareness of the broad aspects of management
problems, and an acquaintance with, and appreciation of
inter-departmental relations;
• To develop the ability to analyse problems and to take
appropriate action.
• To develop familiarity with the managerial uses of financial
accounting, psychology, business law and business
• To inculcate knowledge of human motivation and human
relationships; and
• To develop responsible leadership.
MDP – Functional Level Exectives

• To increase functional knowledge in specific

fields in which the executive works, like;
marketing, production, finance, personnel.
• To increase proficiency in different
management techniques like work study,
inventory control, operations research, quality
• To stimulate creative thinking for improving
methods and procedures;
MDP – Functional Level Exectives

• To understand different functions in a

• To understand human relations problems
• To develop the ability to analyse problems in
one's area or function.
Techniques - MDP
• job rotation
• 'Assistant-to-positions' at executive level
• Projects and Boards
Organization Development
• Srategy or an effort, whichis planned and
managed from the top, to bring about
planned organizational changes for increasing
organizational effectiveness through planned

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